Democrats, Independents and Libertarians: When someone tells you who they are believe them!!!
Main Stream Media: “Trump tells you what his platform is, why don’t you spend time talking about it. America needs to hear it.”Instead of his criminal trial daily. Let the law apply to him as it does for everyone else. We don’t need to hear it 24/7.
Grandmothers, Mothers and Women Saving Our Children (GMWSOC). This year we must save our children, ourselves and our country from MAGA Madness. To repeat America’s history again will enslave all of us, and cause a repeat of 1776, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” The MAGA Party needs to be Dismantle and the real GOP come back, they embody decency, which Mega doesn’t have a clue what decency entails, the country can’t afford them.
GMW (grandmothers, mothers and Women), BBB: Build Back Better is all inclusive, it gives each of us a right to choose, And we choose going forward not backwards. America fought the British in 1776 mainly for White Supremacist American freedom and independence. But now we must vote this year for the same issues for all Americans, to save our freedom and independence.”
The MAGA Majority House of Representatives is busy trying to dress like trump while fighting among themselves. Some members of The MAGA Supreme Court has turned the American flag upside down at their homes. The MAGA Presidential candidate is currently in a New York criminal court, charged with 34 counts of Hush Money fraud, has Three cases pending, (1)Federal Election Interference, (2) Georgia Election Interference, and (3) classified Documents. I’m sure some of us has wondered if some of the turmoil in the world today is attributed to some of the missing documents getting into the wrong hands.
We all know the primary reason the Mega candidate wants to be president again is to make sure all of his pending cases disappear; and those who brought the chargers against him are punished. He will then make himself a dictator; get rid of our Constitution and Democratic way of life, all of these issues are silently on the November 5, 2024 ballot.
GMW We have the power to protect our Constitution and Democratic way of life. In The name of Jesus, “I pray we vote to do just, that.”
#Our constitution#Democracy#Houseofrepresentatives#magaplatform#BBBplarform