GMW Handbook for 2020

We’re Being Manipulated

The first case of COVID-19 in the US which was reported on January 22, 2020, since then, the country has reported 3,260,500 cases and 134,581 deaths.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW), If we want real change across America, while doing all we can to save our children, families, and country, we must first KEEP THEM ALIVE. We must Get our priorities in order. Each of us is responsible for doing our part, and it starts in each of our homes. We must lead by example: wear a mask; practice social distancing; wash hands often; get tested depending on your movement or travel; avoid crowds; and last, but not least, get to the voting polls on November 3, 2020.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Me, My Grands and Great-grands

All of my grandchildren, from 1 year to 17 years, have been on serious lock down over the past 5 months, and their parents are riding shotgun over them. As I have traveled from state to state, while visiting my sister, brothers and other family members during their health challenges, I followed safety protocols for the protection of myself and others by wearing face masks, gloves and using hand-sanitizer, alcohol sprays, and Lysol. Upon returning home, I always get a Covid-test and quarantine before going around my family or others. I believe we can control this virus if we do our part and listen to updates given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) health departments, mayors, and the governor.

GMW, America will never be the same again because we all now see the things we have in common are much greater than all the differences. We must make sure that we, along with our children, learn American History—the good, the bad and the ugly. There are no statues of Hitler in Germany because they know the true story. Hitler was a brutal leader who killed more than 10 million people to create a “pure†German society, which resulted in the ruin of Germany at the end of World War II. Throughout America’s educational systems and society in general, it is time for a serious, honest, and complete examination of our history for accuracy and revision.

George Floyd was the sacrificial lamb to wake up America and the world. Americans in all 50 states are protesting the great injustices that have been allowed to exist in this country. While the demonstrations have put focus on our problems, we have to legislate solutions. GMW, we are responsible for making sure our states are addressing problems individually and pursue changes and justice at the national level. We must keep the majority in the House of Representatives, achieve a majority in the Senate, and win the White House in November 2020. We need a majority in the House and Senate to unite America. We must seriously start holding the people we choose to represent us accountable and demand that they do their jobs, or we must make them one-term by voting to remove them from office. Ladies, we MUST realize the value of our power, especially OUR VOTE. Our country must have credible leadership which reflects the entire America landscape – white, black, brown, red, and yellow, without respect to gender or religion.

In the comingv months, we can support and help our next President (Joe Biden) by maintaining a focus on the dying American Middle Class and the issues brought forth in The Poor People’s Campaign, as conducted by Rev. William Barber. The platform demands that we dispel the notion that systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, and the war economy hurt only a small segment of our society. More than 40,600,000 Americans subsist below the poverty line; this report additionally shows that there are close to 140 million people dealing with some combination of these crises every day. Nearly half of our population cannot afford a $400 emergency, which presents a structural crisis of national proportion that ties poverty to things like healthcare and housing. The devastation cuts across race, gender, age, and geography. It has carved a dangerous and deepening moral chasm in America and inflicts a tragic loss of purpose, even among the affluent. Mr. Biden has to address these issues. He needs our votes to win.

This we Pray in the Name of Jesus…Amen?

America’s Injustice In Living Color

GMW nationally our children, the millennials have joined forces across the country protesting police brutality On our sons and daughters of color. We have been Protesting police brutality on our people of color for generations. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
George Floyd Living His Life

On Monday May 25th 2020, America and the world witness the lynching of 46 years George Floyd, by 4 White MPO. Their immediate punishment was being fired. Today May 29th those officers still have not been arrested or charged. But a CNN  Black Reporter was arrested, while his White Partner a small distance away, was not arrested. MPD’s Racism is blatant, and they are not unique. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
George Floyd Losing His Life

Across our country, our Millennials black and white are joining forces. indicating they have had enough, our President Mr. Trump, is instructing our military and police to start shooting as soon as there is looting. GMW, none of us Condone violence in any form,but our justice system in America has to apply to our children of color, the same as they treat my white sons & daughters. Example: Mohamed Noor, who is black, Somali and Muslim,became the first Minnesota police officer convicted of murder in an on-duty killing, of Justine Ruszczyk, who was white.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

Officer Noor and his partner were in their squad car in an alley investigating when Ms. Ruszczyk approach. Officer Noor said he heard a bang and fired one shot from the passenger seat when Justine appeared at the driver’s window, he feared for their life. During cross-examination assistant county attorney, Amy Sweasy asked Mr. Noor,â€Her blonde hair, and pink T-shirt and all, that was a threat to you. It’s assumed, Black Officers should have no fear? And, feel no fear when white people show-up, as is the case of Mr. George Floyd.

Now unfortunately, our children are protesting across the country because (4) white racist, un-empathetic white officers killed a man in handcuffs. They should have been arrested and let justice prevail. Our President is behaving like a spoil Bret with Twitter, while COVID-19 has killed over 100,000 Americans with 1.7m tested positive, he’ simply deflecting.  Our millennials across the country is protesting the 400 years of injustice, and Mr. Trump wants to Invoke the 1960 southern policy of when looting starts shooting begins. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
ST. Paul Minnesota Burning

Our children destroyed the police department in St.Paul last nite, and placed themselves in great danger, that we don’t condone, but they’re still alive and some are in jail, where those 4 officers should be! George Floyd is just the Tip-of the Ice-berg. It’s time white police-brutality against black people has to change.  GMW all of us has to be just as outrage regarding injustice as our children, if we do our part, they won’t have to use their methods. I’m so glad our children has join forces, because our police officers, think nothing of shooting my children, but will choose a different method when it comes to those who looks like them. 

In all the madness and the pandemic crisis, America and the world is facing, we will hold on to Jeremiah 29:11.

I’ve been checking news around the world and they are all focus on America. Plus the police in Minneapolis are still blatantly lying, they said they release Omar, the Black Reporter, after they discover he was with the media. He was covering the news with a microphone in his hand, while showing them his credentials. It appears they have become so comfortable in their racist behavior, until they forget, their behavior is caught on cameras, live and in color,  as it was for Amy Cooper, in Central Park, The same for Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia.  Even though the Georgia police department, suppressed the film in their Effort to cover-up the killing of Mr. Arbery.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Ahmaud Arbery killed for no reason except, Racism

With all of the advocacy for justice, peace and change, nothing has happen, maybe after a police station has been burned. We will all start paying attention. From the White House to the Outhouse. GMW, we will continue to pray for justice, peace, and empathy, in Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

What’s Mitch McConnell And The GOP Trying To Hide

We All Know What A Trial Looks Like, And This Is Not It:

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell: GMW needs to hear the facts.

We will not raise our families under a: Hitler Mentality brewing slavery conditions.

Carl Bernstein has given Mitch McConnell a new nickname, “Midnight  Mitch,†because he’s embracing a coverup that is there for all to see. It’s about preventing information from becoming-known-and-seen by an American public.

He also noted, ‘in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton there had been no problem about knowing the truth or the facts.

Present the facts Mitch, and let the defense, defend. 

Mitch McConnell, what are you so afraid of, that placed a “Price Tag† on your CHARACTER and SOUL, what a Price.

While  Mitch McConnell is putting a price tag on his Soul, President Trump is preparing to divert an additional $7.2 billion in Pentagon funding for border wall construction this year, five times what Congress authorized him to spend on the project in the 2020 budget.

If Mr. Trump lied about making the Mexicans build his expensive wall, what else is he lying about?

I think GMW, “that small segment of the population, that makes up the base of Trumps Following, has been so devastated by having a Black President until, they will except any White man, as president, even if he couldn’t spell his name.â€
Which is the real reason they are so willing to let Trump get away with things, they would killed Barack for doing.

If this is not true, then I’m asking God to please have my nose dragging the ground by the next time you see me!!!

The Ball’s In Our Court.

The Love Light of Grandmothers-Mothers-Women And America

Grandmothers-Mothers-Women (GMW), We have 24 Days  to fight for our way of life and that of our children.

Over fifty years ago Rosa Parks sat-down as one woman, and changed a nation.

Donald Trump and his Rogue-Supreme-Court Justices, got rid of Rob v Wade after  almost  52 years.  Now they want to destroy  our Constitution and Democratic way of life. What will we leave our next generation?

GMW, now the ball is in our court, “ Are we going to Pass or Play. Each of us has access to the same power which is: Our Dollars, Our Vote, Our God and  Our Love. 

To my White Sisters, ’In January 2017, So, many of us were in Washington  DC. together and so many of you were  there  mourning  the vote you cast for #45.  Now its time to vote for your Values.

I can’t imagine any woman today giving  Donald Trump or the States, power to control  her body,  and LGBTQ  giving up their right to love whom they choose.

We’re Thanking Our Creator for His Grace, Mercy And Favor, For Our 47th POTUS

Kamala Harris-Tim Walz


Norfolk-Hampton Family – Friends:

Early Voting has started in Va.  9/20/24 M-F 9:am -5:pm.


NORFOLK:  CITY HALL:  810 Union St, Norfolk, VA 23510

Free parking and light rail for voting convenience.

Hello My Fellow Virginians, family and Friends, I was able to email, text, place on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger the National Democratic Ballot. But due to the complexities of local municipalities. I’m not able to provide you either of  those. But, it’s imperative that you know whom your Mayor, City Council, School Board, and all other offices that has an immediate impact on your daily lives.

All of those local officers determine, your child’s education, water, sewer, electric, hospital, safety of your cities, how your taxes are collected and used. Your local election has a more immediate impact on your daily life, than the national one. 

But, for the first time in our countries history, we have someone who wants to be POTUS and get rid of our constitution and democracy; plus he wants to be a dictator. And most of all he’s not qualified to ever be president of anything.

Norfolk, it’s important that, “Kenneth Alexander remains our Mayor; and Phillip Hawkins joins our City Council representing, “ Super Ward-7.”

So Virginia let’s make Blue our color.

Democratic Party: If we can’t beat a convicted Felon, we’re a sorry excuse for a Party.

The Democrats are cutting off their nose to spite their faces. 

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW), I have been a Democrat all my life, simply because the GOP’s platform never included people of color and poor people.

I embrace the Democratic platforms, but not their lack of backbone. It seems when the going gets tough, they put on their punk-clothes and turn on their own.

There’s no greater challenge our country and the world is facing right now than Project 2025, which is poised to take us back to the 1960s, “Jim Crow” and white supremacy. Elect a man who tried to overthrow our government on January 6, ban abortions, take away the rights of LGBTQ people, affirmative action, and doesn’t feel white America can handle the stent of slavery in American History.

The American people are much smarter than the MAGA Candidate. We know much more about Trump’s lack of character now than we knew in 2020. Biden beat him then, so why in hell do you think Biden-Harris can’t beat: A convicted felon, a guilty sex abuser rapist, Jeffery Epstein papers label him a pedophile, insurrectionist, 91 counts of election fraud, 34 count felony conviction, convicted of $355 million fraud charges in New York, charged in Florida with violating the espionage act, he a narcissist-misogynist, and a racist white supremacist. Now! “Look at Biden‘s record for the past three years; And, the character of the man, and tell us why he can’t beat Donald Trump again. 

For all white Democrats and Democratic Leaders who want Biden to drop out, “You have a hidden agenda because going back to the 1960s doesn’t have much impact on you and your children. They will be in private schools; you can also agree, “more white babies need to be born. Plus, you are not comfortable with a black-very-qualified woman being as close to the most powerful office in the world. Based on polls that does not sample your base. The polls always lie; they said Hillary was going to win in 2016.

For the scared Dems, your base knows how to win in spite of you. We won for Barack twice, Trump was a 270 vote President, and acted like one. We elected Biden-Harris in 2020 and we will do it again in 2024 if he doesn’t allow his-no-backbones Democrats and spineless big donors to talk him out of running.

If you disrespect Kamala Harris, your base is history. And we can all start preparing to live under an autocrat and Project 2025. Because Democrats, you gave the election to them.

GMW, Lord, forgive us, but give us strength, “when they go low, we get under them, not in character but backbone.” In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

This is going to be our prayer until November 5, 2024.

#Democrats #BidenHarris2024 #Project2025 #PoliticalCommentary #Vote2024 #LGBTQRights #BlackLivesMatter #WomensRights #PoliticalActivism #Election2024


Democrats, Independents and Libertarians: When someone tells you who they are believe them!!!

Main Stream Media: “Trump tells you what his platform is, why don’t you spend time talking about it. America needs to hear it.”Instead of his criminal trial daily. Let the law apply to him as it does for everyone else. We don’t need to hear it 24/7.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children (GMWSOC). This year we must save our children, ourselves and our country from MAGA Madness. To repeat America’s history again will enslave all of us, and cause a repeat of 1776, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” The MAGA Party needs to be Dismantle and the real GOP come back, they embody decency, which Mega doesn’t have a clue what decency entails, the country can’t afford them.

GMW (grandmothers, mothers and Women), BBB: Build Back Better is all inclusive, it gives each of us a right to choose, And we choose going forward not backwards. America fought the British in 1776 mainly for White Supremacist American freedom and independence. But now we must vote this year for the same issues for all Americans, to save our freedom and independence.”

The MAGA Majority House of Representatives is busy trying to dress like trump while fighting among themselves. Some members of The MAGA Supreme Court has turned the American flag upside down at their homes. The MAGA Presidential candidate is currently in a New York criminal court, charged with 34 counts of Hush Money fraud, has Three cases pending, (1)Federal Election Interference, (2) Georgia Election Interference, and (3) classified Documents. I’m sure some of us has wondered if some of the turmoil in the world today is attributed to some of the missing documents getting into the wrong hands. 

We all know the primary reason the Mega candidate wants to be president again is to make sure all of his pending cases disappear; and those who brought the chargers against him are punished. He will then make himself a dictator; get rid of our Constitution and Democratic way of life, all of these issues are silently on the  November 5, 2024 ballot.

GMW We have the power to protect our Constitution and Democratic way of life. In The name of Jesus, “I pray we vote to do just, that.”

#Our constitution#Democracy#Houseofrepresentatives#magaplatform#BBBplarform

Biden-Harris Please Pardon Marilyn Mosley

Marilyn Mosby wants a presidential pardon. She’s not asking quietly.

She’s asking respectful for what she wan and deserves. She’s not accusing the Biden administration of trying to prosecute her or cause her harm or a political witch-hunt.

NAACP Leads Civil Rights Organizations in Nationwide Call for Presidential Pardon of Marilyn Mosby: Grandmothers, Mothers and  Women (GMW) has joined the Call.

The NAACP sent a letter to Joe Biden asking him to pardon Marilyn Mosby, the former state’s attorney for Baltimore. Mosby attracted national attention as a “progressive” prosecutor for her willingness to charge the six police officers involved in the murder of Freddie Gray, a young Black man who was killed while in police custody.

Mosby is on the receiving end of a malicious political prosecution, because of her efforts to get Justice for Freddy Gray. And the applications of Equal Justice under the law all.

President Biden, the southern borders, Israel, Ukraine, and Palestine; all need the attention of the POTUS. But, your population of  Color needs it even more. You desperately need our vote to remain in office , Turn Congress Blue, so some work can get done for the America People, and make sure Donald Trump never come anywhere near our oval office again, even to visit. With 34 convictions, he needs to leave politics. And; that’s what we’re prepared to help you do.

So Please PARDON  MARILYM MOSBY, and let’s Build Back A Better America for All. This we pray in Jesus name. Amen



She was sentence to on May 23, 2024 , She needs her reputation restored, so she can continue her political career without the tarnished of trumped up charges; Also, While millions of dollars in PPP loans to GOP-MAGA were forgiven, they criticize cancellation of student debt? 

BALTIMORE, MD – AUGUST 24: State’s Attorney for Baltimore, Maryland, Marilyn J. Mosby is interviewed by Shoshana Guy, Senior Producer NBC News (not pictured) while walking through the Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood, where Freddie Gray was arrested, on August 24, 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland. (Photo by Larry French/Getty Images for BET Networks)

Marilyn deserves to be pardon and her record expunged. She deserves equal Justice under our laws. The same Justice allotted to Donald Trump, who mismanaged almost 40 folders of top-secret documents, sedition against our country, impeached twice, and still has the opportunity to be running for President. While the MAGA Governor of Georgia, Pardons a convicted murderer and restore to him is gun rights.

Marilyn has done nothing wrong, “other than pissed off some people, by trying to level the Justice playing field, and those with the desire to make sure any officers of the law who happen to be people of color stay in their place, and never apply the law to them.

Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW, of all colors), our rights are being treated as ‘Marilyn Mosby’s.’ When our MAGA JUSTICES of the Supreme Court’s has gone rogue, And, some are flying our flag upside down at their NJ home. And, our right to choose is in their hands. Ms. Mosby was originally given 40 years for spending her own money,

GMW: we have work to do”Making sure, come November 5, 2024. We are putting people in seats who is willing to put the Americas’s people and our democracy first. 

We have a total of 468 seats in Congress, 33 in sent in the Senate and 435 in the house; we have 11 governors seats, 10 attorney generals and 7 secretary of state, and most of all, “A president who believes in our democracy.” All of the above positions has a profound impact on our lives!

So President Biden please Pardon Marilyn Mosby and expunge those records that should not have existed in the first place. 

GMW is thinking you in advance, and praying in the name of Jesus that Marilyn Mosby’s life is restored to her. And, our Democratic way do life is maintained. Amen


President Biden, “ You Need To Pardon, Marilyn Mosby.”

GMW (grandmothers, mother and women) and all people of color, and especially our Black powerful person. we’re being systematically victimized by our judicial system, and so many of our children has more access to weapons than fresh-fruits. 

Currently: 84 children under 12 has been Killed by guns this year and 199 injured. Teens ages 12-17, 432 Killed and 1165 injured.

Marilyn Mosby, was addressing systemic issues in our judicial system, and attempting to balance the playing field. And now the call for President Biden to pardon her, underscore the urgency of addressing these issues.  Colin Kaepernick activism in  raising awareness about social injustice, also parallels Moby efforts and the consequences.  It’s crucial to continue discussion and action aim at achieving equality and fairness for all individuals, regardless of race of background.

Mosby gained national attention following the killing of Freddie Gray in 2015, after which she led a highly publicized investigation and an unsuccessful murder prosecution of the police officers who arrested and transported Gray.

Sign the petition to pardon Ms. Mosby

This we’re praying for this in Jesus Name. Amen

“Assessing Our Presidential Candidates: A Focus on Values and Competence.”

Candidates for President:

Both candidates are elderly, but one lacks competence and Core Values.

What are Core Values you ask? “Core values are traits or qualities that are not just worthwhile, they represent an individual’s or an organization’s highest priorities, deeply held beliefs, and core, fundamental driving forces. They are the heart of what your organization and its employees stand for in the world.”

Grandmothers, mothers, and women (GMW) we’re concerned about the capabilities of one candidate to handle the responsibilities of the Oval Office and global affairs. He exhibits desires for autocracy to mask his shortcomings. One man rule no questions asked!

  1. One is Married to 1 woman 47 years, and  another in his third marriage, has 5 court cases in 5 different courts, is currently in criminal court, for election fraud, with 34 charges, that he claims last lost of voter fraud, And, takes credit for reversing Roe V Wade.
  2. He can’t keep his hands to himself.
  3. Has miss-manage his business 6 times. 
  4. He has no respect for women
  5. He wants to get rid of our democratic way of life, which will have a crucial impacts on the population of Americans under 50, who has more years in front of them, than behind them.

GMW of America, “how can we allow a candidate like this (in any political party) to occupy the highest office in the world? Our concern about the upcoming election in 2024, is urging Americans to vote based on their core values. It emphasizes the importance of safeguarding rights, such as the right to choose and the future of democratic governance, as well as considering the impact on future generations. He is a narcissistic misogynist.

GMW and America: “Have you looked at, and prayed over your core values lately? Let’s pray that each of us allow our core values to guide our vote November 5, 2024. This is our prayer in Jesus Name. Amen.

#presidentialcandidates#Election2024#GMW (Grandmothers, MothersWomen)#Competence#CoreValues#Autocracy#Respect#Democraticgoverance#Reproductive Rights.

A Call to Action: Shaping the Future of Our Democracy

Tags: #Democracy, #VotingRights, #SocialJustice, #LGBTQRights, #GunControl, #Healthcare, #Election2024


In a time when our democratic values are under threat, and social justice issues dominate public discourse, it’s more important than ever to stand up, speak out, and shape the future of our country. The recent speech by President Biden not only offered a breath of fresh air but also reminded us of the work that lies ahead. As we look forward to November 2024, let’s rally around the causes that define the soul of American democracy.

Safeguarding Democracy:

The essence of American democracy is at stake. With efforts to undermine the right to vote and the integrity of our elections, the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act has never been more critical. This act aims to restore and strengthen the provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, ensuring every American has unfettered access to the ballot box.

Women’s Rights at the Forefront:

The battle for women’s rights, particularly the right to choose, is another cornerstone of our 

collective fight. Codifying Roe v. Wade into law is not just about preserving women’s health and autonomy; it’s about upholding our moral and democratic values.

LGBTQ+ Rights and the Fight for Equality:

In the face of attempts to roll back the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, we must stand firm in our support for marriage equality and the broader spectrum of LGBTQ+ rights. The freedom to love and marry who we choose is a fundamental right that must be protected.

Criminal Justice Reform:

The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act represents a crucial step toward accountability and justice in law enforcement. By addressing practices like qualified immunity and promoting necessary reforms, we can begin to heal the wounds of systemic racism and ensure safety and fairness for all citizens.

Gun Control and Community Safety:

The epidemic of gun violence in our communities demands a comprehensive response. It’s time to implement sensible gun control measures that protect our children and our future while respecting the rights of responsible gun owners.


As we approach the elections, we have a responsibility to advocate for these critical issues. Our vote is a powerful tool for change, a declaration of our values, and a step toward the future we envision for our country. Let’s make our voices heard and make America a beacon of democracy, justice, and equality once again.

Call to Action:

Register to vote, educate yourself on the issues, and support candidates and initiatives that align with our shared vision for a just and inclusive society. Together, we can shape a future that reflects the true soul of American democracy.

Tags Revisited. #Democracy, #VotingRights, #SocialJustice, #LGBTQRights, #GunControl, #Healthcare, #Election2024

Don’t Give The Devil A Ride, He’ll Want To Drive

Does This Song Epitomizes Anyone You Know?

Well, Grandmothers mothers, and Women (GMW); The MAGA-GOP would like to give #45 another ride, even though he stole the car. 

Well, Grandmothers mothers, and Women (GMW); The GOP gave #45 a ride in 2016, even though he took their car and put them out, Now, they are ready to give him a ride in a Jet-plane, paid for with what is supposed to be our Supreme Court.

 He, tried to overthrow Our Democratic Process January 6, “Now,  he wants to be dictator for one day, then  he’ll become an autocrat (a ruler who has absolute power). He’s telling us how he intends to do it.  They are going to maximize (reverse psychology); Below is the 1st example.

Merrick Garland makes it clear the Biden regime intends to cheat in the 2024 election,” former Fox News producer Kyle Becker wrote in a post to X, formerly Twitter. “The Biden AG said election integrity measures like voter IDs & drop box bans are ‘discriminatory, burdensome & unnecessary.’ This is how cheaters talk. The fix is in.”

It’s Time, The DNC need to hire the best Public Relations Firm in the 🌎 to expose the  GOP-MAGA Group, and FACT-CHECK Their Lies, starting with the Merrill Garland Lie above.

The Democratic’s Has To Stop Showing up at GUN-FIGHTS With BUTTER KNIVES. The GOP has given the Dems Assault Weapons, Now It time to use them.

HELP GMW BRAG ABOUT THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS ON THE BIDEN-HARRIS ADMIN.  Biden is 81, Kamila Harris is 59, Age  has wisdom, Youth has Energy  and Execution.

THE GOP-MAGA has Trump, NO Wisdom, and only his opinion  Matters!!!


Don’tGiveTheDevilA Ride#He’llWantTo Drive#nowisdom#onlytrupmsopinion#Our Democratic Process January 6#The DNCneed to hire the best Public Relations Firm#to exposethegop#magagroup#