Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children
Divided but not conquered
Divided but not conquered

Divided but not conquered

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

GMW: Our Country Has Been Divided, but, We Will Not Be Conquered. Grandmothers, Mothers and Women, Let’s Save Our Country. We are fighting for the soul of our country, traveling- through-the-state-of-Georgia.

GMW: Number 45 and the GOP has lost their way. Our Country is in chaos, and the present administration doesn’t have a clue as to how to fix it. I know the majority of Americans are holding their breath, until January 20, 2021. We have over 11 million positive, and almost 250 thousand deaths to COVID 19, and #45 has invited 2 of Michigan GOP Law-makers to the Oval Office, in his Efforts to alter the voice of American voters. I hope their integrity is not for sale, While the GOP that we once respected, has sold their integrity to #45. If we allow those two Georgia Senate seats to remain with the GOP, we will have co-sign the madness that has beset America. #45 finally allowed a Covid-19 press conference with the professionals, with no questions asked.

GMW, in the other 49 states, each of us has an opportunity to use 3 tools in Our Power Box: God, Love and $Dollars, to ensure our sisters in Georgia, Secure those 2 Senate seats with the power of theirs, their families, communities, cities and state speaking for themes they vote. With God as our guide, together we can accomplish this.

Mitch McConnell, Of the Senate, has had a stimulus package from the House on his desk since May 12, 2020, now congress has gone home for Thanksgiving, with no concerns, for how their Thanksgiving dinner will appear on the table, or the fact that so many American are not sure how long they will have a roof over their heads and essential needs met, and morning the empty seats at their tables this Thanksgiving. We’re praying with you for change, not more of the same.

With our financial support, they will be able to make sure all young persons turning 18 by January 5, 2021, is registered and ready to vote. From the millennials down, the Z Generation 18-29 and the Alpha, 17 turning 18; this is your time to decide for the future of this country and your children. Jon Ossoff is 31 years old, put him in office.

Per Aguilar, a 17 yr. old a founder of: Engaging young voters said’ they’re trying deep canvassing, tapping issues that resonate with young Perdue voters – the economy for instance – and explain how Ossoff’s policies might fit. Aguilar sees momentum from the general election in terms of engaging young voters. “What’s exciting about right now is that we just saw absolutely historic turnout,” he says. In Georgia, some 20% of ballots were cast by voters between the ages of 18 and 29, a state that moved firmly from taken-for-granted Republican stronghold to courted battleground territory in 2020.

Other groups are also making a concerted effort to drive turnout. When We All Vote uses social media and games like Among Us and Kahoot! to share information about how to register or how to request an absentee ballot, says Tiffany Pham, a 16-year-old student activist from Clayton County, Ga.

“I think this is really important to equip the next generation with the most important tool, which is their vote,” Pham says. “Historically, in our country, we’ve always been seen as like the apathetic generation that doesn’t really care. And that’s just simply not true.”
This weekend, Black Voters Matter is launching a “Can’t Stop Won’t Stop” bus tour in Georgia. Maybe we can support them. Some rural parts of Ga., For funeral homes, but no hospital. I don’t think the two GOP senators are even aware of this crisis right under their nose.

?This we pray and claim in the name of Jesus?