Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children



The Democratic Primary is June 8th and the General Election is November 2, 2021

Grandmothers mothers and women (GMW), in General and GMW in Virginia in particular. 2021 is an important election year for Virginians with hotly contested seats for: governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, As well as all House of Delegates seats.

Early voting for the June primaries started April 23, 2021
Voters can go to their general registrar’s office or satellite voting location to cast their ballots. In person voting ends on June 5. You will have to show an acceptable form of ID.

The GOP will hold a drive-through convention on May 8, 2021

The 5 democratic candidates for Governor are:

  • Jennifer Carol Foy, former, 2nd-HD
  • Lee Jay Carter, 50th HD
  • Justin Fairfax, Current, Lt. Governor
  • Terry McAuliff, former Govt. Va.
  • Jennifer McClellan, Senate 9th Dist.
  1. There are Six (6) people running in the Democratic primary for Lieutenant Governori:

There are two (2) people running for Attorney General:

Virginia House Democrats see record number of challenges in primary elections. After a historic General Assembly session this year where Virginia abolished the death penalty and made possessing small amounts of marijuana legal for adults, 13 House Democrats — mostly in Northern Virginia — are in nomination battles for their seats. I’ll provide more details in my next blog.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Ralph Northam flank by incoming Senate Majority leader Dick Saslaw and House beaker Ellen filler-Corn, Outlining Democrats priorities-for the 2020 legislative session.

Democrats have controlled Virginia government for two years. Here’s what they’ve done.

GMW of Norfolk and Portsmouth, needs to see some reforms for the Mid-Downtown Tolls, they are constantly going up, creating a real hardship for below poverty-minimum wage, even with the new $9.50 minimum wage. Only Economic opportunities can diminish poverty.
There are two factors that largely determine our standard of living, our income and expenses. They must rise together To diminish property.

GMW, we all understand too well how, Inflation can hurt your standard of living by cutting the purchasing power of your income while increasing your daily expenses.  So these are issues we need to have address by all candidates running for Office all upcoming elections. Women and children’s lives has been More impacted by the pandemic than anyone else.

Now GMW, we need to go back into our two boxes for changes, regarding us and our children needs.

As always we step out in faith, knowing, “we can’t lose, with the stuff we use.†Our tools are real: Our Gods, Our Love, Our Dollars and Our Vote.