Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children
We Have Work To Do
We Have Work To Do

We Have Work To Do

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women,(GMW): Getting Capable Leadership In our Oval Office, November 3, 2020, is our Number one (1) priority right now. 

In 2016:We won the the Popular Vote but, LOST to the Electoral College, that must never happen again!!

The current occupant of our oval office, is doing everything in their power to deflect our attention away from He’s in adequate leader-ship such as: Campaigning from the Rose Garden; trying to discredit Dr. Fauci (A most respected, trusted and  believable Scientist) carrying out federal executions, while the coronavirus is ravishing our country; having killed over 137,00 Americans and claiming more daily, He wants us to put our babies back in unsafe schools, and let the END Results JUSTIFIED the MEANS. Even if we lose our children, at least he gets credit for having them back in school.

GMW: Each of us is responsible for getting-out the vote in  our state, By making sure we understand the rules for Absentee And Early Voting In your State.

Absentee and Early Voting in Virginia: You can VOTE EARLY at your registers office beginning 45 days before election day and ending the Saturday before election day. Photo ID’S no longer required, proof of address.

Applying To Vote Absentee By Mail

  • Apply online to vote by mail
  • All paper absentee application forms can be found on Virginia’s Department of Elections: voter Voter Form Page.
  • Military and overseas voters, Can find specific information regarding absentee voting on our military and overseas pages.
  • Download and complete the vote by mail application form.
  • Return the completed and signed form to your local register’s office by mail, fax or scanned attachment to an email.
  • After applying you can check to see if your absentee application was received, and whether your ballot was sent and received by going to our Citizen Portals.
  •  See the section titled*** Special Federal ID Requirements For Certain First-time Absentee by mail Voter; under Virginia Department of Elections.

GMW in Virginia: We must make sure, Elaine Luria and Mark Warner remain in their seats.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
  1. Elaine Luria is up for re-election for House of Representative in the 2nd  Congressional District, she’s being challenged for a re-match by (R) Scott Taylor (whom she beat in 2018).
  2. Senator Mark Warner is being challenged for his seat by (R) Daniel Gade.

GMW: November 3, 2020, The United States Senate elections will have 33 class 2 seats of the Senate being contested in regular elections. The winners will be elected to six-year terms extending from January 3, 2021, to January 3, 2027. We need five (5) or more of those seats, to help Joe Biden, Unite America. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Doug Jones (D-AL)
A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Gary Peters (D MI)

Ladies in Alabama: Make sure Senator, Doug Jones keep his seat.
In Michigan: Make sure Senator, Gary Peters keep his seat.

GMW, IN These RED STATES; Let’s Turn themBLUE; The incumbents are:

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Kansas City Missouri
  • AZ-McSally
  • CO-Gardner
  • ME-Collins
  • MT-Diane’s
  • NC-Tillis
  • AK-Sullivan
  • KY-McConnell
  • TX-Cornyn
  • GA-Perdue
  • GA-Loeffler
  • IA-Ernst
  • KS-Open/Dr. Barbara Bollier (D) Wants to be the 1st  Dem. in that seat since 1932.

So Ladies let’s open up our Tool Boxes. We have to put Biden in office, and a majority in the Senate. We can do all things through Him, Who can do all things except fail. In Jesus name we ?and Vote.

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