POTUS: “A Demagogue”

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW), the most famous demagogue of modern times was Adolf Hitler. He first attempted to overthrow the Bavarian government not with popular support but by force in a failed putsch in 1923. While in prison, Hitler chose a new strategy: to overthrow the government democratically, by cultivating a mass movement.

Grandmothers, mothers and women, (GMW); Let’s Pray For America, while using our power, to make our country,”the United States of America” again. With quote by Rev. Jim Wallis, founder and president of Sojourner.
This past week as Christians mark the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, we traveled from the Darkness of Good Friday into the joy and light of Easter Sunday.

At the heart of America’s darkness is our “original sin†of devaluing indigenous and African Slaves  lives and establishing our most shameful foundational principle—that the lives and bodies of people of color matter less than white lives and bodies. That original sin of racism set the historical precedent and pattern for the American experience, and its legacy is still powerfully and painfully with us in our nation’s social systems. The sin lingers. These are Good Friday realities—when suffering and death seem to win, but for God!!

Donald Trump did not invent America’s original sin. But he’s using it, and selling it for political gain.  Yet while Trump didn’t create the party of whiteness, he is actively and openly promoting the ideology of white supremacy and privilege.

Donald Trump-responses to white working class voters, many of whom are confused and angry about their circumstances. Their economic marginalization has caused them to lose incomes, jobs and homes. for some their communities are driven by alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide.

Trump is reviving the ugly racial populism in America’s that blames “the others†for “our†problems. He divides in order to win, inciting violence and threatening riots.

Like other demagogues before him, (Adolph Hitler), Trump is an expert marketer. He’s a demagogue with Particular skills in manipulating the press. And although the authoritarianism he is peddling gives many Americans deep cause for concern, it appears to be working as he marches on to the Republican Nomination.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Adolph Hitler, A Demagogue

To GMW in particular and Americans in general, if we can’t prevent a demagogue, from getting a second term as POTUS, then we deserve what we get. We have the power to do what’ best of our country. #45 is not bigger than America, nor is he more important.
