Norfolk became my city of choice when I moved here from NY 2003. I have no regrets…Let’s Turn a C+ Into an A.

A city skyline with many buildings and lights.
Downtown City of Norfolk

INCLUDING: THE Good-Bad And Ugly, Just Like NY.

GMW of Norfolk: Here; I’m only speaking for myself;  â€œI try to never point-fingers or complain about a situation, unless I’m willing to help do something about it.â€

Based on the Education C+ rating by Niche.Com and the Norfolk City C+ rating by; and some quotes by writer: Eric Mees.  The question becomes, Is Norfolk a safe place to live.

First, keep in mind that Virginia is one of the safest places in the country, ranked No. 7 in the Crime Index by As with any major metropolitan area, there are areas of Norfolk considered more dangerous than others. Taking these areas into account, Norfolk itself is considered one of the more dangerous areas in Virginia. scores Norfolk a C+, ranking it in the 50th percentile for safety, meaning half the cities are more dangerous and the other half are less dangerous.

What are the bad parts of Norfolk?

There are several neighborhoods, primarily in the south part of Norfolk, that represent the greatest amount of crime. According to, these include Roberts Village, Campostella, Grandy Village, Beacon Light and Coronado-Inglenook, all of which have some of the area’s highest unemployment, lowest median income, lowest population density and lowest home values.

What are the Pros and Cons of Living in Norfolk?


When considering “Is Norfolk a good place to live?†it’s good to know that there are many upsides to living in the Norfolk area. The cost of living is lower than the national average, as are housing costs in the area. The military and defense industry, as well as commercial shipping, help keep the local economy afloat even in the toughest times.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Three Public Universities

The area is also home to three public universities as well as a private one. Old Dominion University is a public research university, with approximately 20,000 under-grads and graduate students on campus. The school has eight colleges and offers more than 150 degree programs.  

Norfolk State University, a historically black university, has just over 5,000 under-grads and graduate students. It is one of the state’s most affordable schools.

Eastern Virginia Medical School has less than 1,000 students, and the campus includes the 555-bed Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, a level 1 trauma medical care facility, and a 212-bed children’s hospital.

Virginia Wesleyan University is a private, liberal arts college. The student body consists of about 1,500 mostly under-grads.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Nauticus Battleship U.U. Wisconsin

Norfolk is also home to many performing arts complexes and hosts annual festivals and parades, mostly in Town Point Park. Revitalization efforts in downtown have brought a number of music clubs to the area, many in lower Granby Street. The Chrysler Museum of Art is considered to be the finest museum in the state, with a significant glass collection. The city’s naval presence is celebrated at Nauticus, which is also home to the battleship U.S.S. Wisconsin, which served in WWII, Korea, and the Gulf Wars. And, The Harrison Opera House, official home of the Virginia Opera in the Neon District of Downtown Norfolk.


The most significant con for the region centers around the higher crime rate than many of the neighboring communities. rates a person’s chance of becoming the victim of a violent crime as 1 in 151, significantly higher than Virginia as a whole, which they rate at 1 in 482.

Public schools are not as highly rated as others in Virginia. Larchmont Elementary School, for example, is the top-rated public elementary in Norfolk, earning a B+ and a Virginia-wide ranking of 309th on

Turning Those C+ to A’s, GMW (Grandmother, mothers and women)of Norfolk, is our responsibility. We have the tools: Our Dollars and Vote, Our Power: Our God and Love.

GMW and We Matter, has join forced with the Stop The Violence coalition, in combine efforts of stopping the violence, and improving Norfolk’s  C+ rating. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Southside Stem Academy

GMW and WE MATTER 2: Is adopting Southside Stem Academy, supporting parents with children in the beautiful underutilized school.  For reasons listed by, Public Schools Review. Southside Stem Academy: Bd of Ed-Rep. Rodney Jordon: Superward 7: and Christine Smith, Ward 4. City Council Superward:7: Rep. Danica J. Royster, and Paul R. Riddick, City Council ward 4.


Grandmothers, mothers, and women (GMW), of Norfolk in particular and all  Norfolkians in General. Our city and schools are on a slippery slope, and sliding downward continually.

The mayor:  Kenneth Alexander and superintendent: Dr. Sharon Byrdsong, You have been elected and selected to direct the course of Norfolk, by the people of Norfolk and for the people of Norfolk. There’s no reason for Norfolk Schools to  have a C+ grade. It’s incumbent upon each of us to make sure our children are better cared for.

Norfolk Public schools VS Virginia Beach and Chesapeake. 2022-2023

VABCH: 2022-23.  (A)

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — On Tuesday, Spence presented the division’s budget to city council members. He’s proposing an $833.5 million Virginia Beach school budget for the 2022/2023 school year. 

Anxiety, uncertainty, and change is hitting students hard during the pandemic, and the Virginia Beach community is paying close attention. 

The Virginia Beach School Division just launched a mental health task force to tackle longstanding mental health issues and problems that have formed throughout the pandemic. 

Next two-year budget will include  10% pay raise for teachers, further expanding largest teacher raises in 15 years.

Grade: (A)  Total Schools: 87  Total Students: 68,706

CHESAPEAKE: 2022-23 (A-)

Chesapeake School Budget-The budget includes a 10% increase in teacher pay, a 14% increase in support staff pay, and a 5% increase in administrative pay for the 2022-23 school year. The proposed budget changes also mean the teacher starting salary would be $51,500.

Grade (A-) Overall  Total Schools: 48;  Total Students: 41,597 

NORFOLK- 2022-23

The Norfolk Public School Board approved a $376.7 operating budget for 2023 during Wednesday night’s meeting. The spending plan includes a provision for increasing teacher pay by 5.8%. Pay for classified employees will increase about 7.5% and administrators will  increase about 7.5% and administrators will see a pay raise of 4.2%.II.

Grade: (C+),  Total Schools: 51    Total Students: 29,837

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
School kids running in elementary school hallway, front view

Graduation rate: 79%.

The care and attention we give our schools and communities, let our children know how much we care.

Norfolk our children deserve better, plus, our Accountability grade is an (F). I’m ashamed.

To Our MAYOR And SUPERINTENDENT; We’re Also Holding You Accountable!!!

â¤ï¸Submitted in Jesus name.?

Stopping The Violence In Norfolk 

Norfolk GMW Of Color In Particular; And All GMW in General.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Stop The Violence Rally

GMW (grandmothers, mothers and women), of Norfolk; I attended a stop the violence rally on Saturday, March 5, 2022, at the Stop and Go Liberty St. Berkeley community.

Norfolk‘s GMW, we have to do better. The magnitude of violence in some parts of our city, that most of us seems numb too, has  to become a problem for each of us. Some of the deplorable conditions that are allowed to exist, and summarize in schools in the same communities is a crime against our children in particular and communities.

Last evening I attended a meeting at the Kroc Center with  Stop The Stop Violence Coalition. We are planning a Youth Forum: April 9, 2022 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm at the Kroc Center. We are giving our youth, up to age 20, an opportunity to tell us how they feel, about their issues,†Our issues, keep us adults, up at nite, (some taking Prescription drugs, unprescribed drugs and alcohol), trying to cope with the problems of our everyday today.

We must acknowledge the fact that, †So, many of our young people end up in foster care, many of them they aging out, never connecting with family again, or loving Environment that would be conducive to providing opportunity for the nurturing, all of us needs to become well-adjusted adults.

The buck stops with us: GMW, God placed our sons and daughters in our wombs for a reason, He provided us the nurturing tools to co-create life with him. Those awesome tools came with an awesome responsibility, which God entrusted us with. So, it incumbent upon those of us, who has a better grasp of those tools, To be responsible for sharing, teaching and showing those of us less endowed, how to properly use those tools, to do a better job with our children. which is why we have so many babies having babies, without the tools to raise them.

I recently read in the Va. Pilot, that half of the Norfolk City Council council wants, and half opposes plans for the Norfolk Boxing Center to be use as a casino, while waiting for the actual casino to be built; even before finding a replacement location. Fortunately it’s encouraging to know that several council members feel a replacement for the center should be found before they start trying to use it for a casino. Norfolk, we need to start putting the needs of our children first, they are our future.

Displacing the residence of Youngtown Terrace as soon as possible, To revitalize St. Paul as a Mix- income community; with a guaranteed right for those residents to return, who wish to, sounds good on paper; we must make sure it’s a reality. Our Children needs  communities that’s conducive to their development. When we live better, “we feel and can do better.†Elective Urban Communities, makes life better for everyone. So Norfolk let’s go for it.

Young’s Terrace elementary school is becoming the incubator for the cradle to prison pipeline. It was brought to our attention at the Saturday rally, that second graders Moore and Tango and their love relationships than math and reading. In this community pro-choice is not A problem because it’s feeding into the prison pipeline. Generating new inventory. We’ve been giving lip-service to the prison-pipeline, “since forever,â€But it’s still in business. Only The village can fix the village.

We are asking all organizations that can contribute to stopping the violence coalition to join us. Our next organizational meeting is at the Kroc Center,March 14,@ 6:pm. Only the village can fix the village. We will provide the resources, the platform and alternative solution to the problems our children and communities are facing. So each child and their parents will leave this forum, “with the resources in their hands, along with access to information for further assistance when needed. 

GMW of color in particular, our children are hurting: Committing suicide, resorting to violence behavior, gun violence included, suspension from school; To Spotlight the magnitude their behavior, “A five-year old was arrested in Florida yesterday, for injuring a teacher with a desk. (Somebody dropped the ball with that baby). What happened to our children is our responsibility, Whether we acknowledge it or not, it exists, and it’s our problem. Women of Norfolk, we have to fix this problem. We have to start with our daughters, And rally our men, around our sons.

Grandmothers mothers and women, (GMW) We have the tools at our disposal to make a difference in our children’s lives and the communities we live in. We serve a God that can do all things except fail.

The 2022 elections are upon us, And we are no longer going to be a cheap date. It’s time we start getting compensated our vote and dollars.


2022 Midterm 



A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Democratic Leaders: We Need Boldness

Democrats Must Go On Offense To Win in 2022 — Start With Upping Your Messaging Platform. Amplifying one agenda, addressing the needs of the American people. 

GMW:  Are they running against the traditional establishment Republicans or #45 Republicans.

GMW, (grandmothers, mothers and women), according to the, imagine this,†if Democrats start messaging, the Child Tax Credit alone — eligible families can receive up to $3,600 for each child under age six and up to $3,000 for each age 6 through 17 for 2022- this puts money in parent’s pockets for their children and yet few Democrats communicate this feat. Likewise, messaging Biden’s Build Back Better package or the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which will provide much-needed improvement to marginalized communities such as reasonable broadband access to ensure that Americans receive reliable high-speed internet, are keys to a potential win in 2022. 

The GOP, dismiss the entire DEM., plans simply as “socialism†or “wasteful spending†without being challenged to address its popular particulars. Challenge THEM!!

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Bring The Message To The American People

The Democrats’ Build Back Better plan would ensure paid sick leave, home healthcare, another year of monthly child tax credits that have lifted millions out of poverty, universal prekindergarten, two years of community college, a cap on families’ child-care expenses, healthcare subsidies, Medicare hearing benefits, climate change programs and, to offset the costs, tax increases on corporations and the wealthiest individuals, as well as authorization for Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices.

The GOP, dismiss the entire DEM., plans simply as “socialism†or “wasteful spending†without being challenged to address its popular particulars. Challenge THEM!!

Democrats can start messaging to voters directly, Every Democratic operative or strategist can stay on message and discuss how Build Back Better will invest over $3.385 billion in capital access investments for small employers and entrepreneurs with nearly $2 billion in a Small Business Association direct lending program for the smallest businesses and government contractors or $60 million to diversify and create equity within the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program.

What’s The GOP Solution. Are they running against the traditional establishment Republicans or #45 Republicans.

GMW: All of these are popular with the American people and Republicans, dismiss the entire plan simply as “socialism†or “wasteful spending†without being challenged to address its popular particulars. CHALLENGE THEM

Also Continuing to quote the Hill, “The conservative-learning Supreme Court could also help Democrats maintain their House and Senate majorities and state legislatures in 2022 per their decision regarding reproductive rights by June of 2022 — five months before the midterm contests. As such, Democrats and progressive activists could use the Mississippi case’s threat to abortion rights and make the message hit closer to home for millions of women, including suburban women, potentially winning them back.â€

GMW: Are they running against the traditional establishment Republicans or #45 Republicans. 

The GOP, dismiss the entire DEM., plans simply as “socialism†or “wasteful spending†without being challenged to address its popular particulars. Challenge THEM!!

GMW: Democrats could win by going on offense, running the record of successes, not playing defense responding to GOP attacks. The simple lesson —  lean into the Democratic success and communicate these wins, mainly how the triumphs aid American families and children, engage African Americans and Asian-Americans including Korean Americans and Chinese Americans — communicate the talking points and how they improve these communities and others.  Acknowledge your base, that’s how you win.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

GMW: Democrats should also capitalize on another critical issue in the midterm elections — the battle between traditional establishment Republicans versus Trump Republicans. Will the establishment fringe wing of the GOP gain control power from the Trump wing? As the GOP-civil war rages on, this allows Democrats further opportunity, in addition to touting the House’s successful passage of their social spending and tax passage as they try to ease voters’ concerns about inflation and shortages of goods.

It would be a bold move for either the President or VP, to go into West Virginia, have fireside chats, bringing his message of $15 minimum-wage and The Build Back Better Plan, plus the infrastructure investment and Job Act to Mr. Manchin constituents, reminding him who’s president.

Here are Five (5) things GMW’s would like to see the Dem., do to win in 2022:

  • Pass some version of Build Back Better Act ASAP
  • See President Biden enforce strict message discipline—and send the right messengers around the country.
  • See the Democrats use the next year to do some really big stuff.
  • Figure out a way to do something with voting rights. Prioritize democracy reform.
  • Go after voters on the sidelines—and win back Latinos. Pass The Dreamers Act, (DACA)

GMW:  It’s Time We Let Our Party Know,  “ We’re No Longer, A Cheap- Date.â€

Sinema was censored; Manchin should lose his chairmanships: 


GMW (Grandmothers, Mothers and Women), 2022 is going to be pivotal for the Democrats. First of all, before we go any further we need our party leaders to know, “It’s time to PLAY-HARD BALL, with Joe Manchin and Kristen Cinema,  and #45’s GOP.

Kyrsten Sinema needed to be censored by the Democrats In Arizona. But, why wasn’t Joe Manchin relieved of the committees he chairs. He currently serves as the Chairman of four (4) critical Senate Committees:  The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and also serves on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Armed Services, and the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. If he can’t support his president, and party’s agenda, then he should be stripped of those chaired responsibility.

GMW (Grandmothers, Mothers and Women), 2022 is going to be pivotal for the Democrats. First of all, before we go any further we need our party leaders to know, “It’sKristen cinema, Joe mansion, Democrats, time to PLAY-HARD BALL, with Joe Manchin and Kristen Cinema,  and #45’s GOP.

Kyrsten Sinema needed to be censored by the Democrats In Arizona. But, why wasn’t Joe Manchin relieved of the committees he chairs. He currently serves as the Chairman of four (4) critical Senate Committees:  The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and also serves on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Armed Services, and the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. If he can’t support his president, and party’s agenda, then he should be stripped of those chaired responsibilities.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

 Joe Manchin, from one of the poorest states has advocated for a rise only to $11 an hour, as he drives his Maserati to his yacht. Manchin has said that he doesn’t want to pass a paid leave bill. Washington, D.C. (May 11, 2021):  More than two-thirds of West Virginia voters support the For the People Act, including a super-majority of #45 voters, according to findings of a RepresentUs poll.  New Poll: Voters in West Virginia Support Voting Rights Legislation, Want Senator Manchin to Vote to Modify Senate Rules to Allow It to Pass.

We made Biden president not Joe Manchin, if he can’t support his president and party, Then what’s the point of keeping him there. The American people need results not political Power struggles. If Joe wants to be a republican, then give up the seat, and run for it as a republican. Give the Democrats an opportunity to put someone in that seat who would represent our beliefs and support the goals of the party. Should we lose such a race, at least we’ll know what we’re working with.

Hardball needs to start with these 8 senators who voted against the $15.minimum wage bill. If they can’t support their parties Platform, for their constituents needs, then what purpose are they serving, holding those positions. The eight senate Democrats who voted against raising the minimum wage are collectively worth over $43 million they are

  1. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.)
  2. Krysten Sinema (D-Ariz.)
  3. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)
  4. Maggie Hassan  (D-N.H.)
  5. Joe Tester (D-Mont)
  6. Tom Carper (D-Del.)
  7. Chris Coons (D-Del.)
  8. Angus King (I-Maine)

These Senators needs to be put on BLAST, because, Justice Stephen Breyer 83 is retiring from the Supreme Court at the end of June 2022. Biden promised to nominate a Black Woman for the vacancy; and when he appoints that woman we need all 50 Senators on Board.

Democrats, we need to start believing, that we will maintain our majority in Congress in 2022. GMW, is sick and tired of hearing mainstream media and everyone else who has a platform speculating that the Democrats are going to lose those majorities, In 2022. The GOP is doing absolutely nothing to create a platform that the American people, who has principles and values will want to vote for in 2022.  Their voter suppression laws are meant for one reason, to keep voters from the polls by any means necessary, so they can win elections and offer America’s  voters nothing. 

As soon as Governor Glenn Younkins got sworn into office, his true GOP’s persuasion took center stage. He has the nerve to ban CRT(Critical Race Theory) being taught in Virginia’s schools. He has agreed with #45 and the new GOP policies.

If President Biden and his party continue bringing his message to the people as he did in Philadelphia yesterday, after the collapse of that bridge; the Democrats won’t have any problems winning 2022 elections. 

GMW will guarantee taking back some of those governorsships we lost in 2010. If you, our Democratic Leaders would show us Some go get it tenacity, with confidence and hardball, sprinkled with principles and morals; give us something to feel good about and proud of,  we’ll deliver you the vote. 

As always, our messages are presented in the name of Jesus. Amen








 89th SPECIAL ELECTION JAN. 11, 2022:

Filling Seat vacated by Del. Jay Jones Dec. 16, 2021.  HD 89th.

Grandmothers mothers and women (GMW) in the HD 89th of Norfolk, Va.

If you voted for Jay Jones, in the Nov. 2, 2021 election, Now its important that you vote for Jackie Glass January 11, 2021.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Democratic Candidate for the HD-89th

Jackie Glass a Democratic, initially lost a November race for Norfolk’s City Council Superward 7, by 500 votes to Danica Royster. Now, Jackie Glass says, “Maybe my role was to be a policymaker to support all these things I supported locally. 

After winning the Democratic nomination through a “firehouse caucus†conducted last week, Mrs. Glass said, “ Maybe it was a sign that this race is the one she was meant to win. Let’s help her win.

GMW our efforts to get more women at the policy making tables is and has been, “if you run, we will support you. Jackie Glass has thrown her hat in the ring for HD 89th seat as a “ woman and families candidate.†And the following issues are  identified by her when asked what issue she most strongly support in the event she is elected.

  1. Paid family medical leave
  2. Access to affordable healthcare
  3. Affordable housing, and low income tax credit
  4. Energy efficiency
  5. Small Business and labor relations
  6. Equitable state-funding allocation

Republicans controls the house of delegates Majority after picking up seven seats in the November election; simply because, too many Democrats stayed home, and their vote counted, but not for Democrats. The same is true for when Republicans stay home, their voices count, but, not for Republicans. My point is, GMW when you don’t allow your vote to speak for what you believe, then you’re giving someone that privilege. 

So, GMW, even if you can’t vote in HD 89th, You can still support Jackie Glass with your dollars and whatever help is needed in securing HD89th.

To all Virginians in particular and Americans in general. As stated by: Cecilia Aguilera, an attorney with the Fair Elections Center, a nonpartisan voting rights and electoral reform organization in Washington, D.C. © 2021 Virginian-Pilot.

While several Republican-led state legislatures spent their 2021 sessions trying to make it harder to vote, Virginia’s Democratic-led General Assembly took the opposite approach. Since 2020, it has modernized the commonwealth’s election code to facilitate voting, including by establishing no-excuse early and mail voting. As a result, six times as many Virginians voted early in this year’s general election than in 2017. 

Overall, more voters participated than in 2017, and while many factors can influence turnout, two things are clear: Virginia voters have embraced recent election law changes, and the changes did not disadvantage Republican candidates. 

No Democratic leaders were chanting, “Voter Fraud  in the November 2, 2021, general election, where the Democrats lost the governorship, Attorney General, and a majority in the House of delegates. We believe democracy worked, and It was simply the voters choice. More Republicans than Democrats went to the polls. 

To all Registered Voters in the HD 89th Special Election Jan. 11, 2022, the winner will be determined by the Party that gets their voters to the polls. So Democrats if we wish to hold the 89th, then we have to fight for it, with our platform of addressing the constituents needs, and not attacking the candidates personality or record. We want results. Which will get our people to the polls. 

Omicron Variant



I Got my Vaccine Booster before Thanksgiving, To Ensure the safety of my family around me…NOW we need the Serenity prayer: 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

Lord grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot change: THE CORONAVIRUS IS AMONG US! We Can’t Change That.

The courage to change the things that I can: GET VACCINATED AND WEAR A MASK! We Can Do That.



GMW (Grandmothers mothers and women), It’s incumbent upon us to protect our families to the best of our abilities and to walk-softly among those playing Russian Roulette with their lives. TRYING TO NOT BE APART OF: HERD IMMUNITY

Common sense is missing in so many of our political leaders and fellow American. Not realizing vaccinations, wearing masks and constant-hand-washing helps produces Herd immunity which will help prevent the variant from getting stronger and spreading wider. where each new variant is more deadly than the one before.

I have resolved to just pray for the unmask and unvaccinated; because many of them are in my family, and I’m sure, yours also.

 This I pray in the mighty name of Jesus?#


DEMOCRATIC ON THE HILL And ALL Democratic Leaders: 

Grandmothers, mothers, women (GMW), we need to see results. We’re staunch Democratic,

some are very active member of Norfolk Democrats, others serving as Precient  captain. We helped turn Virginia blue, got a majority in Congress and made Mr. Biden, President.

I’m referring to the base that revived Mr. Biden’s campaign and made him president. The middle class and the infrastructure bill will not make sure we maintain a majority in Congress, in 2022.

The Voters Rights  Act  Bill  and George Floyd Justice Reform Bill. should be on the tongue of every Democrat concerning the 2022 election. The GOP has been busy; Inacting over 400 voter suppression bills in over 45 states. Without much opposition or counter action from Democrats.

Right now we’re very disheartened with 

our party, because of  ineffectiveness, infighting,  and lack of party unity.  We want you to know, Virginia did not lose the election because the GOP had an agenda that people wanted to follow, It was simply the Democrats turned off so many of their base, Until it was impossible to win without them.

Now we’re bombarded with request for donation such as this: (A representative)“ I’m still alarmingly short of my must-hit End of Month goal. Please chip-in $4 dollars, another (The Oval Office) asking for donations $10 and-up. ( A Senator) asking for donations of $7. and up before midnight.

When the Democrats cater to their base’s core needs, they can easily win any election, because we’ll support you!

The GOP is very vociferous concerning pro life. Why are the Democrats so quiet about Second Amendment rights, especially getting rid of Ak-47, getting a law on the books, giving civilians an opportunity to bring charges against any Civilian seen with an assault weapons, and bringing it across state-lines. would he have had a day in court, being tried by Jury of his peers, where most of the juries looked like him. 

Gun violence is a health issue. Our country is in a crisis; and guns are allowed to be king. So many guns are on our street now, until the police has no idea what type of weapon he will be facing when interacting with the public, but if you’re the right color, you would get consideration before shoot are fired.

The double standard of policing we saw in the Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial was Justice determined by color. If a black 17 year old child was in Rittenhouse’s place, in the same scenario, “Walking toward a group of policeman with an AK 47 around his neck, would he be having a trial in front of a jury of his peers, that mostly look like him?

Now, largely because of the pandemic, opioid abuse — with its terrible human toll — is undeniably a nationwide health emergency that demands strong, comprehensive action. 

The numbers are appalling. The latest figures from researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics show that from April 2020 to April 2021, more than 100,000 people in the United States died of drug overdoses. That’s more than in any previous 12-month period, an average of 275 every day. 

Democrats, you need to, Be more tenacious. I am a Democrat because the NEW GOP,s principles, values, integrity, standing up for nothing, but laying with anything, would make me blow my brains out, if I had to stand behind some of the stuff, they are standing behind.

So Democrats, please stop constantly asking your constituents for more money to accomplish the things, you should have already accomplish. You don’t need more money to do your jobs.  Congress in both houses needs to stop the in-fighting the power-struggles, and think of the American people, and the reason  we sent you to Washington in the first place.

White America, please don’t forget, “when drugs was destroying Urban and black communities, your answers were, “Just say no, and lock them up;†until it came to your neighborhoods and white communities; then it became a health crisis. So please don’t forget what goes around comes around. It’s a pay me now or pay me later, because we all pay, If we don’t work together. This is an open letter to my party the Democrats in particular and the GOP in general. 

Democrats, If your base is being denied easy access to the polls, and you’re doing nothing about it, “You would reap better rewards by channeling your campaign funds into infrastructure and the middle class, and letting the NEW GOP do what  they  do best, shut-up and sell their Souls to the highest bidder, and get a  Congressional Majority in 2022, and strap the infrastructure bill, that you gave priority, over votings rights, justice reform, statehood for DC and the Peoples act. Those item were on your campaign agenda.

Our new governor is anti-CRT, (critical race theory) antiabortion, voter fraud, and too quite about January  sixth.

This statement is for parties on both sides of the aisle, who professes to not be a racist, but your vote says otherwise; and each of you knows who you are. You’re not racist but you have a confederate flag, tag or license plate on your car, and you vote for candidates with white supremacist ideologies.

Norfolk recently you and Virginia Beach were complaining about not being able to get workers, and was contemplating closing down some afterschool centers. Virginia Beach decided they needed to pay those workers more money, which solve their centers staffing problems. Norfolk, don’t you think,â€that’s your problem also.†The borders are closed, stopping the illegal immigrants, who was primary in staffing those positions, some of which pays under three dollars an hour, If it’s in the restaurant arena.

Shawntell Mills-Sanchez


A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Shawntell Mills-Sanchez

Running For Legislative District 4 New York,

Candidate for Rensselaer County Legislature NASSAU · SAND LAKE, SCHODACK

GMW(Grandmothers, Mothers Women), please meet and support my friend Shawntell Mills- Sanchez, and sister, to my daughter-in-law, “Mary Mills- Collins.â€

I’m so proud of her and our young Men and Women, who are answering the call to step into their cities and states political arenas, taking responsibility for their futures and that of their childrens.

My generation has almost destroyed your Country by being in the arena too long. And now some of the old-heads are trying to bring back Jim Crow Laws, under the gise of Election Integrity, I would call it, Legislative fraud.

We can all give Donald Trump credit for exposing the swamp, with an unquestionable ability too divided our Country. But, each of us is responsible for our part in allowing him to do what he did, and is still trying to do. We have been divided, but not conquered. That’s why I have decided, “I will never again vote for anyone, for political office over 65. So. you never have to worry about me running?Ever!!!

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

The power struggle that is consuming the top three branches of our government is out of control. The supreme court has become Partisan. Young political leaders, one issue that should be at the top of your agenda is, “The Supreme Court. It should no longer be a lifetime appointment, only 25 to 30 years. We have 2 Supreme Court justices with sexual abuse allegations, and an x-president who said, “He could grab a woman by her private-part-kiss her and she would like it, plus 16 women has accused him of rape. He wants be president again. He has no respect for our intelligence.

But Now, Back To My Friend: Shawntell Mills-Sanchez, who’s a Candidate for RensselaerCounty Legislature NASSAU · SAND LAKE, SCHODACK.

She Feels:: As a County Legislator, one of my most important duties is to focus on the health and well-being of the residents of District 4 – Nassau, Sand Lake and Schodack. Our communities deserve to have safe water to drink, clean air to breathe and green spaces to enjoy with family and friends. 

The Village of Nassau is a historic community located in the rolling hills of southern Rensselaer County. It consists of a small central business district, a Village center, and commons with a bandstand surrounded by residences and pocketed neighborhoods.

My opponents are siphoning campaign donation from a number of individuals and companies with mining interest through Republican committees. This allows for local influence peddling into mining practices that negatively impacts our community.

So, to all of my fellow New Yorkers, GMW’s, Democrats,  Family, Friends, and my son by love â¤ï¸Â , Shawn Young, (Whom I’m grooming for mayor of NY or NJ) , if you’ll can’t vote for her, please support her with your power: Your Dollars, Your Vote, Our God and Ourâ¤ï¸.

GMW, everywhere, our men, so many of them,  have decided it’s unconstitutional to demand that anyone wear a mask, but it’s constitutional for them to tell us what we can’t an can do with our bodies. GMW we must be at the tables, making The legislative decisions, regarding our bodies. Those men who think they better than us, how we should handle our bodies have totally lost their minds. 

Mrs. Finale Norman the GMW of Virginia support you ? in the HD-100. We will do our best to get you elected, Then to all the GMW and democrats in Georgia for 2022, if she wants it, We’ll be putting Tracy Abrams in the Governor Office. 

We’re AWAKE AND UNITED!!! In Jesus name we’re praying for guidance, unity and victory.




Hampton Roads  Black Caucus GOP vs Hampton Roads  Black Democrats. 


Keep Virginia Blue

GMW, (Grandmothers, Mothers and Women), Hampton Roads Black Caucus is not a bipartisan group. They Are the  GOP, I have nothing against them calling themselves  Hampton Roads Black Caucus, but they need to own their partisanship as  GOP. They should not give their Republican Candidate for governor the impression that democrats are endorsing him, because we are not. His platform is for Donald Trump’s’ Agenda, and against everything we’re fighting for.

For clarity sake, ‘The democrats formed a caucus group called The Black Democrats of Virginia. They stipulated Democratic, So as not to cause confusion. 

The GOP is pulling out all the tricks to win elections, why not let your platform speak for you. You are anti-abortions, voting rights, against mask wearing and vaccines to stem the spread of COVID-19, terrified of critical race theory, want no part of sensible Gun laws, and did nothing to bring the Affordable Cares Act to  Virginians. Why not embrace what your party stands for.  I have been in Virginia for 18 years, and a member of Norfolk Democrats for about 15; never heard of any bipartisan participation with ,“ HAMPTON ROADS BLACK CAUCUS in any cause or event, until now when they want bipartisan endorsement of Glenn Youngkin, for governor.

 Virginia’s Democrats intention is, “Keeping Virginia Blue,†with a Democratic Governor. So, Mr. Glenn Youngkin, HRBC is made up of Black Republicans, whose  counter-part is the Black Democrats of Hampton Roads. Nothing personal against HRBC, we’re just opposite parties. HRBC, you need more transparency, and a little more integrity won hurt.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Wren Williams GOP

GMW, “The GOP is at it again, â€in the 9th HD District consisting of Patrick county, parts of Franklin and Henry counties, has been represented by Charles Poindexter since 2008. Wren Williams won the nomination in June, 2021.

GMW, here is the dilemma in HD-9, Bridgette Craighead, Democrat: Is running against Republican Wren Williams to represent Virginians in Franklin and Patrick Counties, November 2, 2021.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Bridgette Craighead DEM

Bridgette is a young Black Mother and Entrepreneur, when she first entered the race, she was totally ignored, as not a challenge and none entity. But, as she began to receive local, National and international attention, she.s now facing criminal misdemeanor charges of abusive language to another person in Franklin County. She ‘s set to appear in court for adjudicatory hearing on October 28, 2021. Is it a coincidence that the court date is five days before election day November 2.

Ms. Craighead Call the charge “ false and in uninvestigate.†She said it’s an attempt to use the courts to attack Democratic candidate and silence black women who are shedding light on long-standing injustice in the our community.

Democrats of Virginia in particular and GMW in general, we need to give Bridgette Craighead our support and Attention, if we’re not already doing it.