Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children
Our focus: Vote, Educate, Empower & Employ
Our focus: Vote, Educate, Empower & Employ

Our focus: Vote, Educate, Empower & Employ

Our focus: Vote, Educate, Empower & Employ

Grandmothers,  mothers and women (gmw) the rhetoric from the White house is beginning to look like a circus, with #45 as the clown.  Our men in Washington has become so caught up in party conquest of who’s to blame for lack of leadership, until our issues no longer exist.

Ladies  we can’t fix Washington as it is now, but we can change it in 2018. our power put them there; with the understanding they would represent all of us with integrity and not embarrassment; integrity has left and embarrassment has taken up residence.

What we can do in our homes and communities, is prepare to make major changes November 6, 2018. We need to control house and senate in order to Have checks and balances on #45.

The GOP who has the power and ability to curtail 45’s erratic behavior but they have opted to make excuses for him, they thought Obama was unfit to be president because he knew Reverend Right; you make the comparison!

GMW, each of us can make it our mission to make sure every seventeen (17) old turning 18 before November 6, 2018 is registered to vote, plus encourage other family members, friends and acquaintances to do the same.

Our focus will be on occupying the vote, educate, empower and employ our communities and cities. nothing builds self-esteem and confidence faster than the ability to provide and protect your family while helping provide a community that’s conducive to your family growth and development.