Your GOP Response to the President’s Union address:

You sound as if you were condemning Donald Trump. The man who tried to overthrow our government. Because, your party has an unusual view of what democracy is all about.
Mrs. Huckabee, alternative truth is no longer valid in our political Arenas, you are no Press Secretary where alternative truths was allowed. We need Bipartisan leadership. You and Marjorie Taylor-Green has a very distorted view of what leadership looks like.
Biden was fantastic, he spoke to the United States of America. Now it’s up to Kevin McCarthy to lead his House Majority, and control his radical members who has no idea of what’s serving the people of these United States of America is.
So America let’s get behind our president: Abolishing Qualified Immunity on a national level. So each of us can make sure our states and local police deal with the culture of the Blue Shield. Protecting Good police-officers from the retaliation of standing up for truth and good policing.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW) each of us has an obligation to make sure, we take full-responsibility for helping stop the violence in our neighborhoods and communities. Our children and our way of life is more important than Guns.
I’m sending my response to the Governor of Arkansas, hoping she helps the GOP define their agenda for the American people, independent of Marjorie Taylor-Green and her group.