SLAVERY and JIM CROW: Gave Birth to Critical Race Theory.

To Democratic Majority Senators: Mancini, W. Va. and Kyrsten Sinema, Arz. Grandmothers, mothers and women, (Gmw) want you to know, “You are holding our Senate Democratic majority hostage, while playing with the lives of your BASE, (The  Democratic Party); plus Independence and some of John McCain’s GOP. Trump’s New Cult of the GOP, Is not the future of our country.

It would be nice if Main Stream Media, stop giving #45 so much coverage for his Idiotic behavior and statements. Whenever you give him coverage, I change my channel, and most times, don’t return to your station. Social Media realize they could survive without him.

Mr. Mancini and Ms. Sinema: Are You Going To Be Part of The Problem or Solution?

You can win the battles (Helping Mitch McConnell)! And lose the War.  Or:

You can Win the War (Help End the Filibuster)! And lose the Battle. Either-Or you can’t do both.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
1619 Transatlantic Slave Trading

During a May 1865 American Anti-Slavery Society debate on whether the organization’s work was complete with the end of the Civil War, Frederick Douglass issued a famous warning on the need for ongoing vigilance: “Slavery has been called a great many names, and it will call itself by yet another name; and you and I and all of us had better wait and see what new form this old monster will assume, in what new skin this old snake will come forth next.â€

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Jim Crow in north-south

Systemic racism, white supremacy, and inequality did not end with either Emancipation or the Civil Rights Movement. The same forces that used poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses, and violent intimidation against earlier generations of citizens are continuing to use every voter suppression tool at their disposal to try to cling to power right now, and in many places “election integrity†has become the latest new name for a very old snake. The new Jim Crow word is: election integrity

This week, President Biden and Vice President Harris held a White House meeting with key civil rights leaders, who stressed the urgent need for taking more forceful action immediately during what must become a “summer of activism.†

Virginians: Get ready to support the ticket.

Vote VA. Tuesday 11/2/2021

 Terry  McAuliff: For Governor