Norfolk  Public Schools Board Candidates By Wards
Election May 1, 2018
GMW MEET WARD 2 CANDIDATES: And, see what ward your precincts is in.
Ward 2Â Â includes the following precincts: Wesley, Suburban Park, Willard, Stuart, Larchmont Library, Larchmont School, Lamberts Point, Park Place, Taylor Elementary, Maury, Ghent Square, and Chrysler Museum.

Incumbent Tanya Bhasin, Nathaniel Kinnison, and Brittany Shearer are running in the general election for Ward 2 of Norfolk Public Schools.
The school board’s primary responsibilities are to:
- Set the vision and goals for the district
- Adopt policies that give the district direction to set priorities
Nathaniel Kinnison,  Ward 2 and achieve its goals.
- Hire and evaluate the superintendent
- Manage the collective bargaining process for employees of the district.
Great School Boards members adopt a fiscally sound district budget and pay attention to finances and regularly monitor the fiscal health of the district.Â

School Board, Community’s Education Watchdog
Grandmother,Mothers and Women(gmw) of Ward 2 in Particular and The City of Norfolk in general, on May 1, 2018, I hope to see each of you at the polls.