Alternative Truth

A screenshot of the uber app 's pricing.

As told by Donald Trump, Uber and Lyft

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women; Mr. Trump has been a proponent of Alternative Truth since taking office, almost three (3) years ago, plus all the practice he got while campaigning. Uber and Lyft alternative truth is: trying to justify why they are overcharging the riders and underpaying the drivers. 

Mr. Trump’s Wall: To people with commonsense  and logical thinking knows the wall is for his ego, and 57 percent of Americans have acknowledge this. A real president would used the resources and the expertise in all areas that has any input on the safety and security of the Southern Borders. Since he realize the Mexican Government was not going to do his bidding, He should have validated his claim and get the backing of the agencies responsible for the Border Security; instead he wanted to run it as president of Trump Enterprise, where his word is the deciding factor.   

Uber and Lyft  two (2) of the top Rideshare Companies,  started out as a great idea, that was welcome by the Riding Public and Contract Drivers, who went in partnership with them, with an 80/20 ratio; after a few years that ratio was changed to 75/25, principles and integrity was still in the relationships. Now the companies have gotten greedy, and since there is no Regulatory Agency governing them, they have changed the ratio to  55/45 or whatever ratio they choose. From me recently they took 66 percent and I got 34 percent. this is what it look like:

 The Rider paid $16.59, I got $5.58 and Uber got $11.01. I was not able to show the driver’s  $5.58 on the invoice, so you do the math. Lol.

I called them 3 time, they hung -up on me twice. They gave me a lot of alternative truths for their calculation. I’m still angry with what they are able to get away with. Quitting won’t solve the problem. It needs to be dealt with. Drives in many states are in courts, litigating the problem.   

I called the Taxi and Limousine Commissioner, they don’t regulate rideshares. I called my City Councilman, he said Uber and Lyft has a right to charge what they want, he was no help. I called my senator, the General Assembly is in session. I called the AG Office: Mark Herring’s and left a message. I  then sent a copy of the invoice in question to Wavy 10 On Your Side. 

I have not heard back from any of my contact, but this just happened. If rideshares are not regulated Virginia, then I think they should be. I will not be asking anymore of my friends to join Uber and Lyft, until their principals and integrity rejoin their ranks. I will keep you abreast of how this plays out. So stay tune.


Ninety- Nine (99) percent of GMWs’ I have spoken with lately, is not interested in impeachment. They want #45 taxes viewed and his financial record audited, let those documents tell the story. We all know if you want the truth, follow the money:

Why Did Deutsche Bank Keep Lending to Donald? The bank loaned a cumulative total of around $2.5 billion to Trump projects over the past two decades, and the bank continued writing him nine-figure checks even after he defaulted on a $640 million obligation and sued the bank, blaming it for his failure to pay back the debt. According to the Washington Post. 

GMW wants his past  financial dealings to deliver the real #45. It’s impossible, for everyone who helped him get elected, is either in jail on their way, and he’s the only innocent one.  We wear many hats, and the ones we wear as mothers and G-mothers; has allowed us to easily recognize CRAP when we see it and smell it. The time has come for the House and Senate to do their jobs, and for us to do ours.

everyone who helped him get elected, is either in jail on their way, and he’s the only innocent one.  We wear many hats, and the ones we wear as mothers and G-mothers; has allowed us to easily recognize CRAP when we see it and smell it. The time has come for the House and Senate to do their jobs, and for us to do ours.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women: (GMW) We are witnessing bullying From the highest office in the land:

For our children’s sake we must stop this Madness: Our children are feeling helpless and killing themselves from bullying in school,on Social Media and most places they congregate, then they see the POTUS bullying from the Oval Office, and no one seem to be able to curtail #45. Especially not Congress and the Senate.  #45 is afraid of Putin, the GOP is afraid of #45 and our children are afraid to come to us, before they try to solve problems they are not equipped to handle by themselves.

GMW in Virginia In particular, our 1st battle Is kicking off 6/11/19, the primaries, and Culmination 11/5/19, the state election , All 140 seats in the house and senate is up for election: 100 House of Delegates and 40 in the senate

GMW in the Presidential Election of 2020, we will be putting new people in the Oval Office. People with backbones, principles and integrity in the Senate and House of Representatives, also.

It appears values, principles, common sense and backbones has left Washington; Chip Roy from the 21st House of Representatives In Tx. Is the lone GOP to block the Disaster Aid Package. He has became the man who delayed $19.1 billion in disaster aid to communities throughout the country on Friday, with no good reason, other than dirty politics.

Of the 24 candidates running for president, those that are not senators or congressman already, should run for the house and seats. We have to replace many of those currently in office as Senators and Congressmen-Women. If they are not chosen in the presidential primaries.

  1. Bill_de_Blasio
  2. Pete_Buttigieg
  3. Marianne_Williamson 
  4. Andrew_Yang 
  5. Wayne_Messam
  6. Juli Castro_
  7. Stacey_Abrams 
  8. Jason_Kander

These are just a few great candidates with integrity, core values and backbones, that’s needed in the House and Senate, and we would gladly put our power behind.

Our candidates for the Oval Office is still Binden and Harris. #biden#harris#

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
GMW’S Choice For 2020 Presidential Election

Mr. Trump! No Texes, No Wall

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

#45: NO TAXES, NO $5 BILLION WALL. Evil still triumphs when good people looks away. GMW, we’re not looking away, America Are You?

Mr. President, If building the Wall was dependent on your taxes, would it get built? GMW and the American People needs to see your contributionGrandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW). We’re sick and tired of the double standards, from the powers that be, and the ratchetness we’re getting from the Oval Office down?

(Ratchet, from an adjective perspective; the act of being stupid, reckless, inelegant, disrespectful, rude, and down right nasty.)

To give Michelle push-back for telling the truth about #45 is absurd, when #45 gets applauded for lying ?plus his ratchet behavior.

Mr. Barr; Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW) are not impress with your Press Conference, of a report that was over two years in the making, with over 500 pages and over 30 indictments. You have lost your ability to be trusted, and your integrity for us, is null and void. You blew it with your first four page redacted report. For us you have become #45 puppet, not America’s Attorney General.

Congress is responsible for our laws, and you want to give them a REDACTED REPORT. GMW; call that an insult to the Congress of these United States. America is not a country governed by dictators. You and #45 should read our constitution again and govern yourselves accordingly.

GMW, if commonsense prevail among us, do you ask yourself why, only our sons of color, who has some celebrity status is being targeted lately. Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, and Jessie Smollett. Parents need to take responsibility for allowing their young children to be used for financial gains, in environments that can be harmful to them, without their supervision. My minor children could not spend the nite in a room with the Pope, (second thought, that’s not safe either, you get my point). Jessie should be left alone, I’m sure tax payers would rather spend $130 thousand for due process,  than over $5 billion for a wall the Mexican were supposed to pay for instead of us. I think #45 should let us see how much of his taxes are helping build the wall.

We know our White sons, gets minors, thrown at them by parents also, who think their kids have talent, where is their exposure. The double standards is no longer going to be ignored; Social Media is watching and speaking.

A group of people with their hands together.
Loving Hands of GMW

The ability to buy your child a seat, in the Ivy League Colleges has been exposed; no one was honestly surprise by its exposure. Our prayer is more transparency from the next generation of leaders and parents.

The Gift of a Happy Mother: Letting Go of Perfection and Embracing Everyday Joy.

All democrats

To All Democratic Running For 2020:

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
THE OVAL OFFICE: It Demands Leadership, Integrity, Diplomacy, Principles discernment and Odjectivity.

GMW would like to remind you, your opponent is the (GOP) Donald Trump.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Donald Trump

So far we applaud Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren for not slinging mud and dealing with issues.

Mrs. Kamala Harris, you must clean up your act. Your tactics against Joe Biden, in our opinion,â€served no purpose.â€

For those who has a platform, and is using it for impeachment procedures, why not instead: Emphasize  the issues to theAmerican People, that you would used to impeach Him, and Let us make him a one-term-president. We need realistic minds running for the Oval Office.

There are enough serious issues, needing your attention. Plus GMW would appreciate you’ll addressing them, and finding bipartisan-common-ground to solve them.  

Donald Trump doesn’t have the knowledge or leadership  abilities to handle the crisis at the Southern Borders; It requires: Skilled  and knowledgeable leaders on both sides of the isles, to fix the mess he,#45 was allowed to create.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

Now he wants to mess with the 2020 census. Leaders in Washington; why are you allowing this 2 year old to run rampant with our democracy.  

Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham  I’m sorry ?to say, “ has lost their ADULT CARDS.â€

Mr.Trump, almost got our son and daughters killed in a senseless war, because he neglected  to allow our great Military Leaders to advise him on how many casualties the strike would kill. This information I’m sure would not have been an afterthought by the Generals, 10 minutes before a major use of power. 

Another Major issue, the Democratic Candidates should be making #45 address, instead of attacking each other. 

We also appreciate the fact; Mr. Biden was big enough to reach back 50 years to appease some small minds,  that needed an apology, for what? We’re not sure.

Mrs. Pelosi, please don’t forget. “The Tea Party destroyed the GOP, and now they have #45.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Nancy Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez

You and the Younger Representatives, must find common-ground to work together, you don’t have to like each other, but you do have to respect each other. They are our future, with  energy and techonical Savvy. You-Us, our generation, has wisdom, political experience and discernment. Why not bridge the Generation Gap, and become a force to be reckoned with.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.



GMW Making an Informed Vote In Tuesday’s Primary

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
FYI Virginia General Assembly Up For Election

Our Vote is important for addressing and solving the important issues of: Drugs, Guns, Schools Drop Outs, Women Rights, and Saving Our Children and Country, just to name a few of the problems we must deal with.

FYI: The 10 Obstruction of Justice Issues According to the Mueller Report

I hope to see each of you at the polls tomorrow, taking a stand in Jesus’s Name for our country.

you picked the wrong state

A large group of people walking down the street.

Let’s Pray For: Ralph, Justin, Mark, Meredith, Vanessa and the State of Virginia.

A man in suit and tie waving at the camera.

For Ralph and Mark: 1 Peter 2.23: When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no A man in suit and tie speaking at an event.threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.

For Justin, Meredith and Vanessa; Psalm 55:22: Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous  fall.A man in a suit and tie with his arms crossed.

In the state of Virginia in particular, all states in general, and the highest offices of the land: logic discernment and commonsense should prevail.

For the state of Virginia, that offices should not allow themselves to be manipulated with two accusations that are anachronism.

Grandmothers, mothers and women, whoever or whatever forces want to topple our Executive Branches, they need to do a better job, and not insult our intelligence by going after our sons with something they all did, in the period they are accusing Ralph and Mark.

The fact that some of us is willing to allow those flimsy accusations to dictate,  asking Ralph, Justin and Mark to resign is ludicrous.   

For our daughters, if we could reach you, we would give you a hug, and try to understand where you’re coming from because:  Young Sisters, as women, especially women of color, no man can make us perform oral sex on them, unless he has a gun, even then, once we bite down on his part, he’s going to drop that gun, and both hand will be trying to protect his family Jewel.  we just won’t allow it without the paramedic and police being called immediately.   

Premeditated aggressive rape? in my Over 70 years on this Earth, I have never heard of this type of rape, what was he doing?  Practicing in front of her, how he was going to rape her?

GMW see you both as Intelligent Women, who apparently allowed themselves to be manipulated by using words to accused someone of a heinous crime, that are not of our culture. Had you just used the word rape, we could relate better, but they insulted your and our intelligence.

Now for our fellow Virginians, asking them to resign, we (gmw) are finding it very difficult, the ease in which it appears you are ready to give up our leaders, to someone or something that does not know them as well as we do; having said that, we’re going to stand with them, embrace them and let them know, “as long as they are willing to fight for what right, we will stand with them.

If you want our men out of office, “give us something we can feel, otherwise show us undisputed, not alternative truth, and we will deal with our men.

They are doing an excellent job for state and cities, and we want to see them continue. We don’t have time for games  and lack of moral character that’s going on in Washington.

In Virginia we worked hard to put our men in office, based on the content of their character, ability and promise to serve us, our families, communities, cities and state; and they are delivering.

So, whoever and whatever you are, you picked the wrong state.  Can We TalkA split picture of two people.In Jesus Name we’re A group of people with their hands together.praying for:  Justice Justin, Ralph, Mark, Meredith and Vanessa.

Biden-Harris Challenge

Joe Biden & Kamala Harris

GMW: Grandmothers, mothers and women; In the name of Jesus we pray for peace and harmony in our country, with all the discord in our political arenas, and vast number of great democratic candidates for 2020 presidential primaries, we have taken ourselves out of the Madness and decided our choices for the Oval Office In 2020, will be a team of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris:

We will use our power of Our: Dollars, Votes, God and Love on them.
We really don’t need to repeat, or look like the GOP circus of 2016. From a field of 17 candidates; we got Donald Trump, the man who said he could grab women by their private parts and kiss them and they would be ok with it.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW) we are woman, with the DNA to become mothers, grandmothers and, do what Steve Harvey suggested, “Act like a Lady, and think like a man.â€

Ladies, do you think, we may be doing the U-To movement a disservice with the manner in which we are using the political arena to address male inappropriate behavior, when it could have been dealt with by us, at the time of infraction. I would take 10 Joe Biden’s over one #45, when it comes to respecting women. Please let the Anita Hill Apology rest, and let’s deal with, upcoming elections, ( for GMW in VA., in particular) 2019, and 2020 in general.

All 100 seats in Virginia House of Delegates, and all 40 seats
in the Senate are taking place in 2019.

The GOP has a majority in both houses. In the State House 51-49
In the State Senate 21-19. The election is November 5; 2019.

The Biden-Harris Ticket is a Challenge: You have the right to agree or disagree. Back-up your opinion, and be comfortable with your yes or no.

Challenges forces us to Soul search and research, determine our facts or truths, then get involve, defending and supporting our platform.


The Oval Office Is Contagious

Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW): The Belligerent & Disrespectful Leadership Style From our Oval Office is contagious: For  a quick example, look at the ladies on the View; They are beginning to behave like the women on some of the reality shows. I don’t think they realize, ‘they are beginning to behave like Donald Trump.’Out of control.

GWW; what we can control in 2020 is: How we vote, spend our dollars, love our family and country, then do what’s pleasing in God’s, He judges our motive; which is awesome?. We must be Bipartisan, with Voter Registration, Rights Restoration and overlooking the 2020 Census.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
The Welfare of Us, Our Children and Country is stagnating on Mitch McConnell’s Desk

March 7: The House Passes The For The People Act of 2019; to expand voting rights, limit partisan gerrymandering, strengthen ethics rules, and limit the influence of private donor money in politics. To take effect, it would also need to be passed by the Senate, They’re in that stack, still setting on Mitch McConnell’ Desk.

The Welfare of Us, Our Children and Country is sitting on Mitch McConnell’s Desk. It appears the job has become too much for him. He seems incapable of putting procedures in place to execute the impeachment Trial. Which we need to see due process executed, according to the charge his oath to the constitution placed on him.

In 2020 we get to decide: who our president will be and our Majority Leader for the Senate.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Senator with a conscious: Lisa Murkowski

Grandmothers, mothers and women (Gmw); let’s give a shout out to Alaska’s Republican Senator, Lisa Murkowski for voting her conscious in the impeachment proceedings.

GMW; let’s also pray for Jewish Communities in New York for Religious Violence and the city in Texas, for another church shooting. Our love of guns will be our demise if we don’t get a better handle on it. Did you know for the past 27 years; Congress  refused to pass any legislation that would do research on Gun Violence?  

Thanks to  Republican House of representative:Jay Dickey: The Dickey Amendment. He was allowed to insert a rider into the 1996 United States federal government omnibus spending bill which mandated that none of the funds is made available for injury

Grandmothers, mothers and women (Gmw); let’s give a shout out to Alaska’s Republican Senator, Lisa Murkowski for her voting her conscious in the impeachment proceedings.

GMW; let’s also pray for Jewish Communities in New York for Religious Violence and the city in Texas, for another church shooting. Our love of guns will be our demise if we don’t get a better handle on it. Did you know for the past 27 years; Congress  refused to pass any legislation that would do research on Gun Violence?  

Thanks to  Republican House of Representative, Jay Dickey: For The Dickey Amendment. He was allowed to insert a rider into the 1996 United States federal government omnibus spending bill which mandated that none of the funds is made available for injury prevention and control, at the Center for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) maybe use to advocate or promote gun control.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
The Dickey Amendment

A database compiled by the Associated Press, USA Today and Northwestern University, found that the US saw the highest number of mass killings on record in 2019. 41 incidents and 211 deaths. Mass killings are defined as four or more people killed in the same case along with the shooter. Among the deadliest in 2019 was the killing of 12 in my state, Virginia and 22 in El Paso. These are the pictures That permeate 2019. Ladies we’re better than this:

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Let’s hope for none of these in 2020

GMW, let’s get ready to empty out our Power Tool Box in 2020. We will “reap what we sow.†With God as our leader, I’m feeling great. Let’s pick up our Tools:  Love, God, Vote and Dollars. 

In Jesus’s Name…Amen

The President changed the rules The Speaker changed the procedures.

Experts pointed to a variety of differences between the trump impeachment process and those that went before.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
President Donald Trump delivers his State of the Union address to a joint session

The constitution lays out the basis of impeachment, but it does not spell out rules and procedures. It says the US House of Representatives “shall have the sole power of impeachment.†The Senate “shall have the sole power to try all impeachments,†and when  a president is tried†the Chief Justice shall  preside. “A 2/3 vote for conviction means the person is removed from office.

During pass impeachment, the full house authorize an impeachment inquiry. The house judiciary committee took the lead in conducting an investigation, holding hearings on proposed articles of impeachment and voting on whether to approve them. 

The difference being with the substance of the charges, all prior presidential impeachment have concern domestic issues-The aftermath of the silver war in Johnson‘s case the Watergate burglary and cover-up  in Nixon’s and the Monica Lewinsky affair for Clinton. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

By contrast trumps impeachment is focusing on the accusation that Trump sort a quid pro quo with Ukraine to find dirt on a political Democratic challenger. Joe Biden.

So, procedures for the current impeachment had to be different, ( GMW, this is how women lead); Speaker, Nancy Pelosi,  didn’t have a precedence for dealing with a foreign quid pro quo, so she establish one, by instructing three committees-oversight, intelligence and foreign affairs-To proceed with an investigation. The three committees then transfer evidence to the House judiciary, which was responsible for drafting the article of impeachment. The President changed the rules, so The Speaker of the House had to changed the procedures. She charged the committees that specialize in the president infractions, to investigate him, according to our constitution. Hopefully we will never have a Rogue President, who will put his personal affair over our “ national security and democracy.†A precedence has been established. Thanks Mrs. Pelosi.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives: Nancy Pelosi

GMW; The Speaker is traveling in, “Uncharted Waters.†She should be commended for her handling of the impeachment, based on the uncertainty and rarity of the process.

The Senate on the other hand, Wants to continue with the, “Good Old Boys Party, talk loud, saying nothing, sweep the dirt under the rug, tell lies, put their souls to sleep, and I’m sure,’stay away from mirrors.’

They have not allowed themselves to publicly admit, (as some of their colleagues with integrity has) that what the president has done, “violates Our constitution, as it has never been violated before. 

Sadly,  the majority in the Senate is more concerned with Donald Trump’s tweets then upholding our Constitution.

The GOP Impeached Clinton for lying about an affair on his wife, not an affair with another country or government, he still have Rudy Giuliani over in Ukraine digging dirt for him, and our senators are, “quite as church mouse.â€

GMW, It’s up to us to clean the Swamp. Our Men are wallowing in the mud like quick-sand, “they’re going down.†We have to save our country for ourselves, our children; and save our men from themselves.

The Speaker of the House should be applauded, for not passing the Articles of impeachment over to the Senate. 

They have no procedures in place for dealing with the new infraction, Trump has committed against our constitution. They appear to be so afraid of him until, they don’t want to have a thought, that he has not already approve, how sad.

Mr. McConnell and Mr. Graham, I once had great admiration for you, I didn’t always agree with what you did and said, but I respected you for standing on your principle and integrity; where did they go, and what price did you put on them?

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Lindsay Graham: Senator, Donald Trump: President, Mitch McConnell: Majority of Senate

Grandmothers, mothers and women, Gmw; isn’t it strange that the GOP was so willing to impeach Bill Clinton, for having an affair with another woman, And is so unwilling to impeach our president for having an affair with the foreign government, for his own political gain. At the expense of our constitution, That he vowed to protect.

Mrs. Pelosi, GMW, is so proud of you for defending our constitution. USA Today concurred by stating,†in ordinary criminal trials, we disqualify jurors if they know the defendant, the witness or even the latest news. If we applied those standards to Senator, we’d have to disqualify the entire Senate

GMW, in Jesus name we pray for our country. ?


A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Rosa Parks Sat down as one woman and changed a nation. We must stand-up as one and save our nation

GMW Of America: The Truth Will NEVER BE A LIE…

  1. Truth: Open Enrollment For ACA Health Plans Extended,But Only For 36 Hours. The GOP would like to see The Affordable Care Act Fail.
  2. Truth: Trump says Ukraine’s work By Giuliani,â€was done out of love.â€
  3. Truth: At least 11 lives has been lost in the Mid-west, as winter storms threaten millions of Americans.
  4. Truth: Our  constitution States: The House Prosecutes and the Senate is the Jury; Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell has already made their decisions!!
  5. The epicenter for opioids is West Virginia with the highest rates of overdoses accounting for 41.5 deaths per 100 000 people.
  6. Violence in our schools among students is rising.
  7. Too many adults are beginning to behave like undisciplined children, from the highest office of the country; our children are watching.
  8. Guns, drugs and suicide are still the number One (1) killer of our children.
  9. Our teachers needs to be better compensated for the very important work they do; it’s as important as parenting.
  10. Parents; our children needs us to be parents, and give them the tools for choosing their friends.  

These are facts,  not Alternative Truths. 

GMW: We have to unite our country, save our children and bring Bipartisan Leadership back to America with; integrity,principles, Good manners, diplomacy, caring and simply, treating others as we wish to be treated. The Golden Rule.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Our Babies-Our Future

How shall we accomplish this, you ask?  With Our Power Of: Our God, Our â™¥ï¸, Our Dollars, and Our Vote…

Plus, Grace, Mercy and Favor. 

In Jesus’s Name we step out in Faith.