Let’s keep Va. Blue November 2, 2021. If YOU’RE NOT SURE! VOTE THE TICKET!!!
Terry McAuliff, looking to the future: Continuing to fight for civil rights, voting rights, ensuring all Virginians have access to quality affordable healthcare, build a clean energy economy to address climate change and address the affordable housing crisis our communities are facing. Most importantly, Terry will make an unprecedented investment in education. The time is now to ensure a world-class education for every Virginia child. Our future and our children cannot wait.
Mr. McAuliff, must also put,â€Gun Violence in Virginia and across America on his agenda for the next 35 days to November 2,†And all candidates running for election or re-election in Virginia.
Virginia, you can vote today if you choose. The Beauty Of Choice!!!
America, we all know voter fraud is being perpetrated by the very persons claiming fraudulent activities. All of the new voter laws being legislated by many states, is a perfect example of Voter Fraud and Voter suppression, they know it, but are choosing to use the euphemism, ‘voter integrity to make it smell better.’
When it comes to immigration the Democrats nor the GOP, looks very-good: The Trump administration had nursing babies taken away from their mothers, to never be seen again, And, the Biden administration is responsible for Haitian refugees to be treated as the slaves were treated less than 200 years ago, by men on horses. A perfect example of critical race theory; A part of our history that’s never going to rest, until we face it. what we saw happening to the Haitians at our borders, was and is, racism personified.
Both parties need to put on their big boys and girls pants, And start working together to fix the mess both of you are responsible for creating. Pointing the finger is not going to fix America’s problem. To be perfectly honest, †each of us needs to start addressing our elephant in the room. I address this question to Mr. Bill O’Reilly several years ago, nothing has changed, except now the storm is spreading all across America.
Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW), I am so glad, God knows the plans he has for each of us, not to harm us, but to help us (Jeremiah 29:11). Remember America, He allowed The Jews to be captured and Exiled to Babylon for 70 years. America are you wondering what plan He has for us, as we continue to be a country divided.
I submit this message in the name of Jesus, and I hope America says, Amen ?
Democrats, where is your backbone. You need to get Behind your President 100 percent; He’s trying to clean up his predecessor mess, while trying to get his own agenda in place.
According to the Washington post, the essence of Trump’s deal with the Taliban, (not the afghan) required Biden to either maintain the withdrawal or escalate fighting.
Number 45 also encouraged his GOP Constituents not to take the vaccine, and wear mask to help curtail the spread Covid-19.
He couldn’t face the fact he lost the election, simply because the American people didn’t want another four(4) years of him.
The GOP knew what he was doing was wrong, but they chose to look the other way, and stood by #45 as he almost destroyed our Country, as we knew it. Knowing, Trump didn’t know what he was doing, while almost seven-hundred-thousand Americans lost their lives to COVID-19, The GOP, Didn’t even try to reprimand him when he told us all to take some Clorox or disinfectant for COVID-19.
The GOP put 2 justices on the Supreme Court that should not be there. We now have a Partisan Supreme Court, that is making it imperative that we have no more life-term positions in government. The only Life-term position in this country should be parenting.
Democrats! Now David Chipman’s nomination is possibly being withdrawn from leading the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) because of opposition from Joe Manchin, 4 other moderate democrats and Mitch McConnell, Chipman is not the only high profile White House nominee withdrawn. Neera Tanden’s nomination to lead the office of Management and budget was Withdrawn in March of this year, because of opposition from Manchin and 50 Senate Republicans.
Democrats, if you don’t succeed in getting Biden’s budget pass this year, it’s not a life or death situation; As are, some of the issues we are currently dealing with, that needs your attention immediately. Your base has the capability to keep you in office, and make sure you increase your majority in both houses of Congress in 2022. But you must treat your base like we matter; address our issues, put us first, and we will keep you first.
Democrats if you put the needs of your base and the majority of the American people first, We will make sure you get the majority in 2022, so that Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema will not be a negative-thorn in your agendas ever again. Because The GOP is busy (shooting themselves in the foot) passing asinine-laws that makes no sense like:
Abortion-with public vigilante groups,voter suppression, no Masts, and really crazy gun laws. Just know: They pass the laws; but we cast the votes.
GMW, The GOP is busy Weaponized the mess in Afghanistan trying to get an advantage in 2022. Ignoring the chaos that they are creating in this country, especially Texas, and other Red States who’s major concern is power, by any means necessary; if Covid-19 doesn’t take them out.
GMW Trumpism negotiate with the Taliban to leave Afghanistan May 1, 2021. The Americans in Afghanistan and any afghans who wanted to leave knew they had at least 17 months to start preparing.
Also GMW, After 20 years of training the afghans Military and Security at the cost of so many Americans lives and over $83 billion dollars the Afghans were only able to defend themselves for 11 days.
The Biden administration Up-held Trump deal, negotiate for another four months. Giving everyone more time to prepare to leave; the Afghan civilians and American to starting preparing to leave if they wanted to. GOP, this Argument or platform for your 2022 supposed victory is not going to stand up to truth either,Because each of you know what your contribution to this Afghan chaos is all about. GOP please always know, “The Truth Will Never Be A Lie.â€
So please don’t take this voter fraud junk to the recall in California. Because the reason this recall exist in the first place is based on lies.
GMW especially here in Virginia, we have to walk the walk on November 3, 2021. In the House of Delegates the Dem has 55 seats, the GOP has 45. We must keep our 55 and pick-up as many more as God allow us, starting with the HD100: Finale Norton. GD79: Nadarius Clark and the HD-64th: Michael Drewry.
GMW; we plans to keep Va. blue in November 2021, and gain a few more seats in the HD.
All of these decisions Were made with the understanding, the Afghan military forces were going to be able to defend their homeland and the Taliban honor their hand-shake agreement with Trump. for more then 11 days.
Most of those Americans and Afghans still trying to get out of Afghanistan has to assume some of the responsibility for the situation they are in, by the choices they either did or did not make. This deal was originally made February 2020. When Trump was making a mess of almost everything he touch. While the politically savvy members of his party stayed mute almost.
Now we have the Delta Variant, almost out of control in states that did not support vaccines or masts wearing, and chaos in Afghanistan due to bad negotiations, with the Taliban instead of with Afghans.
It would be so nice now, to have Bipartisan leadership to deal with America challenges; which would give voters a chance to cast their votes based on commonsense decisions made with integrity, principles and moral values. GMW let’s continue praying for the above in Jesus Name. Amen
Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW): We’re on a Mission, Controlling our Bodies-and Casting Our Votes.
Both sides of Our political Arenas are filled with charismatic politicians, Who has no desire to Put their constituents needs above their own.
But if there was a contest for Power by whatever means necessary, the GOP would win; January 6 sealed the deal for them as the winners. And, the Texas GOP just put the frosting on their Celebratory Cake. Even The Supreme Court has join their Group.
As a result of the above inclusion. The Supreme Court Should no longer be a Life-Time-Appointment; Only A-25-years-term-position.
My generation, those of us 65+ has made some good and bad accomplishments, the bad, is overshadowing the good. Even the weather has been effected by decisions by us. letting us know, â€We’ve done too many things wrong.â€
The only life-time-positing should be, PARENTING: It’s one of the things God did not give up dominion-over. We can choose not to behave like parents, but once sperm Fertilize-an egg in the womb and we give birth, we are parents, like it or not.
So Mr. Writers of the Texas Abortion law, and just sperm donors in so many cases; You get to walk away with no responsibility, even if I was raped, by my father, brother, uncle, cousin, friend, or a random man; and you have the nerve to tell us women,â€we have to keep it whether we like it or not, and The Supreme Court goes along with you; WE DON’T THINK SO!!!
Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW), we make the decisions as owners of our wombs, along with our doctors, we will decide what remains what happens with our bodies. not you sperm donors. If we have a NEED for an abortion, We will get one.
Our next immediate mission is too the make sure, All Politicians with your ideology and mindset, is serving your last term in office. Because, I’m quite sure those (GMW’s), who voted for some of you, against-their-better-judgment would not be making that mistake again.
We would also like to put on notice any other state getting ready to follow Texas’s example…You Pass The Laws, WE CAST THE VOTE, and we’re consistent.
Our leader is our creator (God) and we follow Him, in the name of Jesus?
Unequal-Justice, I’m just reading about Jason, there was no public media outcry on Jason, I wonder why? But the Media loves R.Kelly.I’m not condoning the behavior of either one. I’m Condemning the application of justice and media coverage.
GMW of color, we must make more Noise about the treatment of our daughter. The damage perpetrated on our young Black princesses by Jason Pope a.k.a. DJ Kidd should have been Broadcast from the mountain tops all across America and the world. We can all ask ourselves,â€Would a DJ kidd, of a different race been able to get away with doing the same thing to 693 of our white princesses for over 20 years before finally being put in jail in 2020. Our Justice System has to be reformed and and qualified immunity, (must die)!!!
Texas Just pass a law telling women we have no control over our bodies… Women don’t get pregnant by themselves, the lawmakers are among the providers of the sperm. Now they want us to take whatever they give us, by any means they choose and there’s nothing we can do aboutt. How ridiculous is that?
Then passing a bills outlawing the wearing of masks as a violation of civil rights (the mast will protect the lives of our Most vulnerable from COVID-19. Also, giving the people of Tx., the right to carry guns in public without a permit, training or background check.
GMW: When Good People look away, evil flourish. We need to come together now, using our God-given and Constitutional Rights and power, to bring common sense, integrity and decency back to governing.
We are beginning to see abuse of power at a magnitude that we never thought possible under democracy. Texas as become a perfect example of abusing power.
Donald Trump unleash the swamp, and it’s trying to spread across the country; but GMW, we can’t allow This venom to spread. We have the power to stop it, and if we don’t; we deserve what we get!!!
GMW Donald Trump and our current disasters happens, when some of us choose not to vote for what believe. Now we all can see, how expensive compromising principles and values can be.
?With GOD as our leader, Consulor, protector and provider, and us, using our power, we can, and must stop this madness. In the mighty name of Jesus?
Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (Gmw), let’s keep Virginia blue; it’s not going to be easy, but we can do it.We are asking all of our Democratic Senators,to please support our party and ,for once follow the examples of your counterpart, The GOP’s. If you put your base first, we will give you the power!
Our country appears to be either coming out of a crisis or going into one, or reverting back to a problem we thought we were getting control of. We once handle crisis as a unified nation, but our current state of divisiveness, has become a crisis in itself.
GMW, What we can do now is,“keep each other covered in prayer, and use our powers jointly to accomplish the things we know we must do.†Our power is: Our God, Our Love, Our Vote and Our Dollars. We turned Virginia blue when the odds seemed daunting, but we did it. Now we must beat the daunting odds again, and send Finale-Norton to Richmond as HD for the 100th.
I met her last evening at an Oceanview Diner fundraise, which is requiring The use of our dollars, to make sure she has the means to run a campaign that Will turn the HD 100 blue. She’s a product of the Eastern shore and is a phenomenal woman, please meet her below.
Finale Johnson Norton was born and raised in Exmore, on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. She will be an advocate for working families in the General Assembly because her own family had to work very hard to make ends meet. Her mom cleaned homes before earning her cosmetology license later in life, and her father shucked clams and laid ground cable. In the eighth grade, Finale’s father sadly died when he was hit by a truck. Social Security helped her family during the hard times. In high school, Finale cleaned clam buckets at 6 a.m. at Willis Wharf, graded tomatoes at Six L’s, waitressed, and spent a short week picking crabs at a local crab house. Thanks to public schools, Finale had a chance to further her education. After graduating from Northampton High School, she attended Hampton University and earned her Bachelor of Science degree.
For the next 20 years as a Navy wife and businesswoman, she resided in Norfolk, Virginia, never far from home, as her family remained in Norfolk and on the Eastern Shore. Finale began working at Bank of America (FKA) Sovran Bank in 1988. Always advocating for inclusion and equity, she served on Bank of America’s Diversity Council and was an executive sponsor for the company’s Lead for Women initiative and LGBTQ initiative. During her 26-year tenure at Bank of America, mostly in Norfolk, Finale worked her way up to becoming an executive with responsibility for more than 3,500 employees. She then worked at a global consulting company before retiring from corporate America.n
Now she wants to work for us, from Richmond as our HD100; Let’s help her achieve this mission. I can assure you, we will reap the benefits of her going to Richmond on our behalf. So GMW’s of the HD100 let’s go into our toolboxes and get to work.
Let’s also pray for the Bidens administration, the victims and their families injured in the bombing at the Kabul airport, and especially for our military men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice of giving up their lives,while supporting our Democracy and what our country stands for. We’re asking God to cover our POTUS in handling the crisis in Afghanistan. Giving him the guidance, patients, strength, wisdom and understanding, to do what’s best for America and our allies.
As we are all aware, the president currently in office has inherited the challenges and the benefits of his predecessor; It comes with the territory. We are all thankful for our current president, because drinking Clorox or some other disinfectant won’t be able to fix this problem either.
To the POTUS, and his administration: PLEASE know all GMW’s in particular and America in general, who believes in integrity, commonsense, principles, moral values-virtues discipline, understanding and discernment,supports you 100%.
November 3, 2021 is critical for keeping Virginia blue.
With these Democratic pro-choice women in office, the state legislature has made the safety, health, and economic opportunities of Virginians its top priorities. Progress has been made across the board, with accomplishments that include passing landmark climate change legislation, increasing voter accessibility, removing restrictions on reproductive health care, passing sweeping criminal justice reform, and investing in education.
This is our opportunity to reflect what the 2022 Election will Look like. Ladies we must make America, The UNITED STATES Again, And, get rid of the divisiveness that’s destroying our country. It won’t happen; When your  platform is a struggle for power by any means necessary, even being willing to let our babies die along with All other  vulnerable Americans, just to prove your Power-Point.
We cannot allow the Jim Crow ideology to take us back to a place in history where, “ So many of us are afraid to even admit existed. Where critical race theory has some of us ,shaking in her boots! and losing our minds, They wants no part of American history being taught, Showing the good, bad and ugly of what made us who we are today.Â
There’s so much about our history, we’re not proud of; But, it is what it is. We should be ashamed of it; But the future we want for our children, will not allow us to remain in the shamed Box. We must hang our history up to dry, then lay it to rest, but never forget, because forgetting will allow it to repeat.
Virginia: November 3, 2021, the spotlight is on us!!!
To: Mr. Biden, Mrs. Pelosi, and Mr. Schumer: Your Base delivered the Presidency and a majority in Congress. Now, Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW ), thinks It’s time You deliver the Voting Rights and the People’s Act into law. The Voting Rights Acts has to be your priority. In 2022 if we can’t vote you can’t win
Its a Darn-shame we’re still marching for Voters Rights in 2021. You Three (3) have the power to make sure the right to vote is never an issue again. Make the GOP work as hard for our votes as they are working to prevent us from voting. Mr. Biden and Schumer, your are not a minority, but the MAJORITY, Mrs. Pelosi please continue to kick-butts, we have your back, but we would like to see you become more vociferous about what the GOP is doing to suppress the vote
President Biden, Why haven’t you Met with your democratic officials from Texas. They left their families and the comforts of home, to come to Washington, fighting against Texas’s GOP’s passing voter suppression laws; you appears to be giving your attention to everything except meeting with them, I have not heard you acknowledge their presence or their issues. Do you mind telling us Why.
Your Base need you to deliver on your campaign promise. The Filibuster has to go. Jim Crow is out of place. If you cater to your Base, winning elections will never be your problem. Especially, If you stand on your principles and values, the filibuster would be obsolete, plus it’s not constitutional.
Every Democratic Leader should be pushing back against what the GOP is trying to do with voter suppressive laws. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon for Cuomo to resign; What about getting on the bandwagon to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Bill
Mr. Cuomo and the Infrastructure is consuming the attention of all democratic leaders right now; why? Doesn’t Mr. Cuomo deserve due process: The Investigation is finish, impeachment him if you want him Out. He deserve better than trial by a court of Public Opinion. What happened to innocent until proven guilty. Mr. Al Franken listen to you all, and he made a big mistake.
Mr. Manchin and Mrs. Sinema: You would not be apart of a majority senate if the voter of Georgia had not delivered. Now you have the power to work on behalf of your constituents and party; that’s where we would like to See you focus on.
In Virginia our Democratic Leaders knows we will deliver for them this November 2021. They also, let their voters know they hear us. We still have a lot of work to do; especially with the violence, but we’re confident we can fix it together.
Each Delta Variant Pandemic Death Rests At The Feet And♥ï¸Of The GOP.
Our Former President and His 1st Lady Got Their vaccine In Early January 21, I will not elaborate on this, simply because they did what all sensible and responsible,Americans should have done.
Grandmothers, mothers and women (Gmw); I have no sympathy whatsoever (But, I will ask God to forgive them, for they know not what they do), for any Unvaccinated American 12 and up, who ends-up on Ventilators, from refusing to get vaccinated for something that has killed so many People around the world. Plus, they are endangering the lives of all babies under 12; who look to us for protection. For the NFL, I have no sympathy for them either. They are paid very well to do a job, they have a megaphone that we all listen to. This pandemic makes each of us, our brothers and sisters keepers. Those not vaccinated, are also unnecessarily subjecting first responders, and our medical professional to necessary dangerous, For your selfish behavior.
All of our children from 11 to 0 has no access to vaccines; they are totally vulnerable, And it’s up to each of us, from 12 and up to protect them, by getting vaccinated, and creating Herd immunity; to protect the most vulnerable among us, our babies. I have 11 grands and great grands under 12, I’m totally pissed at those of you, who can protect yourself from the virus, (and my babies can’t),and you choose to be selfish, thinking only of yourself. Covid-19, doesn’t care about your first, second or third amendment rights, if there is a third.
The filibuster should either be eliminated, or force to work, as it was originally stated. Stay on the floor and talk about your opposition to whatever bill you are against or for. Congress, it’s time for each of you, to be held accountable for our behavior.
Mr. Manchin and Mrs. Sinema: You are the face of the Liberal White Supremest. The euphemisms you are using for not voting with your party to keep Jim Crow in the gutters, stop the voter suppression tactics the GOP is trying to implementing all over the country. Your behavior is deplorable’; and your fellow-white liberals supremacists, who’s hiding behind you, should be ashamed of themselves also. You are making sure, my children of color, will not get equal justice under the law or give DC. , Representation for their taxation, and pass the peoples act. These are issues your party stood for, When your base gave you a majority in Congress.
You need to take a page from the Texas Democrats, they are making the greatest sacrifices of leaving their families, exposing themselves to Covid-19 and other discomfort, just to try and give the Texas GOP time to use common-sense and stop their Voter suppressive legislation. And, you can’t even-vote with your party, to do what’s right form America, shame on you.
The GOP and selfish Americans: You are totally responsible for whether or not, our schools are open this fall, and our children back in school safe and healthy-being taught American History, the real foundation for critical race theory and January 6th.
GMW: it’s incumbent upon each of us to be diligent, ensuring, Mr. Mancini, Ms. Sinema, and President Biden, Use their Megaphones to define their support for the continuation of the Filibuster. For it to remain, it has to revert back to a real-in-house-on-the floor filibuster. The impact of its use has been Devastating for people of color. Whomever wants it, has to work for it. A phone call Can no longer be sufficient, to enact a filibuster. They should stand on the floor and argue their dissent, pros or cons for however long it takes.
Your Democratic Base gave you a majority in Congress and the Oval Office, So you could pass those bills into Law, We want them prioritize and passed. How it gets done is your responsibility; we did our part, now we will greatly appreciate, you doing yours!
All of our children under 12, Has to depend on us to keep them safe, because there is no vaccine for them yet. I have placed our babies safely in God’s hands, and pray, He keeps them safe; while Politicians continually, act like fools. This I pray in Jesus name?
America: We all know this country has a, “Mean streak,†Starting with (Slavery). America is made-up of families, and each of us is attached to a family, that has someone in it with a mean streak, heck! “it could be you.â€
Now: For the GOP and the Dem., We need to, “Get-a-grip on our Divisiveness.†The only way we are going to accomplish this daunting task is to allow our Faith to guide us, With the serenity to except the things we cannot change; courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I’m referencing the power that created the Universe, which includes each of us. We need to start at the top of our power- structures
Biden-Harris / Trump-Pence
Governors-General assembly
Mayors-City Councils
The violence, with guns in particular, that’s happening all across our country is unprecedented. Some seems to think that it’s all because of the defund the police cry that we have heard from some communities, because of the Disproportionate,killing of black people by the police.
All Common sense Americans (Candace Owens, included) knows the police is as vital to our safety, in our Neighborhoods, cities and states;as our military is for our country and the world. all of us, also knows the violence perpetrated on people of color by the police in most cases, is totally unnecessary, brutal, and racist, George Floyd’s Murder, televised in living color, proves that point.
The GOP is implying ,â€the Democrats wants to defund the police, and Democrats are saying,†The GOP tried to kill the police on January 6th, in living color, also televised,†with our former President, as the ring leader. We can easily fine enough blame for each side, to be found totally guilty in our court of public opinion, and some by our judicial system.
All Sensible, discerning, understanding with integrity-Americans knows, “Jim Crow laws can never exist again,†because our children would have to repeat our mistakes of systemic racism. So many of our children are too racially interconnected to tolerate Jim Crow. Because, one parent is white and the other is black; you can’t change or legislate that. All Daca-children needs their citizenship.
Our children do not manufacture or the sell guns, that’s wrecking havoc in our communities, at alarming rates lately; it seems to have nefarious backing; Either the communities of color has lost their mind, or police departments are trying to prove they are valid and necessary. I think both sides needs to have a cup of, face to face with honesty, themselves, and each other. Also, both major political party, should have a drink from that same cup, and give Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema a sip, or maybe they need their own cup!! For the party divisiveness They have been practicing lately.
Please excuse this expression America, but, “ I think it’s a damn shame,†That in the 21st-century, with slavery as our unrefuted foundation and all the things we have gone though together as a country,( Wars, terrorist attacks, domestic and foreign), we’re still fighting for racial equality; voting rights, Equal Justice, justifiable statehood, Upholding the integrity of our constitution and maintaining our democracy.
For all of our white supremacist out their, I hate to burst your bubble, but, America was never great, because, when one race has to suppress another for their power, one of us them as a problem. If I must look small, so you can appear big, you or I needs to some make major some adjustments.
I’m placing all of us, and our messes, in Gods hands, knowing,†He has not brought us this for to leave us, This I pray In Jesus Name?The
Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema: Your systemic racism is creating a major problem for Our Base…The future of our children, country and party.
It would be nice if you would, “take a page from the GOP on party loyalty.†At least your party is fighting for our constitutional rights and democracy
I. What’s are you standing for; Because, what you are doing makes no sense to us: Grandmothers, mothers and women of color, and Americans of color. It would have been nice had you run for office on the GOP ticket, then we would known what party you’re with. You are exhibiting the behavior that gave birth to critical race theory. Voting rights , justice reform and the people’s Act, would not be necessary, if it were not for Systemic racism in OUR COUNTRY, Now my white brothers and sisters are so ashamed of Slavery, until they would like to thing it never happen, because of their Christians values. But it’s our history,And inquiring minds want to know about it.
?We will continue to pray for a United Democratic Party?