GMW (Grandmothers, Mothers and Women), 2022 is going to be pivotal for the Democrats. First of all, before we go any further we need our party leaders to know, “It’s time to PLAY-HARD BALL, with Joe Manchin and Kristen Cinema, and #45’s GOP.
Kyrsten Sinema needed to be censored by the Democrats In Arizona. But, why wasn’t Joe Manchin relieved of the committees he chairs. He currently serves as the Chairman of four (4) critical Senate Committees: The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and also serves on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Armed Services, and the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. If he can’t support his president, and party’s agenda, then he should be stripped of those chaired responsibility.
GMW (Grandmothers, Mothers and Women), 2022 is going to be pivotal for the Democrats. First of all, before we go any further we need our party leaders to know, “It’sKristen cinema, Joe mansion, Democrats, time to PLAY-HARD BALL, with Joe Manchin and Kristen Cinema,  and #45’s GOP.
Kyrsten Sinema needed to be censored by the Democrats In Arizona. But, why wasn’t Joe Manchin relieved of the committees he chairs. He currently serves as the Chairman of four (4) critical Senate Committees:  The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and also serves on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Armed Services, and the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. If he can’t support his president, and party’s agenda, then he should be stripped of those chaired responsibilities.

 Joe Manchin, from one of the poorest states has advocated for a rise only to $11 an hour, as he drives his Maserati to his yacht. Manchin has said that he doesn’t want to pass a paid leave bill. Washington, D.C. (May 11, 2021):  More than two-thirds of West Virginia voters support the For the People Act, including a super-majority of #45 voters, according to findings of a RepresentUs poll. New Poll: Voters in West Virginia Support Voting Rights Legislation, Want Senator Manchin to Vote to Modify Senate Rules to Allow It to Pass.
We made Biden president not Joe Manchin, if he can’t support his president and party, Then what’s the point of keeping him there. The American people need results not political Power struggles. If Joe wants to be a republican, then give up the seat, and run for it as a republican. Give the Democrats an opportunity to put someone in that seat who would represent our beliefs and support the goals of the party. Should we lose such a race, at least we’ll know what we’re working with.
Hardball needs to start with these 8 senators who voted against the $15.minimum wage bill. If they can’t support their parties Platform, for their constituents needs, then what purpose are they serving, holding those positions. The eight senate Democrats who voted against raising the minimum wage are collectively worth over $43 million they are
- Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)
- Krysten Sinema (D-Ariz.)
- Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)
- Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.)
- Joe Tester (D-Mont)
- Tom Carper (D-Del.)
- Chris Coons (D-Del.)
- Angus King (I-Maine)
These Senators needs to be put on BLAST, because, Justice Stephen Breyer 83 is retiring from the Supreme Court at the end of June 2022. Biden promised to nominate a Black Woman for the vacancy; and when he appoints that woman we need all 50 Senators on Board.
Democrats, we need to start believing, that we will maintain our majority in Congress in 2022. GMW, is sick and tired of hearing mainstream media and everyone else who has a platform speculating that the Democrats are going to lose those majorities, In 2022. The GOP is doing absolutely nothing to create a platform that the American people, who has principles and values will want to vote for in 2022. Their voter suppression laws are meant for one reason, to keep voters from the polls by any means necessary, so they can win elections and offer America’s voters nothing.
As soon as Governor Glenn Younkins got sworn into office, his true GOP’s persuasion took center stage. He has the nerve to ban CRT(Critical Race Theory) being taught in Virginia’s schools. He has agreed with #45 and the new GOP policies.
If President Biden and his party continue bringing his message to the people as he did in Philadelphia yesterday, after the collapse of that bridge; the Democrats won’t have any problems winning 2022 elections.
GMW will guarantee taking back some of those governorsships we lost in 2010. If you, our Democratic Leaders would show us Some go get it tenacity, with confidence and hardball, sprinkled with principles and morals; give us something to feel good about and proud of, we’ll deliver you the vote.
As always, our messages are presented in the name of Jesus. Amen