GMW AND THE DEMOCRATS TOGETHER: Bring Family value back into our homes and the political Arena: Common-sense and Compassion Triumphing Alternative Truths and Anarchy. Make …
GMW AND THE DEMOCRATS TOGETHER: Bring Family value back into our homes and the political Arena: Common-sense and Compassion Triumphing Alternative Truths and Anarchy. Make …
Alive In The Sand These are the Southern Facts, are we ready to an we deal with the Truth: Women In Black Face. GMW, until …
A Wednesday Nite Bible Study: My church epitomizes what building strong marriages, families, relationships, communities, cities, states and the nation should look like and become. …
Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW), the most famous demagogue of modern times was Adolf Hitler. He first attempted to overthrow the Bavarian government not with …
As told by Donald Trump, Uber and Lyft Grandmothers, Mothers and Women; Mr. Trump has been a proponent of Alternative Truth since taking office, almost …
Ninety- Nine (99) percent of GMWs’ I have spoken with lately, is not interested in impeachment. They want #45 taxes viewed and his financial record …
#45: NO TAXES, NO $5 BILLION WALL. Evil still triumphs when good people looks away. GMW, we’re not looking away, America Are You? Mr. President, …
To All Democratic Running For 2020: GMW would like to remind you, your opponent is the (GOP) Donald Trump. So far we applaud Joe Biden …
GRANDMOTHERS, MOTHERS AND WOMEN (GMW). GMW Making an Informed Vote In Tuesday’s Primary Our Vote is important for addressing and solving the important issues of: …
Let’s Pray For: Ralph, Justin, Mark, Meredith, Vanessa and the State of Virginia. For Ralph and Mark: 1 Peter 2.23:Â When they hurled their insults at …