Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children
The Oval Office Is Contagious
The Oval Office Is Contagious

The Oval Office Is Contagious

Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW): The Belligerent & Disrespectful Leadership Style From our Oval Office is contagious: For  a quick example, look at the ladies on the View; They are beginning to behave like the women on some of the reality shows. I don’t think they realize, ‘they are beginning to behave like Donald Trump.’Out of control.

GWW; what we can control in 2020 is: How we vote, spend our dollars, love our family and country, then do what’s pleasing in God’s, He judges our motive; which is awesome?. We must be Bipartisan, with Voter Registration, Rights Restoration and overlooking the 2020 Census.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
The Welfare of Us, Our Children and Country is stagnating on Mitch McConnell’s Desk

March 7: The House Passes The For The People Act of 2019; to expand voting rights, limit partisan gerrymandering, strengthen ethics rules, and limit the influence of private donor money in politics. To take effect, it would also need to be passed by the Senate, They’re in that stack, still setting on Mitch McConnell’ Desk.

The Welfare of Us, Our Children and Country is sitting on Mitch McConnell’s Desk. It appears the job has become too much for him. He seems incapable of putting procedures in place to execute the impeachment Trial. Which we need to see due process executed, according to the charge his oath to the constitution placed on him.

In 2020 we get to decide: who our president will be and our Majority Leader for the Senate.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Senator with a conscious: Lisa Murkowski

Grandmothers, mothers and women (Gmw); let’s give a shout out to Alaska’s Republican Senator, Lisa Murkowski for voting her conscious in the impeachment proceedings.

GMW; let’s also pray for Jewish Communities in New York for Religious Violence and the city in Texas, for another church shooting. Our love of guns will be our demise if we don’t get a better handle on it. Did you know for the past 27 years; Congress  refused to pass any legislation that would do research on Gun Violence?  

Thanks to  Republican House of representative:Jay Dickey: The Dickey Amendment. He was allowed to insert a rider into the 1996 United States federal government omnibus spending bill which mandated that none of the funds is made available for injury

Grandmothers, mothers and women (Gmw); let’s give a shout out to Alaska’s Republican Senator, Lisa Murkowski for her voting her conscious in the impeachment proceedings.

GMW; let’s also pray for Jewish Communities in New York for Religious Violence and the city in Texas, for another church shooting. Our love of guns will be our demise if we don’t get a better handle on it. Did you know for the past 27 years; Congress  refused to pass any legislation that would do research on Gun Violence?  

Thanks to  Republican House of Representative, Jay Dickey: For The Dickey Amendment. He was allowed to insert a rider into the 1996 United States federal government omnibus spending bill which mandated that none of the funds is made available for injury prevention and control, at the Center for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) maybe use to advocate or promote gun control.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
The Dickey Amendment

A database compiled by the Associated Press, USA Today and Northwestern University, found that the US saw the highest number of mass killings on record in 2019. 41 incidents and 211 deaths. Mass killings are defined as four or more people killed in the same case along with the shooter. Among the deadliest in 2019 was the killing of 12 in my state, Virginia and 22 in El Paso. These are the pictures That permeate 2019. Ladies we’re better than this:

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Let’s hope for none of these in 2020

GMW, let’s get ready to empty out our Power Tool Box in 2020. We will “reap what we sow.†With God as our leader, I’m feeling great. Let’s pick up our Tools:  Love, God, Vote and Dollars. 

In Jesus’s Name…Amen