Terry McAuliff vs Glenn Youngkin

Virginia Black- White and all colors in between; you can’t afford to sit this election-out, the stakes are too high.

November 2, 2021 We have two candidates with very opposing platforms for Governor: 

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Terry McAuliff and GlennYoungkin for Governor

I’m familiar with Terry McAuliff  accomplishments in Va., as governor. I won’t attempt to state them here, because Virginia, the country and the world knows who Terry is, and his Record speaks for him.

I knew nothing about Glenn Youngkin’s, so I did the research, to make sure I had the facts, before I said anything about him.For the past 26, (1995-2019) he worked his way up to CEO At The Carlyle Group.

According to the communication workers of America (CWA),Glenn Youngkin’s made a career of sending jobs overseas. As an executive at the private equity firm the Carlyle group, Glenn oversaw investments that move thousands of Americans jobs offshore, including CWA-represented call-center jobs.  

With youngkins at the helm, the Carlyle group bought a controlling stake in a call center outsourcing company based in China called VXI global solutions. The company staffed approximately 3000 AT&T call center  jobs in the Philippines that displaced CWA-represented jobs in the US. Younkins and his wealthy clients turn a profit, while workers and communities suffered.  

As a candidate for governor, Youngkin is now saying, “we need a governor in Virginia who will fights for good jobs in our communities, not just their own business interest, that’s why the CWA is proud to endorse Terry McAuliff for Virginia’s governor.

According to Bloomberg: Ex-Carlisle boss racked up bad debt before moving to politics. His colleagues says,†he left after misstep and power struggle in 2018, with his co-CEO, who Quickly establish dominance, diminishing Younkins cloud. 

A news report from the Associated Press exposed Glenn Younkins companies horrific track record of wrecking Americans jobs and American’s livelihood-All for a profit. The Carlisle company outsource thousands of jobs and raise rates on mobile home owners, forcing some residents, many of whom were seniors, to choose between paying for food and their medicine.

According to News Week (and they are not saying it’s illegal, nor am I trying to imply such), The Carlyle Group under Youngkin’s leadership, moved at least 1300 American jobs offshore, according to the Department of labor. But for a governor who wants Virginians to believe he will,†bring back jobs, is it because he knows exactly where he sent them: 

They include Metaldyne LLC,  a North Carolina, Car parts company sent 176 jobs to Korea in 2008, the Texas company commemorative bands, which produces class rings,Sent 260 jobs to Mexico between 2005 and 2013, an Ohio base car parts manufacturer Veyance Technologies sent 3000 jobs to Mexico between 2009 and 2011. 

Despite what is described as a difficult environment because of the pandemic, the Carlisle delivered distributable earnings of $762 million to its investors last year, its highest total in the past five years. It raised over 27 billion Revenue capital in 2020.

The Carlisle announce Youngkin’s  retirement last summer around speculation that he was interested in running for office. His annual compensation package in 2019, his last full year at the company, approached $17 million, according to publish reports at the time. Would you believe Mr. Youngkin’s opposes a $15. dollar minimum wage increase. 

Among his first policy with details, as governor, is to form a commission on voter integrity, parental rights, and pro-life to name a few proposed reforms. he’s anti-a-woman’s-right to choose; Isn’t that ironic, “he wants to give mothers rights, as to what happened to my children, but when it comes to her own body, the government has to make that important decision; because GMW of VA., we don’t have The intellectual ability to make such an important decision.

 But when it comes to minimum wage,  I’m not happy with Mr. McAuliff and democrats either (but the Dems give hope), with a plan in place to raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2025 or 26, which is ridiculous. In four or five years $15 per hour will be equivalent to probably $7.25  again, people are struggling now, with the majority of us trying to make-ends-meet, feed our  families, keep a roof over our head, educate our children and stay alive, during these difficult pandemic times.

GOP’s  of color, I do have questions for you, “how are you processing the GOP’s tactics in creating bills that suppresses the vote? they have no interest in the George Floyd Justice  Reform Act, getting rid of Qualified immunity-which is covering up the killing of so many Black Men, People of color. They are against,â€The People’s Act.†My white sisters and Candace Owens, don’t you have enough intelligence-to determine what happens to, and with your body. These laws are a violation of human and constitutional rights.

For the GOP LGBTQ Community, The New Trump GOP is not being kind to you either, so how are you justifying your vote for them; Because the human rights issues, I mentioned, the GOP has no intentions for any of those issues to become law. 

Washington, DC is large enough to be a state, it has 712,000 residence, more than Vermont and Wyoming and comparable with other states including Delaware and Alaska. The GOP is happy with DC continuing to pay taxes with no representation.  

If DC was a state, #45 and his Gang would not have been able to Stunt the effort of the police and national Guard in protecting our Capital, on January 6.