Hakeem Jeffries: The House Majority Leader,  November 2024

America, I truly believe our country is going through a metamorphic,  and we are going to Metamorph into a united country and government. Jeremiah 29:11 is no joke. The Creator of the Universe Is in charge, with the final say.

Two days ago I blogged about two conditions, 1 year ago for Optimistic Black Purchasing Power and 4 years ago for teaches Crisis.  Each condition  is the same today, The amount of purchasing power has increase; but our ability to collectively handle it, is the same as it was a year ago. And the teachers crisis is the same.

I’m hopeful because I see so many young people stepping up taking responsibility and leadership roles. I’m still impressed with a City Council in St. Paul Minnesota, with all women, under 40; I’m very impressed with Jasmine Crockett from Texas. I feel encouraged with the collective efforts of Tiffany Crows, Angela Rye and Andrew Gilliam.  

For all of the young people like them stepping up. It gives me hope and I just know in my heart,” that we are going to be all right.  But I do know each of us has to hold ourselves accountable for our participation, and being able to take action to implement the changes we want to see in our world. For all of us, it starts with voting this November.

There is no way in hell,”Donald Trump,” and his conservative GOP MAGAS should get anywhere near a seat of leadership again. 

 Young People It’s your future, I’m with the over 70 group, (when I say young) and you have my support.  2024 is the last election I’m ever going to vote for anyone over 75.

Here are some young women leaders in Hampton Roads, that I’m very proud of: Angela Williams-Graves, state Senate. Jackie Glass, HD. and Tiffany Buffalo, School Board. All of the young people mention is this blog, including those 2 young men in Memphis, Tennessee and others that I won’t mention here. 

These young people are poised to take our country in the right direction. These young people will bring back, integrity, Principles, honesty, virtue, values, common sense, the Fruits of the spirit and Bipartisan Leadership.