Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children
Saving America
Saving America

Saving America


Grandmother, mother and women (gmw), On This 34th day of Lent, Number 45 is really showing where is loyalty lie. He congratulated a Russian dictator on his reelection disregarding America’s  alliance to the UK,  the direction of his cabinet and country.

A picture of the united states with a quote from satan.
Action Speaks Louder Than Words

He looks like a traitor to America because, it appears, as if Mr. Putin has something on him, whatever that is, it’s appears to be more important than his country and the American People.

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell,  Heads  of the house and senate are beginning to behave as if  Mr. Putin has something on them, or is it they are afraid of their base. I can understand them listening to their base because  it  gave them a majority in the house and senate, even though it was with the aid of gerrymandering.

Mr. Trump on the other hand, base is not enough to win in any national election. The  Electoral College of 304 votes put him in the Oval Office but that will never happen again. I’m hoping  it never happens again for any Presidential Election. His base vote was only 62 million against 65 millions  popular vote, America’s choice.

GMW: These views are mine regarding the Electoral College.  I’m not trying to speak on your behalf in this particular case. I know I sound like Donald Trump with his “Birtha Theory,” perusing the idea that Barack Obama was not born in America;  when the rest of the country had moved on satisfaction.  My argument that number 45 got in the Oval Office by 304  votes of the electoral college is valid, based on our constitution. If I’m wrong, I would greatly appreciate someone enlighten me.

To the leaders of the house and Senate, the country is looking to you, to stand up for America. We charged you  to ensure, Mr. Mueller has no interference from number 45 regarding his instigation and they should take leadership insuring he is not fired.    Mr. Trump’s  treasonous behavior again America calls for impeachment proceedings. Now!  Mr. Ryan and McConnell, you need to use the pot or get up off it.  You are allowing the swamp to overrun the land.

We will continue praying for our country, while getting involved in our community, There are 475 women running for office in the 2018 election. We must be ready  to use our power effectively  to bring unity and Bipartisan Leadership to America in November 6, 2018A young boy is praying in front of other children.

This we pray in Jesus name. Amen