GMW Our Problems Are Not Color Coordinated

A group of women standing next to each other.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW), Globally and America in general and Virginia in particular, we have more  important issues that unites us than divides us. First and foremost our children and families. To validate the commonality of women Globally and America in general and for this article, GMW in Virginia in particular. With the upcoming elections, for Virginia its 2019, and for the country it’s 2020.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
We Were Women Before Becoming: Lovers, Wives, Mothers, lawyer, Domestic Engineers, Teachers Ect.
This Picture belongs to Politics Magazine.

Ladies we must look at some of the biggest problems facing each of us today and determine how we can combine our collective power, and solve our problems ourselves. As I have stated above,’ our problems are not color coordinated,’ but for all my sisters of color, ” 2017 in Virginia and Alabama in particular, we saw the results of our power.” Now all we have to do is, keep our momentum going, join with our sisters from another mother, crack the glass ceiling and secure a seat in the Oval Office.

Anyone with a High School diploma or GED would be and improvement; but we have female candidates vying for the Oval Office, highly educated with topnotch experience in their particular fields, with the temperament to run our country and conduct business on the world stage, bring dignity back to America, with the ability to magnify the things our country has in common, and minimize our differences.

  • Patriarchy by, Keisha N. Blain: The biggest challenge facing women in the United States today is patriarchy. This is especially evident in the realm of politics. Regardless of a woman’s experience, education or abilities, the patriarchal nature of U.S. society fosters the perception that women are less qualified and less competent than men.

GMW of Virginia, we asked our sisters who were willing to run for a seat at the Political Decisions making Table, and we would support them, well, they took us at our word, of the 8 seats we need to turn the General  Assembly Blue, 50 are percent women.  Now we must deliver. “ PUT OUR POWER WHERE OUR MOUTH IS.â€A few of those problems we share as women are listed below. I borrowed an article from Politico Magazine, where several Iconic Women express their views, which mirrors Ours:

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Top L to R; Phil Hernandez HD 100; Josh Cole HD 28; Martha Mugler HD 91; John Bell SD 13; Angela F. Reason is Running for ancy Guy HD. Men and Women turning Va. GA Blue and Biparrtisan Leadership for all Virginians.
  • Navigating career opportunities while maximizing motherhood As a working mother of two young children, I believe that the big challenge facing working women is navigating career opportunities while maximizing motherhood. by: Margaret Hoover
  • The economy is not working for woman. by Elizabeth Warren: Women are the primary or joint breadwinners for a majority of American households. But right now, this economy and our government is not working for them and their families.
  • Access to equal opportunity. By: Erthain Cousin: Despite decades of notable progress, at home and abroad, a reality in which opportunities are not defined by gender has yet to be universally achieved.
  • Sexism, racism and economic inequality by, Rebecca Traister: The extremely potent combination of sexism, racism and economic inequality—this may seem like too broad an answer but it pretty much covers it on both a domestic and global front.
  • Increasing rate of maternal mortality by, Ramey Berry: One of the greatest challenges women in the U.S. and women throughout the world face today are increasing rates of maternal mortality. According to the World Health Organization, 830 women die every day from “preventable causes related to pregnancy.â€
  • A campaign to normalize misogyny by, Neera Tanden: The greatest challenge confronting women in America is a campaign to normalize misogyny and take women’s rights backward. It starts with a president who has a long track record of making disgusting and demeaning statements about women.
  • Not enough women at the table, by Kamala Harris: from the economy to climate change to criminal justice reform to national security, all issues are women’s issues but I believe a key to tackling the challenges we face is ensuring women are at the table, making decisions.

63 Days to control Virginia’s General Assembly

A large group of people sitting in chairs.
A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Virginia’s General Assembly

GMW, in Virginia let’s commit to the Lord whatever we do , and our plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3. We have 63 days to take control of the Virginia General Assembly.

We all know, ‘In order to travel around the world, you have to make the first step. In Virginia, for the next 63 days the spotlight is on us. We must bring commonsense, compassion and integrity back to LEADERSHIP in Government.

VA. was able to bring the Affordable Healthcare Act To its citizens after our last election, where the Democrats had a larger voice. Now we need to get control of our General Assembly in order to bring about sensible gun laws. The last time serious efforts was attempted, the Majority GOP adjourn the meetings and went home.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women we must start here in Virginia, being the changes we want to see in our country.

GMW and democrats of Virginia, there are (4) un-incumbent seats in the House of Delegates, which will give us a majority they are: 

1. 83rd   Nancy Guy House of Delegates. 

2. 91st    Martha Mugler, 

3. 96th     Mark Downey, House of Delegates 

4. 100th Phil Hernandez .

The Senate has (4) that are Battle Ground seats, held by the GOP, that Hillary won 2016 and Ralph won in 2017 and they are: 

1. Cheryl Turpin  Dist. 7

2. Ghazala Hashmi   Dist. 10

3. Debra Rodman   Dist. 12

4. John Bell  Dist. 13

GMW of Virginia, we asked our sisters who were willing to run for a seat at the Political Decisions making Table, and we would support them, well, they took us at our word, of the 8 seats we need to turn the General  Assembly Blue, 50 are percent women.  Now we must deliver. “ PUT OUR POWER WHERE OUR MOUTH IS.â€

Our 4 Power Tools are Our: Vote, Dollars, God and Love â¤ï¸. In The name of Jesus we go forth.

America Not Looking Great

GMW in Particular and America in general.

Our country is starting to look like Ancient Bethlehem, when Herod was king:

A voice is heard in Raman, weeping and great morning, Rachel weeping for her children. Matthew 2:17

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.

America we are better than this. If this is the level we must stoop to, to make America great again, whose interpretation of Great are we going to profile? Our Founding Fathers or Our Current Leaders In Washington.

GMW is pointing a finger at the: The 3 branches responsible for governing our country. 1. Oval Office, 2. The House and 3. The Senate. When one looks bad, all 3, (STINKS) looks bad.

It’s not so much what you do, it’s how you do it. When a 2 year-Old is left to his or her own vices, Chaos is the result.

Virginia, it’s imperative, Our three Branches of governing has to turn BLUE!!

We must show The rest of the country, and the world ?, what governing with Commonsense and compassion looks like. 

We are witnessing daily what Alternative Truth and Anarchy looks like. DC., You are better than this.

As for me personally, my country has made me, “sick ?to my stomach, with a loss of appetite, So!!

America! Let’s pray for our Country in the Name Of Jesus.


A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
One who is silent when evil is taking place all around him becomes a partaker with them (Ephesians 5:7)

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women (GMW) what we are seeing now is Domestic Terror: If the President is not going step up and do what he’s compelled to do, then the House and Senate should impeach him. Our country is being destroyed from within.

The White Supremacists feel they are executing the presidents words; but common-sense Americans knows,†if any other race of color, was doing what these white supremacists are doing, the National Guard would be called. “ This group of Racists are the KKK on Steroids. The House and Senate is pointing their fingers at the Oval Office and we’re pointing our fingers at the House and Senate, because you have been looking the other way, and resigning from office instead, instead of dealing with the rhetoric of Mr. Trump. Those who know better should do better.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Those Who Know Better Should Do Better…

Domestic Terrorism
If the Senate doesn’t act then Congress should do their Job. Mrs. Pelosi, GMW, feels you should start impeachment proceedings. We are sick and tired of seeing our Leaders in Washington behaving as if they have no power.

Mr. Trump may have the Senate in his pocket, under Mitch McConnell, but the Democrats has a Majority in Congress, under You Mrs Pelosi, and we want to see some common-sense action taking place. We are sick and tired of the Gun Violence and hatefulness. Give us a reason to give you, (Democrats) the Senate and the Oval Office In 2020.

There are 20 candidates running for the Oval Office. We would love to see One of them, step outside of the Safe Political Box, and show some backbone and leadership.

These are Mr. Trumps White Supremacists Terrorists: We see, All-of the blood, pain and suffering on the hands of The Oval Office, The House and The Senate. The Buck stops with these 3 Branches. If one fails; the other 2 branches has the responsibility of stepping up and making corrections. Otherwise, they are just as guilty.


GMW of Virginia, We Have Homework

A donkey wearing boxing gloves in front of the words democratic party.

For the next four (4) months:  All seats in the General Assembly is up for reelections.

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
This Is Virginia’s Political Table Where Our Sisters Are Fighting For Seat, and winning with our help.

 2019 Virginia House of Delegates election  and the Virginia State Senate elections, 2019

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, wants us to know what at stake:

  • Health care access. Reproductive freedoms. Voting rights. Tackling climate change. And not just for the next legislative term – with redistricting right around the corner, we’re talking about a decade of policy. All of which will be written by the GOP if we don’t win this fall.
  • They’ve refused to act on gun violence – even ending a special session of the legislature after just 90 minutes.
  • They tried to stop 400,000 Virginians from gaining access to affordable health care through the expansion of Medicaid. And the list goes on.

W and democrats of Virginia, these four (4) seats in the House of Representative will give us a majority they are:

  1. 83rd   Nancy Guy House of Delegates.
  2. 91st    Martha Mugler,
  3. 96th     Mark Downey, House of Delegates
  4. 100th Phil Hernandez .

For Senate:  These (4) are Battle Ground seats held by the GOP, that Hillary won 2016 and Ralph won in 2017 and they are:

  1. Cheryl Turpin  Dist. 7
  2. Ghazala Hashmi   Dist. 10
  3. Debra Rodman   Dist. 12
  4. John Bell  Dist.

GMW of Virginia we asked our sisters who were willing to run for a seat at the Political Decisions making Table, and we would support them, well, they took us at our word, of the 8 seats we need to turn the General  Assembly Blue, 50 are percent women.  Now we must deliver, and, PUT OUR POWER WHERE OUR MOUTH IS.


Our focus is now on what we’re going to do to have a seat at those Governing Tables

GMW, the issues consuming the powers from the highest offices of the land,  has almost lost their way and ability to lead. We all know a (2 ) two year olds’ mentality is in the Oval Office and,  now  being allowed to bully the leaders of the house and senate, plus their members. It’s very sad to see so many people, who went to Washington to serve with integrity, now selling  their souls for so little.

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell has proven, they are incapable of making sure the person in the Oval Office don’t totally destroy what our country stands for at home and abroad. Lindsay Graham has become an embarrassment. I once had respect for him but,  how can we respect someone who has such low regard for his principles, values and his word. Decency, morals, and ethics has left the building, all qualities that must be in place, to prevent evil from triumphing.   

Grandmothers, mothers and women, We are going to prepare for the election of  2018 with our power. Our focus is now on what we’re going to do to have a seat at those Governing Tables, which has a major impacts on us, our families, communities, cities and states; while making those tables looks like the rainbow our country is. We would love to get back to Bipartisan Leadership; but the GOP is falling apart daily. Both branches are busy backpedaling trying to compensate for the antics of a two year mentality. 

Our efforts are going to be stating issues in Urban, Rural and Suburban environments that we want addressed. We vote, shop, give birth our of love and server God for guidance and direction more than any other gender. 

City Hall has a part to play and it’s called politics; we are going to determine the rules for City Hall and combine it with love and our God. We will achieve it with dignity, ethics, values, integrity, empathy and discernment; qualities essential for leadership.





His base was 62.9 million 304 Electoral Votes.  Votes against him was 65.8 million 227 E.Votes.  He was elected by 304 votes. The majority of American did not put him in office.

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women: We’re all familiar with the old adage, “there’s no fury like a woman scorn.” I think until we deal with the person who admitted to sexual assaults, We should be more careful with those who are just being accused. A man is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, I think, ‘ that’s how our Judicial System is supposed to work.’

GMW I think these sexual assault charges are getting out of hand. And it’s time for due process.   I’m a woman and have work in Corporate America all my life and rode the subways in New York, and dealt with my male counterparts, if they got out of line, I dealt with them, I even had an occasion where I slap my boss and was ready to leave if he fired me, but he didn’t. I could now join the bandwagon of some of my sisters, and put his name out there, and by the time him and I meet up in court, his life could be ruin. We have to find a better way to deal with issues that can destroy a person’s life, other than in the courts of public opinions.

I know there are some men out there who really abuse their power, Mr. Trump admitted his disrespect for women and demonstrated it daily. Why is Donald Trump in our Oval Office, when he said ” he grab them by their private parts and put his tongue in their mouths. For #45 there’s nothing to prove, he admitted his deed. Roy Moore was abusing children, was even banned from the Mall, The people of Alabama had the decency to not make him a senator. Sorry I can’t say the same thing for those 62.9 million  and the 304 electoral  who voted for #45.



America needs Bipartisan Leadership, and more GMW at the table.

America needs Bipartisan Leadership, and more GMW in those positions, at the table.

GMW, saving our children and creating a world that’s conducive to their environment is a Momentous Task. We can and must accomplish it. But first, we have to learn to walk in each other’s shoes for a while and have serious dialogue; while dissecting our past with understanding and forgiveness. Then we’ll be able to create a world that values our future; “Our Children.”

It’s imperative that we have legislation  that applies equally to all of our children. I firmly believe that the worst legislation ever enacted, was the law charging children before they’re 18 as adults. I’m also sure those persons proposing those laws had never been parents or spent quality time around children from birth to 17;  they would know without a doubt that parents are still struggling to lead that age group. That group has no power of consent, the laws states they must have parental consent to go on a school trip. But, they can be tried as adults for the crimes they may commit as children while still under the Legal Tutelage or parents.

I think the sexual allegation that are coming from the SWAMP, is just the tip of the Ice Berg. It’s a cleansing of those offices. It’s also documented that between 1997 and 2017 congress paid 17.2 million in settlements. Lawmakers and staffers on Capitol Hill agrees, sexual harassment is rampant. Roy Moore should be making an exit from politics. The fact that he was barred from Mall while serving as Asst. District Attorney at age 32, to protect young girls in the mall from him, speaks for itself.  Our president is indorsing Mr. Moore, while he still has allegations against him for allegedly  raping a 13 year old in 1994 along with registered-convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. GMW, we know right from wrong and we have work to do.

Sexual Assaults of 2017

The Alabama Election:

America: The election in Alabama in the next 12 or 15 days with Mr. Moore as candidate, should be a lost seat for the GOP based on morals. If the Democratic don’t win this seat, they only have themselves to blame. Instead of rallying their base, they are busy trying to persuade the Republicans  to use their principles and values, to help them win the election. When what they  need, is to rally their own base, like other parties do.

GMW: Men occupy the majority of the powerful positions in the private and political area across the country.  They have been abusing that power over women and people with less influence for years.  Anita Hill, vs. Clarence Thomas is a perfect example, of why people who have been victimize, remained quiet. Being appalled by sexual misconduct in the work place is not a party issue, it’s a moral issue and simply unacceptable behavior. Washington has make it a party issue,  when it’s simply, men with no respect for those who works for, and under them.

Donald Trump and John Conyers are two (2)  of the highest ranking persons in office for each party and It’s apparent,  neither of them has used good judgment, integrity, values, honesty and principle in relating to those who work with and under them. The Private Sector’s examples of dealing with those who cross the lines of propriety in the work place is admired and appreciated.

The wins the Democrat had in the last election was because their base came out. Which was 91 percent women of color and 81 percent men of color in Virginia. but, across the country, we saw the results of what can happen when you value your base.

GMW the men whom we have elected to represent us, our families , communities, cities and states have violated that trust intolerably. Until we have Bipartisan  Leadership and Equal Representation of all Ethnic Groups (the rainbow) in America at the table, we will continue to have the violations of human rights, double standards and blatant injustice across our country and the workplace

Grandmothers, Mothers and Women,(gmw) in the upcoming election we must get in positions, which will enable us to correct the damage that’s being perpetrated against us and our families from Capitol Hill and our States Leadership. We will need to put in the work necessary with Bipartisan corporation and input,  in creating Tax Laws that will impact each of us and our families and make sure every American has access to affordable Healthcare.


Prison Reform: Juvenile Justice

A red, white and blue elephant with stars on it's head.
Children are five times more likely to be sexually assaulted in adult prisons than in juvenile facilities and face increased risk of suicide.

Children In Adult Jails:  Treating young offenders like grown-ups makes little sense.  

GMW: While our leaders in Washington are putting on a Circus for the world at ours and our children’s expense, we have some pressing issues that must be address in 2018 before November 6th.

  1. The 1st issue of importance is Prison Reforms: Children in adult jails
  2. The 2nd is Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program
  3. Right to Health Careorg
  4. Guns, Drugs, and Suicide: Death in America – CounterPunch

We will start with Prison Reform: Looking at 2 cases for example. 15 years old Nicholas Blount, tried as an adult; pleaded innocent went to trial. 16 years old, Kiaun R. Bray, tried as an adult and plea bargained.

GMW its time we put a price tag on our Dollars and Votes in 2018, for the sake of our children. If candidates wants our votes, they have to address our issues. We would like to coalition  with the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) and The Children’s Defense Fund; organizations doing exceptional  work in prison Reform.

People of color we must become more proactive in making sure we’re in Jury selection Pools, I think the jurors should reflect the landscape.  I’m a little tired of seeing all white faces dispensing justice and everyone else in the courtroom receiving the results, is of color.

According to the Wall Street Journal  a few years ago. The House Judiciary Committee introduced five bills in a bipartisan effort to reform America’s criminal-justice system.  With incarceration rates in the U.S. five to 10 times higher than in Western Europe and other democracies, the bills aim was to provide sensible reforms such as rewriting mandatory-sentencing statutes. Yet none directly addresses plea bargaining, a practice that induces too many defendants to plead guilty to avoid what has come to be known as the trial penalty.

Two young men in striped shirts are standing in a hallway.
America Is US?

The practice of charging young people as adults gained momentum in America in the 1990s, as youth crime spiked and adults attention was weaning from their children to social media.

A police officer kneeling down to talk to a child.
Has to be, lack of parenting

Consider the case of Nicholas Blount, who was 15 when he robbed a party with (2) 18 year old gang members.  His older accomplice plea bargained and got much lighter sentence of 10 to 13 years.

Blount felt he was innocent of some charges, and opted for trial hoping for justice. He got 6 life sentences plus 118 years.

Travion Blount was  serving one of the harshest punishments delivered to any American teenager for a crime not involving murder. Governor McDonnell  shortened his time to 40 years before he left office;  and thank God Terry McAuliffe, pardon him before leaving office.

Now look at the case of Kjaun Rahmein Bray. He was 16 August, 2000 when the offense occurred, his accomplish was a 16 year old male, who testified against him and has been out of prison for several years. they both plea bargained and were tried as Adults.

Mr. Bray was convicted upon his Plea of Guilty to Malicious Wounding, two counts of abduction, Carjacking, Use of Firearm in the Commission of  Felony and two counts of Robbery and sentenced to terms totaling, 28 years and 7 months, on March 16, 2001.

Mr. Bray, still has 8 years to serve. I just finish reading his response to the question brought to him of: “What do you think men in my position need if they were to be released from prison, not just from us who are incarcerated but for the ones who are also re-entering back into society.’

Mr. Bray Titled his response: CHANGE THE MIND CHANGE THE MAN. My blueprint for a positive transition into society. It was a fantastic read. I’m going to try and get it published on his behalf.

We are not suggesting juveniles are not punish for their crimes, they are not adults. We haven’t finish raising them, and they are incapable of making adult decisions and should not be tried as adults.

A man is being held by two police officers.
Change The Mind-Change The Man

America is the only country in the world that sentence their children to death.

In Jesus’ Name I’m praying for changes