Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children


Our focus is now on what we’re going to do to have a seat at those Governing Tables

GMW, the issues consuming the powers from the highest offices of the land,  has almost lost their way and ability to lead. We all know a (2 ) two year olds’ mentality is in the Oval Office and,  now  being allowed to bully the leaders of the house and senate, plus their members. It’s very sad to see so many people, who went to Washington to serve with integrity, now selling  their souls for so little.

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell has proven, they are incapable of making sure the person in the Oval Office don’t totally destroy what our country stands for at home and abroad. Lindsay Graham has become an embarrassment. I once had respect for him but,  how can we respect someone who has such low regard for his principles, values and his word. Decency, morals, and ethics has left the building, all qualities that must be in place, to prevent evil from triumphing.   

Grandmothers, mothers and women, We are going to prepare for the election of  2018 with our power. Our focus is now on what we’re going to do to have a seat at those Governing Tables, which has a major impacts on us, our families, communities, cities and states; while making those tables looks like the rainbow our country is. We would love to get back to Bipartisan Leadership; but the GOP is falling apart daily. Both branches are busy backpedaling trying to compensate for the antics of a two year mentality. 

Our efforts are going to be stating issues in Urban, Rural and Suburban environments that we want addressed. We vote, shop, give birth our of love and server God for guidance and direction more than any other gender. 

City Hall has a part to play and it’s called politics; we are going to determine the rules for City Hall and combine it with love and our God. We will achieve it with dignity, ethics, values, integrity, empathy and discernment; qualities essential for leadership.