We Have Work To Do

A political symbol of the democratic party.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women,(GMW): Getting Capable Leadership In our Oval Office, November 3, 2020, is our Number one (1) priority right now. 

In 2016:We won the the Popular Vote but, LOST to the Electoral College, that must never happen again!!

The current occupant of our oval office, is doing everything in their power to deflect our attention away from He’s in adequate leader-ship such as: Campaigning from the Rose Garden; trying to discredit Dr. Fauci (A most respected, trusted and  believable Scientist) carrying out federal executions, while the coronavirus is ravishing our country; having killed over 137,00 Americans and claiming more daily, He wants us to put our babies back in unsafe schools, and let the END Results JUSTIFIED the MEANS. Even if we lose our children, at least he gets credit for having them back in school.

GMW: Each of us is responsible for getting-out the vote in  our state, By making sure we understand the rules for Absentee And Early Voting In your State.

Absentee and Early Voting in Virginia: You can VOTE EARLY at your registers office beginning 45 days before election day and ending the Saturday before election day. Photo ID’S no longer required, proof of address.

Applying To Vote Absentee By Mail

  • Apply online to vote by mail
  • All paper absentee application forms can be found on Virginia’s Department of Elections: voter Voter Form Page.
  • Military and overseas voters, Can find specific information regarding absentee voting on our military and overseas pages.
  • Download and complete the vote by mail application form.
  • Return the completed and signed form to your local register’s office by mail, fax or scanned attachment to an email.
  • After applying you can check to see if your absentee application was received, and whether your ballot was sent and received by going to our Citizen Portals.
  •  See the section titled*** Special Federal ID Requirements For Certain First-time Absentee by mail Voter; under Virginia Department of Elections.

GMW in Virginia: We must make sure, Elaine Luria and Mark Warner remain in their seats.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
  1. Elaine Luria is up for re-election for House of Representative in the 2nd  Congressional District, she’s being challenged for a re-match by (R) Scott Taylor (whom she beat in 2018).
  2. Senator Mark Warner is being challenged for his seat by (R) Daniel Gade.

GMW: November 3, 2020, The United States Senate elections will have 33 class 2 seats of the Senate being contested in regular elections. The winners will be elected to six-year terms extending from January 3, 2021, to January 3, 2027. We need five (5) or more of those seats, to help Joe Biden, Unite America. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Doug Jones (D-AL)
A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Gary Peters (D MI)

Ladies in Alabama: Make sure Senator, Doug Jones keep his seat.
In Michigan: Make sure Senator, Gary Peters keep his seat.

GMW, IN These RED STATES; Let’s Turn themBLUE; The incumbents are:

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Kansas City Missouri
  • AZ-McSally
  • CO-Gardner
  • ME-Collins
  • MT-Diane’s
  • NC-Tillis
  • AK-Sullivan
  • KY-McConnell
  • TX-Cornyn
  • GA-Perdue
  • GA-Loeffler
  • IA-Ernst
  • KS-Open/Dr. Barbara Bollier (D) Wants to be the 1st  Dem. in that seat since 1932.

So Ladies let’s open up our Tool Boxes. We have to put Biden in office, and a majority in the Senate. We can do all things through Him, Who can do all things except fail. In Jesus name we ?and Vote.

GMW Handbook for 2020

The first case of COVID-19 in the US which was reported on January 22, 2020, since then, the country has reported 3,260,500 cases and 134,581 deaths.

We’re Being Manipulated

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW), If we want real change across America, while doing all we can to save our children, families, and country, we must first KEEP THEM ALIVE. We must Get our priorities in order. Each of us is responsible for doing our part, and it starts in each of our homes. We must lead by example: wear a mask; practice social distancing; wash hands often; get tested depending on your movement or travel; avoid crowds; and last, but not least, get to the voting polls on November 3, 2020.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Me, My Grands and Great-grands

All of my grandchildren, from 1 year to 17 years, have been on serious lock down over the past 5 months, and their parents are riding shotgun over them. As I have traveled from state to state, while visiting my sister, brothers and other family members during their health challenges, I followed safety protocols for the protection of myself and others by wearing face masks, gloves and using hand-sanitizer, alcohol sprays, and Lysol. Upon returning home, I always get a Covid-test and quarantine before going around my family or others. I believe we can control this virus if we do our part and listen to updates given by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) health departments, mayors, and the governor.

GMW, America will never be the same again because we all now see the things we have in common are much greater than all the differences. We must make sure that we, along with our children, learn American History—the good, the bad and the ugly. There are no statues of Hitler in Germany because they know the true story. Hitler was a brutal leader who killed more than 10 million people to create a “pure†German society, which resulted in the ruin of Germany at the end of World War II. Throughout America’s educational systems and society in general, it is time for a serious, honest, and complete examination of our history for accuracy and revision.

George Floyd was the sacrificial lamb to wake up America and the world. Americans in all 50 states are protesting the great injustices that have been allowed to exist in this country. While the demonstrations have put focus on our problems, we have to legislate solutions. GMW, we are responsible for making sure our states are addressing problems individually and pursue changes and justice at the national level. We must keep the majority in the House of Representatives, achieve a majority in the Senate, and win the White House in November 2020. We need a majority in the House and Senate to unite America. We must seriously start holding the people we choose to represent us accountable and demand that they do their jobs, or we must make them one-term by voting to remove them from office. Ladies, we MUST realize the value of our power, especially OUR VOTE. Our country must have credible leadership which reflects the entire America landscape – white, black, brown, red, and yellow, without respect to gender or religion.

In the comingv months, we can support and help our next President (Joe Biden) by maintaining a focus on the dying American Middle Class and the issues brought forth in The Poor People’s Campaign, as conducted by Rev. William Barber. The platform demands that we dispel the notion that systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, and the war economy hurt only a small segment of our society. More than 40,600,000 Americans subsist below the poverty line; this report additionally shows that there are close to 140 million people dealing with some combination of these crises every day. Nearly half of our population cannot afford a $400 emergency, which presents a structural crisis of national proportion that ties poverty to things like healthcare and housing. The devastation cuts across race, gender, age, and geography. It has carved a dangerous and deepening moral chasm in America and inflicts a tragic loss of purpose, even among the affluent. Mr. Biden has to address these issues. He needs our votes to win.

This we Pray in the Name of Jesus…Amen?

America’s Injustice In Living Color

GMW nationally our children, the millennials have joined forces across the country protesting police brutality On our sons and daughters of color. We have been Protesting police brutality on our people of color for generations. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
George Floyd Living His Life

On Monday May 25th 2020, America and the world witness the lynching of 46 years George Floyd, by 4 White MPO. Their immediate punishment was being fired. Today May 29th those officers still have not been arrested or charged. But a CNN  Black Reporter was arrested, while his White Partner a small distance away, was not arrested. MPD’s Racism is blatant, and they are not unique. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
George Floyd Losing His Life

Across our country, our Millennials black and white are joining forces. indicating they have had enough, our President Mr. Trump, is instructing our military and police to start shooting as soon as there is looting. GMW, none of us Condone violence in any form,but our justice system in America has to apply to our children of color, the same as they treat my white sons & daughters. Example: Mohamed Noor, who is black, Somali and Muslim,became the first Minnesota police officer convicted of murder in an on-duty killing, of Justine Ruszczyk, who was white.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

Officer Noor and his partner were in their squad car in an alley investigating when Ms. Ruszczyk approach. Officer Noor said he heard a bang and fired one shot from the passenger seat when Justine appeared at the driver’s window, he feared for their life. During cross-examination assistant county attorney, Amy Sweasy asked Mr. Noor,â€Her blonde hair, and pink T-shirt and all, that was a threat to you. It’s assumed, Black Officers should have no fear? And, feel no fear when white people show-up, as is the case of Mr. George Floyd.

Now unfortunately, our children are protesting across the country because (4) white racist, un-empathetic white officers killed a man in handcuffs. They should have been arrested and let justice prevail. Our President is behaving like a spoil Bret with Twitter, while COVID-19 has killed over 100,000 Americans with 1.7m tested positive, he’ simply deflecting.  Our millennials across the country is protesting the 400 years of injustice, and Mr. Trump wants to Invoke the 1960 southern policy of when looting starts shooting begins. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
ST. Paul Minnesota Burning

Our children destroyed the police department in St.Paul last nite, and placed themselves in great danger, that we don’t condone, but they’re still alive and some are in jail, where those 4 officers should be! George Floyd is just the Tip-of the Ice-berg. It’s time white police-brutality against black people has to change.  GMW all of us has to be just as outrage regarding injustice as our children, if we do our part, they won’t have to use their methods. I’m so glad our children has join forces, because our police officers, think nothing of shooting my children, but will choose a different method when it comes to those who looks like them. 

In all the madness and the pandemic crisis, America and the world is facing, we will hold on to Jeremiah 29:11.

I’ve been checking news around the world and they are all focus on America. Plus the police in Minneapolis are still blatantly lying, they said they release Omar, the Black Reporter, after they discover he was with the media. He was covering the news with a microphone in his hand, while showing them his credentials. It appears they have become so comfortable in their racist behavior, until they forget, their behavior is caught on cameras, live and in color,  as it was for Amy Cooper, in Central Park, The same for Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia.  Even though the Georgia police department, suppressed the film in their Effort to cover-up the killing of Mr. Arbery.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Ahmaud Arbery killed for no reason except, Racism

With all of the advocacy for justice, peace and change, nothing has happen, maybe after a police station has been burned. We will all start paying attention. From the White House to the Outhouse. GMW, we will continue to pray for justice, peace, and empathy, in Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

GMW Help Me Pray for Family and Country

Grandmothers, Mothers, and Women, (GMW):  When Good People Look Away, Evil Triumphs? Please help me pray for Country and Family:

GMW: Each of us has to make A Very Serious  and Moral Decision November 3, 2020: Who will we send to Washington. We will be electing a president, 435 House of Representative and 33 Senators of whom 23 are GOP’s and 12 are Democrats: 

According to the New York Times, “Democratic socialism has become a powerful force in American political life, but its definition is up for debate. Generally, it falls somewhere between communism and social democracy, which is common in Europe.

Strictly speaking, democratic socialists do not support capitalism, meaning they want workers to control the means of production. Unlike communists, democratic socialists also believe that socialism should be achieved democratically. For some strange reason, the Russians are embracing Mr. Sanders. Then there’s Donald Trump, whom they love.

In the upcoming elections, issues that are important to us first and foremost, in our communities, cities and states, are being totally overshadowed the Cononavirus and the Stock Market.

According to the Washington Post, a whistleblowers says US health workers assisted coronavirus evacuees without proper protective gear, She alleges,â€Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services sent more than a dozen workers to receive the first Americans evacuated from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

According to the Wash. Post and the whistleblower: The deployments took place Jan. 28 to 31, around the time when the first planeload of evacuees arrived at March, and Feb. 2 to Feb. 7, during the time when additional flights were arriving at Travis. The planes each carried about 200 Americans who were repatriated from Wuhan. 

After their deployments, the workers returned to their normal duties, some taking commercial airline flights to return to their offices around the country, the whistleblower’s lawyers said.

GMW, in Virginia we turn our General Assembly Blue, and we are going to hold them accountable, One issue in particular, revisions to Virginia’ s parole. They tabled the issue for further study, when we all know, further study is not necessary, we call it, “kicking the can down the road.â€

In Alabama, we selected Doug Jones: Senator in a red state. GMW’s in Alabama, Mr. Jones is running for reelection. He showed us his integrity during the impeachment of Donald Trump. Now, he needs each of you to send him back to the Senate.

In Kentucky, Mitch McConnell’s state you elected a Democratic governor. For 2020 all 100 House Seats are up and 19 Senate, Mitch McConnell has 17 challengers.

GMW: As we prepare to use our power the save our children and country, please pray for my FAMILY. There were 10 of us, 8 is left, 5 sisters and 2 brothers. 

I am trying to be diligent on course theory of: if you pray, why-worry: and if you worry, why-pray. Some days it’s hard for me to know whether I’m praying or worrying. That’s why I need your help, so that those times when I may be worrying, you will have them covered in prayers. You see, they are not only my sisters and brothers, they are my best friend.  God knows their names and here they are: 1 brother is trying to get stronger, for major surgery, another injured his ribs in a fall last-week, 1 sister left the hospital today, another left ICU today, 1 was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, 1 is battling Lupus, and another with advanced Rheumatoid arthritis. I have each one covered, but I need some help.

I’m thanking you for prayers for my family, and for helping save our children and country in Jesus’s Name I pray?Amen.

Divide and Conqure

Grandmothers, mothers and women, (GMW) The state of our country’s Power Base is slowly eroding. So, I went searching for some answers. We all know the answers to about 95% of our problems are found in our history. Divide and conquer, which as been used almost since the beginning of time, appears to be the tactic used today; It has stood the test of time, by always getting the desired result, either pro or con. The information I found was so profound and answered my questions, I didn’t want to lose any of the message by paraphrasing, so I copy and paste; giving them their credit and us some excellent information.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Anti-Oppression-Resource-And Training-Alliance (AORTA COOP)

I found this organization to be most succinct: AORTA COOP: Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance. So I am quoting them verbatim and giving them all the credit for their excellent article on divide and conquer.

The act of dividing potential allies and communities who could come together to rise up is one of the oldest and most infuriatingly effective tricks in the book. Too often social justice movements have splintered as a result of not being prepared to counter such moves. A key tool for countering such tactics is learning from the stories of how previous organizations and coalitions have avoided the pitfalls of divide and conquer.
• We are witnessing white supremacy re-organize in response to destabilizations in racial capitalism, and to progressive social movement wins.
• We are witnessing a surge in both right-wing populism and the power-building of an extreme right-wing elite.
• The center cannot save us.
• This is not OK, but also not new.
• Systems of oppression that target our communities are constantly changing shape, strategy and tactic.
• Our collective capacity for understanding this systemic harm is also always changing.
• We’ve got to challenge and build our political analysis and approach in an ongoing spirit of emergence and responsiveness.
“Divide and conquer†is a strategy used by elites (often understood as “the oppressorsâ€) to break down the relationships and unity between subjugated (often racial) groups struggling for justice, freedom, and liberation, in order to maintain the status quo.
• Creating a narrative that blames each group for the other group’s problems. This works to foster mistrust amongst groups and to obfuscate the systematic inequalities of white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy.
• Bribing some groups with access to some resources (material and psychological). This works to align some groups with the elite over other subjugated groups. 

A Moral Agenda Based On Fundamental Rights.

The poor people campaign: a national call for a Moral Revival is an American Anti-Poverty Campaign led by; Rev. William Barbara the second and Rev. Liz Theoharis. The Souls of Poor Folk: Auditing America report reveals how the evils of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, and the war economy and militarism are persistent, pervasive, and perpetuated by a distorted moral narrative that must be challenged.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Rev. Liz Theoharis And Rev. William Barbara II: Leaders of the Poor People Campaing.

We must stop the attention violence that refuses to see these injustices and acknowledge the human and economic costs of inequality. We believe that when decent people see the faces and facts that the Souls of Poor Folk Audit presents, they will be moved deeply in their conscience to change things. When confronted with the undeniable truth of unconscionable cruelty to our fellow human beings, we must join the ranks of those who are determined not to rest until justice and equality are a reality for all. Wikipedia

What’s Mitch McConnell And The GOP Trying To Hide

We All Know What A Trial Looks Like, And This Is Not It:

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell: GMW needs to hear the facts.

We will not raise our families under a: Hitler Mentality brewing slavery conditions.

Carl Bernstein has given Mitch McConnell a new nickname, “Midnight  Mitch,†because he’s embracing a coverup that is there for all to see. It’s about preventing information from becoming-known-and-seen by an American public.

He also noted, ‘in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton there had been no problem about knowing the truth or the facts.

Present the facts Mitch, and let the defense, defend. 

Mitch McConnell, what are you so afraid of, that placed a “Price Tag† on your CHARACTER and SOUL, what a Price.

While  Mitch McConnell is putting a price tag on his Soul, President Trump is preparing to divert an additional $7.2 billion in Pentagon funding for border wall construction this year, five times what Congress authorized him to spend on the project in the 2020 budget.

If Mr. Trump lied about making the Mexicans build his expensive wall, what else is he lying about?

I think GMW, “that small segment of the population, that makes up the base of Trumps Following, has been so devastated by having a Black President until, they will except any White man, as president, even if he couldn’t spell his name.â€
Which is the real reason they are so willing to let Trump get away with things, they would killed Barack for doing.

If this is not true, then I’m asking God to please have my nose dragging the ground by the next time you see me!!!


Out of Our Bedrooms and Doctor’s Office:

GMW (grandmothers, mothers and women) of Virginia, Democrats and Republicans are fighting for control of the Virginia General Assembly where the GOP holds a majority in both houses.

Three seats have been vacated by the GOP; two (2) are in the House of Delegates the 91st the 96th, and  one (1) in the Senate, the 7th District.

The primaries are June 11, 2019, and the general election is on November 5. Ladies  those seats are ours!! We have to get our men out of our bedrooms and doctor’s Office.

The  7th Senate District Recently vacated by retiring Republican Sen. Frank Wagner;  the GOP holds 21-19; the map includes Va. Bch, Norfolk and Chesapeake.

The democrats has 3 candidates running in the primaries for the 7th seat, we want whoever wins the primaries, to bring that seat across the isles in November. They are:

  1. Del. Cheryl Turpin (D)
  2. retired Navy Master Chief Susan Hippen, (D)
  3. retired Navy Cmdr. Kim Howard. (D)

There are 2 GOP seats being vacated by the state House, which Republicans control 51-49… We need those seats for a majority in the house.

The 91st House District

Vacated by retiring of Del. Gordon Helsel, R-Poquoson; map includes: City of Poquoson, parts of Hampton and York County.

  1. Hampton School Board member Martha Mugler (D)
  2. 2017 Democratic nominee Michael Wade (D)

96th House District

Retiring Del. Brenda Pogge, (R)in James City-York,Williamsburg, Newport News,  and parts of Poquoson.

  1. pediatrician Mark Downey, (D)
  2. York County grants coordinator Rebecca Leser (D)
  3. Marine Corps veteran Chris Mayfield (D)

November’s races will be hotly fought, as Republicans seek to hold on to their narrow majority in both chambers of the General Assembly and Democrats try to take power in one or both houses.

It’s too late to register to vote in the primaries, but you have until October 5 to register to vote in the General Election November 5, 2019.

We ask these things in Jesus’s Name, as we continuously pray for our country and each of us.

The Academy And The GOP

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW): The Academy and the GOP, both claim to not be raciest but, their action speaks louder than words.

For the Academies, in 91 years, Halley Berry was the first woman of color to win the Oscar for best actress in 2001. In 2019 Ruth Carter became the first person of color to win the Oscar for best Custom, ever. It certainly was not for a lack of talent.

For the GOP, the Oversight Committee Hearing on February 27th, was not a good look for them; using a Black Lady to stand up as proof, black people A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.worked for Mr. Trump, with no regard or thought for trying to help the American people understand the dilemma our country is in. They did not put us first.

GMW, for us to still be addressing the issue of race, says one thing, “until we really deal with the  elephant in the room seriously, these issue will continue to bombarding us.

In my state of  Virginia, Black Face and the KKK has taken up time and energy; to the extent of wanting some elected officials to resign.  The Irony of this fiasco in my state is, “one leader was all for the resignation of a colleague, until he was confronted with the same violation; he chose not to resign also

Until we deal with each other based on content of character, race will always be an issue.  Mr. Mark Meadows, would not have had to parade Ms. Lynne Patton as another poster to prove Michael Cohen was a lyre and Mr. Trump is not a racist; we should have been able to see the diversity of ethnicity in their Panel of Representatives.A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

It appears as if most of our News Coverage, media and print, is about #45 and racism, either from the southern borders, as to whom is acceptable to come into our country as immigrants, and from what parts of world, infidelity, lying, stealing and cheating from the TOP.  Our country has never been so divided. GMW, it’s imperative that we hold our families together, more so now than ever before. With our families strong, together and intact, our communities, cities, states and country will mirror us. We must start at home with our: God and Love.

GMW, The writing is on the wall for the whole world to see, ‘It’s time for us to seriously decide our children’s futures, particularly when it come to their core values of  principles, honesty, integrity, commonsense, diplomacy, manners, respect-for self, others and country, empathy, sympathy, discernment and the love of God. ” A power and inner-strength, plus the value of family, loyalty and safety. Our children has to know they have a safe haven to go to, when  the world around them is falling apart.  We must spend more time with our children and less time with our electronics devices. These qualities will ensure, our children are going off to school prepared to be taught, not discipline.

The examples the world is bombarding our children with daily,  is overwhelming. To use the Oversight Committee hearing from yesterday as an example of adults being out of control; I’m sorry to say,’ the GOP’s behavior was a perfect example of what we don’t want them to mirror.

There have been 32 convictions of persons working on behalf of Mr. Trump from the Mueller Prove, with the probability of the American people not being able to see those result is appalling. But, we finally get an opportunity for some insight into what’s happening in our highest office of government and leader of our democracy. To see the GOP spends, all of their time trying to help Mr. Cohen prove he’s a convicted lyre among others  things, in his efforts  of doing # 45 biddings. I’m sure our children were confused by the fact that, ‘at times Mr. Cohen appeared to feel sorry for the GOP’s  Panel, because they were trying to do for # 45 the same things he did, that cost him and his family’s their lives. There were times watching them, I asked myself the same thing.

GMW, let’s pray for the GOP to remember who they were when they stood for principals and values. Even though I’ve always been a democrat,  I once had great respect for them but, evil still triumphs, when good people look away.

Grandmothers, mothers and women,  where ever you are standing right now, let’s start lifting up our marriages, families, relationships and nation in prayer, because prayer changes things.

I borrowed this prayer from, (Beliefnet.com): I’m going to make it apart of daily prayer, and I hope you join me daily.

Action Speaks Louder Than Words

Heavenly Father, today we pray for our nation. we ask that You would give our President wisdom beyond his own understanding and the courage to choose the right path no matter how narrow the gate. I pray for all in authority over us that You would give them the grace and strength to stand A statue of liberty with the sun setting in the background.against the temptation to use power as a weapon but rather to carry it reverently as one would a child. we pray
for the spiritual leaders of our country that they would hear Your voice and know your heart. we pray that they would lead from their knees and by that simple grace bring each one of us to our knees before Your throne. Have mercy on our nation Lord, In Jesus name, Amen.


#45Taxes and Mueller Report

Grandmothers; mothers and Women

Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW) The Trump Administration has become such a disruptive force to our country, until it’s imperative that Congress and the Senate become bipartisan and let the American Taxpayers have the peace and comfort of knowing what’s in #45 Taxes.

His Sister, Maryanne Trump-Barry, a federal appeals judge, resign amid ethics inquiry, of possible dubious tax and rental fraud. We need transparency, or you don’t need to be in those seats.

Congress and the Senate should also see a non-redacted  Mueller Report; after which we should see everything that’s not detrimental to our country security. We have been bombarded daily with #45 shenanigans since he joined the campaign trail, and it has continued through his presidency’s term so far. We as Taxpayers has a right to see those conclusion, if not our House and Senate, can no longer function; going forward, we need to relieve them of their lack of performance by voting them out.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Congresswoman-Majority Leader; Nancy Pelosi

We were also looking for Bipartisan Leadership between the (2) two houses working together to help #45 bring order an continuity back to the Oval Office. But, they’re becoming just as disruptive as #45.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Senate Majority Leader-Mitch McConnell

GMW it’s beginning to look like most of the 535 members of Congress (435 representative and 100 senators), will need to be replaced if they can’t come together for the betterment of our country. The bickering and pettiness continues at our expense. If we the people allow this behavior to continue, we’re just as guilty or looks as bad as they do. We need to step our game up and be our children’s role models. We must do a better job, our children are watching us.

Speaking of our children; our children of color in London, is experiencing an uprise in knives death. London’s Police Department was reduced by about 3000 thousands, and 30 youth centers were closed in the past 8 years.and in Britain its White on White crime. The driving force for the increase violence is : Gangs, drugs , peer pressure and a lack of after school and recreational facilities as options for standing on street corners

Our Children-Their Futures Are On The Line

To quote Jonathan Freedland of the Opinion: While we’re looking the other way, Trump has changed and is changing America for decades to come, and not for the betterment of most Americans.

If President Obama had not been so effective, in trying to make things better for Americans, #45 would not have accomplish anything on his own. President Obama and Senator John McCain, validated him, giving him value to talk about.

1. How Trump is rolling back Obama’s legacy … As of Jan. 20, here are the Obama-era rules and regulations impacted by: … targeting recently issued regulations

2. Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama-Era Rules for School Lunches

3. Feb 6, 2019-A federal banking agency announced Wednesday

4. Environmental groups are concerned and plan litigation.

5. 91 percent of Trumps’ judicial nominees are white and 81 percent are male, reversing Decades of steady progress

GMW, we don’t want or need another man as Commander in Chief in the Oval Office, black or white.

The GOP really need diversity, women and color; maybe then, they (the GOP) will be able to come up with a campaign platform, more people will want to vote for. Then they can stopall the trickery, of trying force people to either vote for them, or not be able to vote at all.


 IF NOT MEXICO, THEN THE DEMOCRATS. GMW, I’m finding it incomprehensible trying To make some sense out of #45 waiting until he lost the majority in the house to shut down the government for an extended period of time.  It appears He needed another party in control of something, so he could  blame for his failure in not making Mexico pay for his wall.A man and woman standing in front of the border fence.Why didn’t he grandstand when he had a majority in the House and Senate?

I think the child in him, was afraid to put pressure on his own party for attempting to do something (stupid) when the majority of American don’t want a wall.

It’s time for adults on both sides of then isles, to come together, and get our government back to work. (After all) They have been the only ones working since #45 took office; with a majority in all branches of governing in Washington and couldn’t get his party to fund his wall.

It’s time for those Politically Savvy and decent GOP’s (who went to Washington to serve the people) stand up and start reusing their backbones, to bring

Bipartisan Leadership back to Washington.

It’s a darn shame # 45’s temper tantrum, is allowed to prevent serious adult government workers from taking care of their families and their country.

America and the world knows #45 is out of control. The Oval Office has too much power and responsibilities for a 2 year old to handle.(no disrespect to 2 year olds)

To the house and Senate, please put your parties to the side, and do your jobs. Federal Employees being able to work and take care of their families, is not a party issue, it’s a human issue.

Can someone please answer one question for us: Why didn’t the Majority GOP Congress fund the wall ?