Our Children are Traumatized and Hurting: They Have no Voice, and Suffer in Silence.
WITHIN IN 1 MONTH WE SENSELESSLY LOST: 10 Lives In Buffalo and 21 Lives In Texas. WHY?
Our Children K-12,never get an opportunity to Recover from 1 Traumatizing situations before they’re confronted with another.
But, STOP THE VIOLENCE COALITIONS, along With GMWSOC Is Giving Them an Opportunity to speak and be Heard By: Parents, Guardians, Pastors. Elected Official, Mental Health Professional, Educators, Police Forces, Social Services, Business and Our Armed Forces.
THE COMMUNITY YOUTH FORUM, Saturday June 4, 2022 2-5 pm at the KROC CENTER
Come out and bring your babies, give them and opportunity, to see and hear; they don’t need to suffer in silence. They are not alone.