Good Triumph Evil

Good Triumphs Evil

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Doug Jones

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW)Let’s give God the glory, for Good Triumphing over evil and giving us a very good reason for being proud of our country and actually seeing there are more good people in this country than appalling.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Roy Moore

GMW going forward, we must reach out to our sisters, who compromised their morals and values for the means justify the end theory. Grandmothers, mothers and women Bipartisan Leadership is the top of our agenda going forward. But, those GOP Leaders who sold their souls, including Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan needs to be replaced. As heads of the house and senate, their leadership is null and void.

The GOP’s constant reminder to us, That the majority of American People made #45 President. Well let’s look at the numbers of the 2016 Presidential Election:

#45 got 304 electoral votes and Clinton got 227, #45 won the election by 77 votes. He did not win the popular vote which was: Clinton, (48.2) 65,844,954 for #45 (46.1%) 62,979,879 a difference of 2.9 million votes; according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.  In essence the Electoral College made him #45 with 304 votes.