Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children


A Prayer With A Purpose For Us And The Soul Of Our Country.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

Have you felt the deep sorrow of the mourning widower? If you have lost a child, Parent, Close Relative, Friend, Way of Life, or Losing the Soul of Our Country.

Perhaps you have also felt comfortless. Is there anyone who can comfort you when you feel overwhelmed with grief, stress or depression.

2D Grandmothers, mothers and women (GMW) and all people of color, can identifies with the pain of the bereavement when the cords of the death of our right to choose entangles us, the anguish of the grave is upon us, as we see our way of life and the soul of our country slipping away under fascism.

Enveloped by emptiness, loneliness and stress, from the turmoil in our world, whom do we turn to? We call on the name of our Creator, asking for  deliverance.  Then we turn to the only one who will dry our tears and is acquainted with our grief (Isaiah 53:3-4). 

Then we use OUR POWER: With Our God and Our Love, We let Our Vote speak for us. And, with our dollars we support the Party that has our best interest at heart.

BE IT: BUILD BACK BETTER (BBB) or MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ( MAGA). Which one cares about the Rights of GMW, The SOUL of Our Country, And Our Way of Life.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Build Back Better

Likewise we must turn to God and His Word for comfort in our time of sorrow. Without denying our pain, scripture gives us a proper perspective, something we can easily lose in times of emotional trauma and crisis.

God’s word gives hope when we feel utterly alone and hopeless. We can take comfort in knowing that God does not allow a trial in our lives that is too great for us to bear: (1 Corinthians 10:13). HE GIVES US, OUR POWER! How We Us It Determine Our Results.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Make America Great Again

God is in charge of all things. Even the terrible destruction and the traumatic aftermath of the death of things we cherish.  God‘s Word and Spirit can comfort a grieving hearts so that we will have the serenity to accept the things we can’t change and the courage to change the things we can. So VoteVoteVote.

We can’t undo January 6, but we can make sure it never happens again.

Let your Vote, Your God, Your Love and Your Dollars, speak for you on November 8, 2022.  As we walk before Our Creator (Maker of Heaven and Earth). In the land of the Right To Choose, The Soul of the Free. And the Comforts of life accomplish by heart the of The Brave.

To The GOP who still embraces Integrity and Principles but, with a weaken back-bone, let the Democratic’s deliver you from Trumpism, so that starting in 2023, you can start building back your real GOP party. And hopefully never allow yourself to get in-bed with just anyone ever again: From the Tea-Party and Sarah Palin, to Trumpism.

Number#45 has always believed he could kill someone on 5th Avenue and the GOP would still support him, I’m sorry to say, “he was right.

Let’s sing Praise to the Lord for his Grace, Mercy and Favor, as He deliver us from all evil as we turn America blue in 2022. In the name of Jesus we pray.?????

GMW#ourpower#OurVote#OurGod#OurLove#OurDallars#Buildbackbetter#TheSoulofOurCountry#OurWayofLife#TurntoGod#God’sword gives hope#God is in charge#prayerwith purpose#