Donald Trump and COVID-19:

The Best and Worst Events For America  In 2020:   But Lord, You and You Alone, “Knows The Plan You Have For Us: “Jeremiah 29:11.

Donald Trump showed us what was in the swarm, and under his leadership, (for 4 yrs. he showed us pre-views); Then on January 6th, we saw the finish product-in-living color.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
January 6, 2021 In-Living-Color

Mr. Trump and His GOP, can have undisputed, full credit for exposing the swarm, in Jim Crow Fashion.

COVID-19 shut down America and the world; while putting a spotlight on police brutality in America. The world watched as ‘three white police officers kill George Floyd, in-cold-blood-in-living-color. Did you know 6 people were killed by the police 24 hours after Derek Chauvin convection. 

George Floyd, was the sacrificial lamb. His Cross was under the knees of three (3) police officers for 9 minutes-20 seconds (9:20). But, ‘thanks to God,’ he did not die in vain.

It appeared as if they wanted to see how many they could kill before, “Qualified immunity,†would no long protect them; if the George Floyd Justice reform Act becomes law by the Senate, the House has passed, The George Floyd Justice In Policing Act.

Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are holding American democracy hostage. They are not behaving as member of a Democratic Senate, with a narrow majority, Who has inherited a desk full of bills, that America can benefit from, but they have been languishing on Mitch McConnell‘s desk with no hope of passage. There are, white supremacists on both sides of the isles.

For Virginia’s General Assembly, and Governor Ralph Northam, You added insult to injury, by raising the minimum wage from $7.25 since 2009 to 9.50 in 2021. Can any of you live on that, plus raise a family. That is still at poverty Level and, not how you build an economy.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (Gmw), The Swamp Exposure and Covid-19 has had, and is having an Unforgettable affect-effect on America and the world that none of us will soon forget. Dealing with the consequences of both, is a daunting task. But, President Joe Biden, has accepted the Challenge, and GMW of America, we are going to be the wind beneath his wings.

GMW: Please stay-tune, and? (In The Name Of Jesus), throw open your tool-box. We have work to do?

?Let’s pray in Jesus name, “to help President Biden, unite America; and truly become the United States of America again. Love♥ï¸will always conquer hate?

2 Replies to “Donald Trump and COVID-19:”

  1. This is a great summation of what pursued up to the insurrection on December 6, 2021 and what has subsequently happened following it.
    May God continue to have mercy on America and lead us to show grace to each other. ??

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