SLAVERY and JIM CROW: Gave Birth to Critical Race Theory.

To Democratic Majority Senators: Mancini, W. Va. and Kyrsten Sinema, Arz. Grandmothers, mothers and women, (Gmw) want you to know, “You are holding our Senate Democratic majority hostage, while playing with the lives of your BASE, (The  Democratic Party); plus Independence and some of John McCain’s GOP. Trump’s New Cult of the GOP, Is not the future of our country.

It would be nice if Main Stream Media, stop giving #45 so much coverage for his Idiotic behavior and statements. Whenever you give him coverage, I change my channel, and most times, don’t return to your station. Social Media realize they could survive without him.

Mr. Mancini and Ms. Sinema: Are You Going To Be Part of The Problem or Solution?

You can win the battles (Helping Mitch McConnell)! And lose the War.  Or:

You can Win the War (Help End the Filibuster)! And lose the Battle. Either-Or you can’t do both.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
1619 Transatlantic Slave Trading

During a May 1865 American Anti-Slavery Society debate on whether the organization’s work was complete with the end of the Civil War, Frederick Douglass issued a famous warning on the need for ongoing vigilance: “Slavery has been called a great many names, and it will call itself by yet another name; and you and I and all of us had better wait and see what new form this old monster will assume, in what new skin this old snake will come forth next.â€

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Jim Crow in north-south

Systemic racism, white supremacy, and inequality did not end with either Emancipation or the Civil Rights Movement. The same forces that used poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses, and violent intimidation against earlier generations of citizens are continuing to use every voter suppression tool at their disposal to try to cling to power right now, and in many places “election integrity†has become the latest new name for a very old snake. The new Jim Crow word is: election integrity

This week, President Biden and Vice President Harris held a White House meeting with key civil rights leaders, who stressed the urgent need for taking more forceful action immediately during what must become a “summer of activism.†

Virginians: Get ready to support the ticket.

Vote VA. Tuesday 11/2/2021

 Terry  McAuliff: For Governor

Bill Cosby and the Law

GMW:  With all of the chaos, or labor pains our country is going through right now: domestic terrorists, systemic racism, The fear of critical race theory, gun violence, urban violence, voter Suppression laws and prison gerrymandering , just to name a few. Now we have 8 of the 60 women who accused Bill Cosby of rape, speaking out, about his release from prison; Some of them are even saying, “it a boost for Black People,†when race has nothing to do with it; The law was corrected.

Correcting a wrong decision the DA made, who violated the law, and should be dealt with by the PA’s Bar Association. If he had not violated Mr. Cosby’s 5th Amendment rights, he would not have been found guilty.

Ladies, we all know rape is horrible, for us, our daughters and sons. There are so many rape victims, who were brutalize, reported the incident immediately, and some didn’t get justice. Those are the one my heart goes out for, and especially for children, who waited until adulthood before being able to talk about being rape.

Ladies when you wait over ten years to report a rape, it tends to sound like,â€There is no fury like a woman scorn.†Ladies most of you are my age, and we all went through the sexual revolution culture, being young along with Mr. Cosby. That culture was symbolic in the sports arena and entertainment field as sex, drugs and Rock n Roll was the order of the day and being at a higher echelon.

If you were in Mr. Cosby’s circle, you were among the guppies, And maybe that’s why your careers never took of. All , except one of the women accusing  Mr. Cosby waited for over 30 years to speak out. There was no threats, preventing them from speaking out sooner.

Ladies your timing is suspect. We all knew there was a power in force, that needed to Mr. Cosby’s reputation ruined. Even the killing of his son, didn’t get the results, that over 40 white women and a DA, who broke the law was able to accomplish.  Mr. Cosby was all set to buy a major TV station before his ruin; now ladies you are making the ME2 movement, Lose validity.

We have to stop finding each other guilty in courts of public opinion. The DA was aware he did not have enough evidence for a conviction, so he violated the agreement of his predecessor and made Mr. Cosby do what he should not have forced to do. Testify against himself. You ladies appears to be taking advantage of white privilege.

Some of the ladies are saying Mr. Cosby, Disproportionately targeted black women, when 98% of the women were none black.

Bill Cosby‘s conviction is overturned: the courts opinion. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which overturn Mr. Cosby’s conviction, Wrote that a non-prosecution agreement that had been struck with Bruce L. Castor Jr., the former district attorney, meant that bill Cosby should not have been charged in the case for which he was convicted and sentenced in 2018. The court has barred a retrial.

Wrote that a non-prosecution agreement that had been struck with Bruce L Kalista Junior the former district attorney, meant that bill Cosby should not have been charged in the case for which he was convicted and sentenced in 2018. The court has barred a retrial

The Filibuster-Critical Race Theory-Juneteenth:


Our History Needs A Paradigm Shift :

Grandmothers, mothes and women (GMW), and America in general: Four hundred years after enslaved Africans were first brought to Virginia (1619), most Americans still don’t know the full story of slavery. the story of America’s History, We’re the United States of America; A very dysfunctional family right now; But, We-Are-who-We-Are. the good, bad and ugly.

Because Juneteenth became a legal holiday, JUNE 19, 2021, creating another major questions for so many of us, white and black, wanting to know, “what is Juneteenth? But, answers to the root origin of the Filibuster; Critical Race Theory , and Juneteenth; three  (3) very important questions, the answers to these questions will teach all of us more truth about America’s history.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice: State legislators have introduced 389 bills with restrictive voting provisions in 48 states;22 have already been enacted and 61 bills are currently moving through legislatures. This wave of bills — along with Republicans’ continued complicity in the  Big Lie means the GOP is increasingly seeking to narrow the electorate rather than appeal to a broader base of voters, particularly voters of color.

This strategy will ultimately lead our nation down the destructive path of white minority rule and autocracy. Our entire democratic system is in jeopardy when politics focuses on fights over access rather than on policies to advance the common good.  For this reason alone, the passage of  the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the For the People Act: Is imperative.

The Filibuster rule, which requires a minimum of 60 votes to pass in the Senate; has only been used in controversial issues—like the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and several anti-lynching acts—but in recent years it’s become more frequently used.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

Bills that can’t pass the current debate churns on, from voting rights to LGBTQ, and protections for gun control, to name a few: a list of 15 bills and issues that cannot be currently passed due to the filibuster rules, very important issues affected by this obscure legislative rule.

Critical Race Theory: Is a relatively new analytical approach to describing the reality of systemic racism today, and pretend chattel slavery never happened. In simple terms, ignoring the fact that this country was built on the free labor or African American Slaves. The Northern Colonies were more guilty of slavery than they wish to admit. In New York for example. The Hidden History of Wall Street’s Slave Market

In recent years, US banks have made public apologies for the role they played in slavery. In 2005, JP Morgan Chase, currently the biggest bank in the US, admitted that two of its subsidiaries – Citizens’ Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana – accepted enslaved people as collateral for loans. If plantation owners defaulted on loan payment the banks took ownership of these slaves.  JP Morgan was not alone. The predecessors that made up Citibank, Bank of America and Wells Fargo are among a list of well-known US financial firms that benefited from the slave trade. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

“Slavery was an overwhelmingly important fact of the American economy,” explains Sven Beckert, Laird Bell Professor of American History at Harvard University.

On December 14, 1711, a law passed by the New York City Common Council made Wall Street the city’s first official slave market for the sale and rental of enslaved Africans and Native Americans.

Although Lincoln had announced the Emancipation Proclamation two years earlier, freedom did not come for most African Americans until Union victory in April 1865 and, officially, in December 1865 with the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. 2 years after the proclamation was made, Texas finally freed their slaves, in 1867.

Juneteenth is a National Holiday, I’m sure, the intellectual curiosity in each of us, wants to know, “what this holiday is all about.†Another view of America’s history. Each of us, and our children need to understand the past 400 hundred years we have lived with the consequences of history, but have not been able to address.

But now, by the Grace of God, we’re being forced to face what we have not been able to talk about or teach, America’s Real History. Our truth will make us stronger, better and finally a Great Nation. Otherwise, it’s going to continue to manifest itself, as it did with the uprising on our Capital, January 6, which personified just how deep Systemic racism still exist in our country. if we are to survive under our democracy, by our constitution. We must face our history together. The enslaved Africans Americans, has forgiven those who enslaved us. We had to, so we could move on with our lives. What are you afraid of about Critical Race Theory? We need to allow our TRUTH TO SET US FREE. Our children can handle the truth, why can us adults!!!

 Many communities of color, and Black communities in particular, have been excluded from democratic institutions, including voting, since the country’s founding. Even after African Americans won the right to vote, many were excluded by poll taxes, literacy tests, voter purges, and long lines at the polls. “When Black communities see they need to wait four hours to vote and their friends in white jurisdictions can get in and out in 15 minutes, that doesn’t look like democracy,†said Danielle Lang, co-director of voting rights and redistricting at Campaign Legal Center.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice:  State legislators have introduced 389 bills with restrictive voting provisions in 48 states; 22 have already been enacted and 61 bills are currently moving-through legislatures. This wave of bills — along with Republicans’ continued complicity in the Big Lie — means the GOP is increasingly seeking to narrow the electorate rather than appeal to a broader base of voters. Because of the increasing spate of voting restrictions, what we feared could happen in the last election is now an even greater threat as we look forward to 2022 and 2024.

The American People wants the Senate 50 majority to become a unified front; So, the Senate could act with urgency to suspend the filibuster for bills that directly address voting rights and democracy reform; doing so may be the last hope in the short term to strengthen our democracy and prevent future elections from really being stolen.

The most effective antidote to the forces currently poisoning our democracy involves a procedural rule that has increasingly been used as a bludgeon to block progress: the filibuster. It needs to go.

Everyone Reading My Blog: I have a petition on FB, Messenger and Twitter For: Getting Rid of The Fillbuster: Please sign it Thanks

This Blog is submitted in Jesus Name…Amen

Southern Borders Needs A Paradigm Shift


The Southern Borders Needs A Paradigm Shift; Biden-Harrie.

Grandmothers,mothers and women (GMW) in particular, and America in general:  If you keep doing the same things, you’re going to get the same results. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, paradigm shift.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Border patrol doing their jobs

A Paradigm Shift Is Needed. Kamala Harris, knows the root cause of the southern border crisis, IS NOT AT THE BORDERS!!!

For the past decade Congress has used taxpayer dollars to build border wall, despite no evidence that it has any measurable effect on undocumented immigration. 

In 1969, President Richard Nixon launched Operation Intercept in hopes of forcing Mexico to collaborate more fully with his administration’s policies to stop the flow of drugs – one of his campaign promises.

In 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed a major immigration law that offered amnesty to people in the country illegally who arrived prior to 1982.

In 1994, President Bill Clinton established a prevention through deterrence border security strategy for the Border Patrol that concentrated enforcement resources on major entry corridors; his attempts to secure the border caused a humanitarian crisis.

In 2007, President George W. Bush Called On Congress To Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  The President believes that America can simultaneously be a lawful, economically dynamic, and welcoming society. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

Obama tried deterring migrants with his characteristic lawyerly tact. Trump did it with his cruel, petty impulsiveness. Biden is doing it with his folksy toughness, with Kamala Harris. The styles are different, but up-until-now, the results of immigration deterrence has always been the same. So, now Biden and Harris is starting at the root causes, “ The Origin.†A Paradigm Shift.â€

The current driving forces leading to migration are crime, poverty and political corruption. Children on the Run: Unaccompanied Children Leaving El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, running from Violence and extortion by powerful criminal organizations remain serious in these countries. Violence and extortion by powerful criminal organizations remain serious problems in These Areas. Also, fleeing crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and famine.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Children On The Run

According to the US Department of State, high murder rate in these countries are caused by four principal factors: an increase in drug trafficking; a growing prevalence of gang-related violence; a heavily armed civilian population; and a weak and incompetent police-judicial-systems.

So, GMW in particular and America in general, that’s why Kamala Harris, is not at the southern borders. GMW, let’s make sure she knows we have her back, front and sides; as she give the Southern Borders; A VPOTU with a Woman’s intellect.

This We Pray In Jesus’s Name. Amen



OBSTRUCTIONIST TO: Sensible Guns Laws, Justice Reforms, Voting RightsAct, Statehood for DC, Passage of Americas much needed infrastructure Bill.  Mr. Joe Mancini

Grandmothers mothers and women (GMW), Joe Mancini, democratic senator from West Virginia, is our answer to the question, “Is America Racist?†

Voting should not be an issue In 2021. It was duly ratified to the Constitution March 30, 1870. 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Joe Mancini: Democratic senator from West Virginia

Mr. Mancini your racism is showing. Chuck Schumer, is your majority leader; but it appears you’re listening to your minority leader, Mitch McConnell. You need to decide, what more important, upholding the Constitution or trying to please the GOP, Who cares less about the constitution, unless it’s serving their purpose. The voter fraud theory is totally in violation of our constitution, and you know it. You also know the Senate is split 50/50, and the GOP, (weather we like it or not) have unity with their 50%, and be-dam to the American People.  Mr. Mancini, your party need the power of their 50% to accomplish goals for our country. God gave you an opportunity to stand-Up for 15th amendment, with the world watching, and you are choosing to show Racism, for something that’s already a done deal.

The Fifteenth Amendment (Amendment XV) to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government and each state from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen’s “racecolor, or previous condition of servitude.” It was ratified on February 3, 1870,[1] as the third and last of the Reconstruction Amendments.

In the final years of the American Civil War and the Reconstruction Era that followed, Congress repeatedly debated the rights of the millions of former black slaves. By 1869, amendments had been passed to abolish slavery and provide citizenship and equal protection under the laws, but the election of Ulysses S. Grant to the presidency in 1868 convinced a majority of Republicans that protecting the franchise of black male voters was important for the party’s future. On February 26, 1869, after rejecting more sweeping versions of a suffrage amendment, Congress proposed a compromise amendment banning franchise restrictions on the basis of race, color, or previous servitude. After surviving a difficult ratification fight, the amendment was certified as duly ratified and part of the Constitution on March 30, 1870



1 Corinthians 12:12-33, An Example of A real America

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

America is a Unit, though it is made up of many cultures; and though all its parts are many, they form one nation. So it is with America. For we were either natives, came or was brought to one country, The United States of America-weather Black, White,Brown or Yellow, Slave or Free-we were all given one Democracy’s to live by and one Constitution to govern all. There is only Holy Spirit that allows each of us to breathe the same Air; created by a Supreme Power that, “America calls God.â€

When Man challenge God saying,’ “He could create his own man; God told him, “Fine, you must first create your own dirt.â€

Now America is not made up of one race but many. If all races should say,†Because I’m not an Indian, I do not belong in  America,†they would not for that reason cease to be an American. If the whole  nation was made up of males, who would give birth to the nation. America function as the human body, weather we like it or not. 

If the whole body were an Eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an Ear, where would the sense of smell be? But, in fact God had arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part where would the body be? As it is, “We are one nation under God. The United States of America.

The rich cannot say to the middle class ,â€I don’t need you! and the middle class cannot say to the poor, “I don’t need you! On the contrary, those parts of the nation that seems to be weaker are indispensable, (the poor) and the parts that we think are less honorable (women) we treat with special honor.And the parts that are Unpresentable (our children) are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts (workers)needs no special treatment. But, God had combined the members of the nation and given greater honor to the parts that lacks it, so that there should be no division in the nation, but that it’s parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. (911-Covid-19 and January 6). If one part is honored, (July 4th) every part rejoices with it.

Now we are one Nation Under God, and each one of us is a part of it. The nation is led by a President, voted in by the people. The People also, elected Congress, and Congress selected the Supreme Court, who interprets the constitution.

All 50 states are modeled after the Federal Government and consist of three branches: Executive, legislative and judicial. The US Constitution mandates that all states uphold aâ€Republican form†of government.

There are generally Three types of city government: the Mayor, City-Council and Commissioners, all elected by the people they govern.

All of the above represents the workings of the United States of America; that is supposed to be a Democracy govern by One(1) Constitution, representing the will of the people. And, no people should have Taxation without representation. Except it doesn’t apply to the District of Columbia. America we must give DC representation for their taxation.

The right to vote by every 18 year old American citizen  is guaranteed by the thirteenth, fourteenth, Fifteenth, Nineteenth, twenty-fourth and the Twenty-Sixth Amendments to our constitution. The Fourteenth  Amendment granted citizenship to all persons “born or naturalized in the United States,†including  formerly enslaved people. 

Isn’t it ironic that we are now trying to get a, George Floyd Justice Act passed thru Congress, along with votings rights and statehood for DC.

Our Two Party System is trying to become Three(3)  Donald Trumps Party (aka one -man rule), The GOP with no teeth or Backbone, and  a Democratic Party that’s trying to uphold our Democracy and abide by our Constitution. Trumps Party just voted to sweep January 6, under the rug, so they can win upcoming elections.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women(GMW), in particular and America in general, I think It’s time we take a serious look at 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 in comparison to who we are today, and deal with our shortcomings. Only America can fix America. The GOP has allowed one very unscrupulous man to infiltrate their party, scare the crap out of them, and made them a Caricature of what they wants represented. Now they want American to vote for them, so they lead us to Trumpism!!!

?Jeremiah 29:11-God knows the plan He has for America and Trump is not it. This Is My Prayer In Jesus’s Name?



GMW) Grandmothers, mothers and women: Our country is in turmoil. The current leadership in the GOP in particular and in  the DEM in general has become almost a reality show. I’m saying the  DEM in General because they have control in Congress, plus the oval office. The Democrats need to get a firm resolve, and do what we gave them the power to do.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

This question can only be answered by the by the Conscience of American, Because we know systemic racism is not a party affiliation, It’s bipartisan; question: If Barack Obama, had behave in the manner Donald Trump did, Would America, have given him the same pass as it  gave Donald Trump; Especially January 6, 2021. The GOP want to make January 6, look like a casual visit to our state capital, ridiculous, unbelievable and disrespectful, to those who lost their lives and the injury sustained by the capital police. Evil still try triumphs when good people look away, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy.

GMW, it’s now our responsibility to determine where our country goes from here. Donald Trump showed us what was in the swarm. George Floyd was the sacrificial lamb that showed America and the world, what police brutality looks like.

 But, low income cities across America with minimum wages of $7.25 per hour, are spawning ground for gun violence;  cities  can reduce gun violence by investing in low income neighborhoods. Because it’s a known fact that most gun violence comes from communities that really need help.

Gun violence is out of control in our country; and the powers that can do something about it, has sold out, it appears to the NRA. We need legislative action for sensible licensing of firearms, background checks, decreasing access to high-velocity weapons, age restrictions, and restricting license for people with domestic violence offenses, Prior criminal convictions and certain mental health histories.

GMW We have our work cut out for us, but we have the power to do something about it. In 2021 two states are having governors election with Democratic incumbents, where both has opponents from the new GOP, in New Jersey and Virginia.

In the midterm elections, normally the party that wins the presidential election, loses the midterm. But in 2022 the party that lost the presidency has also, Lost their way. The John McCain GOP’s are trying to find their voice, but most of them has lost their backbone. So Gmw it’s incumbent upon us to make sure we have a Congressional majority so that all of the important bills Languishing in the Senate will become law. Such, as the George Floyd Justice Reform Act, the John Lewis voting rights  act, Statehood for DC, and Support For the Peoples Act.

We must also gain a majority to the point where, Joe Mancini of West Virginia and  Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona will not be able to hold the democrats hostage for their votes, in getting legislation passed for the American people.

Both sides of the isles knows: the minimum wage is the number one contributor to violence in low income neighborhoods. While All elected officials have voted themselves cost of living increases on a yearly  basis.

?Grandmothers, mothers and women, in the name of Jesus let’s save our children, and our country. In Jesus name let’s pray?



Grandmothers, mothers and women(GMW), if Donald Trump and his tyrannical GOP Group,  wins any election under their new regime, we deserve it. We should all go someplace, sit down, be quiet and prepared to be treated as Morons, which is Exactly what we will be. The only person that can keep me from voting, IS ME!!!

Democrats: The GOP had five different Commissions looking into Benghazi. Plus, an 11-hour marathon hearing where Republican members of the Select Committee on Benghazi put Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State on trial before a national audience. DEM, In Our Opinion, Donald’s tenure as president, and the GOP must be held accountable for January 6, (police officers lost their lives, and 140 were injured) Otherwise, you are to weak to lead, and Trump and his Tyrannical Group will triumph; then, we’ll all lose. 

If you do your part, we will give you the midterm election. Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell, are only fit to lead people that are afraid to voice an opinion of their own, or stand up for anything, that they were not told to stand for.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

It’s ashamed Trump’s GOPS’ arrogance has blinded them to the fact, that slavery is over, and there’s no room for Jim Crow. The Dem’s Tent is big enough to win any and all national elections; And their platform is inclusive. Joe Biden’s infrastructure agenda is geared to improve the lives of all Americans. The GOP once stood for something and had my respect, now they look like, “A Paper Tiger.â€

2020 Is Behind us, with the 4 years of #45. But, the devastation on our country, our sons and daughters of color in particular, white in general is profound.  The police brutality is mind blogging. When 99% of it, is systemic racism.  Learning of the killings or abuse of our children in general and our sons in particular, is appalling (especially those that has been pushed under the rug). But, by the Grace of God, is now coming to light, and giving mothers and families, truth about what happened to their love ones, at the hands of the powers that’s suppose to protect them.

GMW we must also hold ourselves accountable for the gun violence our children in general, and our sons in particular are perpetrating against each other.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
My Grands and Great-Grands.

In so many of our neighborhoods,  our children can get a gun faster than a fresh fruits or a meal. Only we can fix this problem, with our votes and our dollars; combined with our God and our love, we have to reach our children and show them how much we care, by how we maintain our homes, schools, neighborhoods, and communities. City Hall has apart to play, but we must make sure they know what we want; that means, “We must be engaged. Our actions must speak louder than our words. Where we live is our neighborhood. How we live within that neighborhood determines our community. GMW, our children and families are our number-one priority. When I look at mine, they motivate me to move. And, I’ll bet my-life-on the fact that,â€I speak for all of us, when it comes to our families.

GMW: As of January 2021, there are 23 states with Democratic governors and 27 states with Republican governors. Come midterm, we’re voting out all voter suppression governors, senators, mayors, and Attorney Generals. Enough is Enough. To my white sisters and brothers, let the racism go. We’re not leaving this country, nor are you. We’re Americans. May God bless the United States of America.

?No weapon formed against us is going to prosper, even domestic terrorism. In Jesus name we pray?




A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

♥ï¸Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW)?

These Are The Beats of My Heart Give Thanks For Motherly Love

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

God’s love, expressing through my mother, gave me life. God’s love, wisdom, and strength guided her and all those who nurtured me as I grew.

My words of praise and gratitude let me show my mother how much I appreciate her. When I wish to demonstrate my appreciation for my mothers example, I share the nurturing, motherly love of God and my words and action, With all people.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

Remembering the times when my mother or another compassionate person listened patiently and shared encouraging words, I seek to be a caring, supportive presence. Recalling my mothers’s joy each time I learned something new. I share my skills and knowledge willingly when someone seeks my help. In gratitude, I share the gift of nurturing love.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

?Isaiah 66:13;As a mother comfort her child, so I will come for you?

♥ï¸Family, Friends and GMW Everywhereâ¤ï¸

I Love Each of U With All My Heart

Daily Word/Unity


Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW), He who’s within us, is greater than he who’s in the world.

GMW: While  most major media‘s and microphones are focus on Mr. Trump for ratings, making him viable and assessable for free; We’re going to concentrate On making sure, “what happened in the 2010 midterm elections, doesn’t happen again. According to Politico. When the Democrats stayed home, Republicans got control of The House and much more. The Democratic Party Got Crushed During The Obama Presidency. Here’s Why. There are two different electorate in America, the Democrats have been the one that stays home during the midterms, When the vast majority of governorships and State legislative seats are elected in midterms.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
The white sheets ideology.

The current breakdown of Gubernatorial control by party is as follows: 23 democratic and 27 GOP. But, remember I said in an earlier blog that we have White Supremacist in both parties. In 2022, 36 Gubernatorial seat will be up for election. We will meet them at the polls as we did in 2020.  It appears as if a lot of white sheets Ideology is showing up dressed in suits and ties.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Biden’s plan for all Americans

President Biden Plan, Is unselfishly all about making America better for all of us. Highlighting the needs of the underserved and the middle class; Biden’s plan is much more conducive to meeting American’s needs than a WALL.

So, Mr. Mancini of W. Va., and Ms. Sinema, of Arizona , we have a  50-50 split in A Senate with a narrow majority; where we were not able to get anything done, while in a minority. We watch them pack federal courts with almost 300 judges, put thru a Supreme Court Justice in less than a month, put someone accused of rape on the Supreme Court with no regard for democratic support, and now, you two {2} are holding up efforts on behalf of the American People, Because you want bipartisanship. The GOP’s participation is welcome, if they choose do use it.

For you 2 and the GOP, if not now, WHEN. If you have a better plan show it, which will probably look like your replacement for the affordable care act. The American people needs to be FIRST for a change.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signs Florida voting bill in front of Trumps Fan Club. The event was nationally televised on Fox news. Florida reporters were, excluded. 

He also, this week announced that the special election to replace Rep. Alcee Hastings, who died last month, will take place January 2022. Leaving the seat open for 9 months; abuse of power.

? in the name of Jesus, we will get through this, the GOP metamorphosis, as the United States of America. We pray. ?